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Items where Subject is "004.77 General networking applications and services"

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Number of items at this level: 686.


- Achkan, Vitaliy V. (, Vlasenko, Kateryna V. (, Lovianova, Iryna V. (, Rovenska, Olha H. (, Sitak, Irina V. (, Chumak, Olena O. ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2022) Web-based Support of a Higher School Teacher Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology - Volume 2: AET. pp. 245-252. ISSN ISBN 978-989-758-558-6

- Alieksieienko, T.F. ( (2024) Social network services in the implementation of the interaction of participants in the educational process in the conditions of an interactive educational space The I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current methods of improving outdated technologies and methods", January 08-10, 2024, Bilbao, Spain. pp. 252-255. ISSN 9-789-40370-720-4

- Amelina, Svitlana M. (, Tarasenko, Rostyslav O. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( and Kazhan, Yuliya M. ( (2022) Teaching Foreign Language Professional Communication using Augmented Reality Elements Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology - Volume 1: AET. pp. 714-725. ISSN ISBN 978-989-758-558-6


- Balyk, Nadiia (, Vasylenko, Yaroslav (, Oleksiuk, Vasyl ( and Shmyger, Galina ( (2019) Designing of Virtual Cloud Labs for the Learning Cisco CyberSecurity Operations Course Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, 2 (2393). pp. 960-967. ISSN 1613-0073

- Bilousova, Liudmyla I. (, Gryzun, Liudmyla E. (, Sherstiuk, Daria H. ( and Shmeltser, E.O. (2019) Cloud-based complex of computer transdisciplinary models in the context of holistic educational approach Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 336-351. ISSN 1613-0073

- Bondarenko, O.V. (, Mantulenko, S.V. ( and Pikilnyak, A.V. ( (2018) Google Classroom as a Tool of Support of Blended Learning for Geography Students Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, October 2, 2018 (2257). pp. 182-191. ISSN 1613-0073

- Bondarenko, O.V. (, Pakhomova, Olena V. ( and Zaselskiy, Vladimir I. (2019) The use of cloud technologies when studying geography by higher school students Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 377-390. ISSN 1613-0073

- Burov, O. Yu. ( (2017) ICT for performance assessment of emergent technologies operators Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer Kyiv, Ukraine, May 15-18, 2017, 1844. pp. 127-138. ISSN 1613-0073

- Burov, O. Yu. ( (2017) Dynamics of intelligence development in high school students In: Наукова діяльність як шлях формування професійних компетентностей майбутнього фахівця (НПК-2017) . ФОП Цьома С.П., м. Суми, Україна, pp. 11-12. ISBN 978-617-7487-20-2

- Bykov, V. (, Gurzhii, Andrii N. (, Zaichuk, V. O. (, Kartashova, L.A. (, Ivaniuk, Iryna ( and Ovcharuk, Oksana ( (2022) Challenges and prospects of the use of digital learning instruments by teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic In: Наука та освіта : зб. пр. ХVІ Міжнар. наук. конф., 4–11 січня 2022 р., м. Хайдусобосло, Угорщина . ХНУ, м. Хмельницький, Україна, pp. 3-9. ISBN 978-966-330-403-8


- Franchuk, N.P. ( and Franchuk, V.M. ( (2022) Using Microsoft Family Safety for parents and children 2022 International Conference on Innovative Solutions in Software Engineering (ICISSE). pp. 243-250. ISSN 978-966-640-534-3


- Gavryliuk, Olga (, Vakaliuk, Tetiana ( and Kontsedailo, Valerii V. ( (2020) Selection criteria for cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors majoring in statistics SHS Web of Conferences (75). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2261-2424

- Glazunova, Olena and Shyshkina, M.P. (2018) The Concept, Principles of Design and Implementation of the University Cloud - based Learning and Research Environment Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Volume II: Workshops (2104). pp. 332-347. ISSN 1613-0073

- Gutor, Lyubov V. (, Sodomora, Pavlo A. (, Vasylenko, Oleh H. ( and Zalutska, Halyna I. ( (2023) Development of media literacy and communication skills by means of digital storytelling in Japan Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 3 (95). pp. 88-101. ISSN 2076-8184


- Havrilova, Liudmyla H. (, Ishutina, Olena Ye. (, Zamorotska, Valentyna V. ( and Kassim, D.A. (2019) Distance learning courses in developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 429-442. ISSN 1613-0073

- Hlazunova, Olena (, Schlauderer, Ralf (, Korolchuk, Valentina (, Voloshyna, Tetyana (, Sayapina, Taisia (, Kostenko, Inna ( and Zolotukha, Roman ( (2024) Implementation of microlearning technology for economics students through online courses Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (100). pp. 110-121. ISSN 2076-8184


- Iatsyshyn, Anna V. (, Kovach, Valeriia O. (, Romanenko, Yevhen O. ( and Iatsyshyn, Andrii V. ( (2019) Cloud services application ways for preparation of future PhD Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 197-216. ISSN 1613-0073

- Ivaniuk, Iryna ( and Ovcharuk, Oksana ( (2023) Supporting the professional development of Ukrainian teachers to develop their digital competencies In: 1st International Digital Forum, 24 January 2023, c. Bydgoszcz, Poland. (Unpublished)


- Kartashova, L.A. (, Prykhodkina, Nataliia (, Makhynia, Тetiana (, Tymoshko, Anna ( and Sholokh, Olena ( (2024) Comparing social media use in school management:experiences from Ukraine and the United States CTE Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 2833-5473

- Kholoshyn, Ihor V. (, Bondarenko, O.V. (, Hanchuk, Olena V. ( and Shmeltser, E.O. (2019) Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 403-412. ISSN 1613-0073

- Khomyshak, О.В. ( (2022) Using Digital Learning Technology in the process of linguomethodological training of future foreign language teachers Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (88). pp. 38-55. ISSN 2076-8184

- Khoruzha, Lyudmyla (, Lokshyna, O.I. (, Mazur, Nataliia ( and Proshkin, Volodymyr V. ( (2022) Doctoral Education in Ukraine: the Application of Digital Tools and Services by Doctoral Students under COVID-19 Pandemic Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, 1 (9). pp. 87-112. ISSN 2341-2593

- Kiv, A.E. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Shyshkina, M.P. (, Striuk, A.M. (, Striuk, Mykola (, Yechkalo, Yu.V. (, Mintii, I.S. (, Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. (, Kalinichenko, Olga O. (, Kolgatina, L. (, Vlasenko, Kateryna V. (, Amelina, Svitlana M. ( and Semenikhina, Olena V. ( (2022) 9th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education: Report CTE Workshop Proceedings (9). pp. 1-77. ISSN 2833-5473

- Kiv, A.E., Shyshkina, M.P. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. (, Striuk, Mykola and Shalatska, Hanna M. ( (2020) CTE 2019 – When cloud technologies ruled the education CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2643. pp. 1-59. ISSN 1613-0073

- Kiv, A.E., Soloviev, V.N. ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2019) CTE 2018 – How cloud technologies continues to transform education Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1613-0073

- Kiyanovska, N.M. (2014) The development of theory and methods of using cloud-based information and communication technologies in teaching mathematics of engineering students in the United States New computer technology (12). pp. 286-294. ISSN 2309-1460

- Kiyanovska, N.M. (2019) Free and open source cloud technology based on the type Software as a Service Новітні комп’ютерні технології: спецвипуск «Хмарні технології в освіті» (17). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2309-1460

- Kolgatin, O. (, Kolgatina, L. (, Ponomareva, Nadiia S. ( and Shmeltser, E.O. (2019) Systematicity of students’ independent work in cloud learning environment Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 184-196. ISSN 1613-0073

- Korobanova, Olha ( (2022) Intergroup interaction in the space of imagined and virtual groups In: Cyber socialization in conditions of increased uncertainty: Materials of the VI scientific and practical seminar (Tilburg, August 26, 2022) . Tilburg University Press, с. Tilburg, Netherlands, pp. 22-25.

- Krylova-Grek, Yuliya ( and Burov, O. Yu. ( (2024) A content analysis software system for efficient monitoring and detection of hate speech in online media Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2023). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 22, 2023 (3679). pp. 224-233. ISSN 1613-0073

- Krylova-Grek, Yuliya ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2021) Online Learning at Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine: Achievements, Challenges, and Horizons Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 5 (85). pp. 163-174. ISSN 2076-8184

- Kvasova, O.G. (, Radchuk, R.I. ( and Trykashna, Y.I. ( (2022) Тeaching independent listening comprehension online: findings of the preliminary study Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (88). pp. 74-85. ISSN 2076-8184


- Lappo, V.V. (, Soichuk, R.L. ( and Akimova, L.M. ( (2022) Digital technologies of support the spiritual development of students Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (88). pp. 103-114. ISSN 2076-8184

- Lovianova, Iryna V. (, Bobyliev, Dmytro Ye. ( and Uchitel, A.D. ( (2019) Cloud calculations within the optional course Optimization Problems for 10th-11th graders Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 459-471. ISSN 1613-0073

- Lytvynova, S. H. ( and Burov, O. Yu. ( (2017) Methods, forms and safety of learning in corporate social networks In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer Kyiv, Ukraine, May 15-18, 2017, м. Київ, Україна.


- Maiier, N.V. ( and Yukhymenko, V.O. ( (2022) Mobile technologies in the development of professionally oriented Еnglish speech interaction competence in information systems and technology military students Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (88). pp. 115-125. ISSN 2076-8184

- Marcial, D.E. (, Maypa, Aurielle Lisa Z. (, Villariza, Cindy Ruth R. ( and Apao, Grace L. (2024) Profiles of filipino teachers and their online teaching competencies during the pandemic Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 1 (99). pp. 150-164. ISSN 2076-8184

- Markova, Oksana (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( and Popel, M.V. ( (2018) СoCalc as a Learning Tool for Neural Network Simulation in the Special Course “Foundations of Mathematic Informatics” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Volume II: Workshops (2104). pp. 388-403. ISSN 1613-0073

- Markova, Oksana (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. (, Shalatska, Hanna M. (, Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. ( and Tron, V.V. ( (2019) Implementation of cloud service models in training of future information technology specialists Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 499-515. ISSN 1613-0073

- Matviyenko, О.V. (, Pershukova, O.O. (, Vasiukovych, O.M. ( and Kudina, Valeriya ( (2022) Аpplication of reference internet resources in the teaching of Аviation Еnglish to representatives of the digital native generation Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 1 (87). pp. 199-217. ISSN 2076-8184

- Mintii, I.S. (, Vakaliuk, Tetiana (, Ivanova, Svitlana M. (, Chernysh, Oksana A. (, Hryshchenko, Svitlana ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2021) Current state and prospects of distance learning development in Ukraine Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (AREdu 2021) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 11, 2021 (2898). pp. 41-55. ISSN 1613-0073

- Mironets, Liudmyla ( and Tolochko, Svitlana ( (2023) Theoretical and methodological basis of the use of digital technologies in the formation of environmental competence of applicants for education ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 1 (52). pp. 10-16. ISSN 2519-4984

- Modlo, Ye.O. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Bondarevskyi, Stanislav L. (, Tolmachev, Stanislav T. (, Markova, Oksana ( and Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. ( (2020) Methods of using mobile Internet devices in the formation of the general scientific component of bachelor in electromechanics competency in modeling of technical objects Augmented Reality in Education. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop (AREdu 2019), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, March 22, 2019 (2547). pp. 217-240. ISSN 1613-0073

- Modlo, Ye.O. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. (, Bondarevskyi, Stanislav L. (, Bondarevska, Olena M. ( and Tolmachev, Stanislav T. ( (2019) The use of mobile Internet devices in the formation of ICT component of bachelors in electromechanics competency in modeling of technical objects Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 413-428. ISSN 1613-0073

- Modlo, Ye.O. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Shajda, Ruslan P. (, Tolmachev, Stanislav T. (, Markova, Oksana (, Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. ( and Selivanova, T.V. ( (2020) Methods of using mobile Internet devices in the formation of the general professional component of bachelor in electromechanics competency in modeling of technical objects CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2643). pp. 500-534. ISSN 1613-0073

- Muranova, Natalia ( and Voliarska, Olena S. ( (2021) Distance learning through eyes of coaches: foreign and Ukrainian experience Професійна і неперервна освіта (6). pp. 277-290. ISSN 2543-7925


- Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2017) VlabEmbed – the New Plugin Moodle for the Chemistry Education ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer 2017 : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (ICTERI, 2017) (1844). pp. 319-326. ISSN 1613-0073

- Nechypurenko, Pavlo P. (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( and Pokhliestova, Olesia Yu. ( (2023) Cloud technologies of augmented reality as a means of supporting educational and research activities in chemistry for 11th grade students Educational Technology Quarterly, 1 (2023). pp. 69-91. ISSN 2831-5332

- Nosenko, Yuliya and Bohdan, Viktoriya (2017) The Implementation of Cloud Services in Ukrainian Pre-School Educational Institution Management ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer (1844). pp. 451-458. ISSN 1613-0073

- Nosenko, Yuliya (, Popel, M.V. ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2019) The state of the art and perspectives of using adaptive cloud-based learning systems in higher education pedagogical institutions (the scope of Ukraine) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 173-183. ISSN 1613-0073

- Nychkalo, Nellia (, Muranova, Natalia (, Voliarska, Olena S. ( and Matulcikova, Maria ( (2024) Integration of Ukrainian children and youth using digital tools in the educational environment of Slovakia Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 3 (101). pp. 150-163. ISSN 2076-8184


- Oleksiuk, Vasyl (, Oleksiuk, Olesia (, Spirin, Oleg (, Balyk, Nadiia ( and Vasylenko, Yaroslav ( (2021) Some experience in maintenance of an academic cloud Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2020) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 18, 2020, 2879. pp. 165-178. ISSN 1613-0073

- Ovcharuk, Oksana ( and Ivaniuk, Iryna ( (2023) Supporting the professional development of Ukrainian teachers to develop their digital competencies Cyfryzacja nauki i dydaktyki szkoły wyższej w badaniach humanistycznych i społecznych. pp. 153-162. ISSN 978-83-68089-01-1


- Papadakis, Stamatios (, Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. (, Kravtsov, Hennadiy (, Shyshkina, M.P. (, Marienko, M.V. ( and Danylchuk, H. ( (2024) Embracing digital innovation and cloud technologies for transformative learning experiences Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2023). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 22, 2023 (3679). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1613-0073

- Papadakis, Stamatios (, Kiv, A.E. (, Kravtsov, Hennadiy (, Osadchyi, Viacheslav V. (, Marienko, M.V. (, Pinchuk, O. P. (, Shyshkina, M.P. (, Sokolyuk, Oleksandra (, Mintii, I.S. (, Vakaliuk, Tetiana (, Azarova, Larysa E. (, Kolgatina, L. (, Amelina, Svitlana M. (, Volkova, N.P. (, Velychko, V.Ye. (, Striuk, A.M. ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2023) Unlocking the power of synergy: the joint force of cloud technologies and augmented reality in education Joint Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education, and 5th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education (CTE+AREdu 2022) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 23, 2022 (3364). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1613-0073

- Papadakis, Stamatios (, Kiv, A.E. (, Kravtsov, Hennadiy (, Osadchyi, Viacheslav V. (, Marienko, M.V. (, Pinchuk, O. P. (, Shyshkina, M.P. (, Sokolyuk, Oleksandra (, Mintii, I.S. (, Vakaliuk, Tetiana (, Azarova, Larysa E. (, Kolgatina, L. (, Amelina, Svitlana M. (, Volkova, N.P. (, Velychko, V.Ye. (, Striuk, A.M. ( and Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( (2023) ACNS Conference on Cloud and Immersive Technologies in Education: Report CTE Workshop Proceedings, 2023, Vol. 10: CITEd-2022. pp. 1-44. ISSN 2833-5473

- Pinchuk, Oleksandra (, Pinchuk, Natalia (, Bondarchuk, Olena (, Balakhtar, Valentyna ( and Pavlenok, Kateryna S. ( (2023) Using e-learning to prevent informational stress of employees working remotely Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 6 (98). pp. 177-189. ISSN 2076-8184

- Pokryshen, Dmytro A. (, Prokofiev, Evgeniy H. ( and Azaryan, A.A. ( (2019) Blogger and YouTube services at a distant course “Database management system Microsoft Access” Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 516-528. ISSN 1613-0073

- Popel, M.V. ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2018) The Cloud Technologies and Augmented Reality: the Prospects of Use Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, October 2, 2018 (2257). pp. 232-236. ISSN 1613-0073

- Popel, M.V. ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2019) The areas of educational studies of the cloud-based learning systems Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 159-172. ISSN 1613-0073

- Prykhodkina, Nataliia ( and Makhynia, Тetiana ( (2020) Using of Social Media in School Management: Experience of Ukraine and United States of America Educational Dimension (3). pp. 181-198. ISSN 2708-4604

- Prykhodko, Alona M. (, Rezvan, Oksana O. (, Volkova, N.P. ( and Tolmachev, Stanislav T. ( (2019) Use of Web 2.0 technology tool – educational blog – in the system of foreign language teaching Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 256-265. ISSN 1613-0073


Radkevych, Olexandr ( (2022) Mobile devices as a means of assessing learning outcomes . Publishing House of University of Technology, с. Katowice, Poland, pp. 106-112. ISBN 978-83-965554-4-1


- Semenii, N.O. ( (2022) Digital tools as a means for increasing motivation of future teachers’ professional activity Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2 (88). pp. 229-238. ISSN 2076-8184

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Vakaliuk, Tetiana (, Mintii, I.S. ( and Didkivska, Svitlana O. ( (2023) Challenges facing distance learning during martial law: results of a survey of Ukrainian students Educational Technology Quarterly, 4 (2023). pp. 401-421. ISSN 2831-5332

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2018) Preface CTE Workshop Proceedings (5). p. 1. ISSN 2833-5473

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Shyshkina, M.P. (, Striuk, A.M. (, Striuk, Mykola (, Mintii, I.S. (, Kalinichenko, Olga O. (, Kolgatina, L. ( and Karpova, M. Ye. ( (2021) 8th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education: Report Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2020) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 18, 2020 (2879). pp. 1-69. ISSN 1613-0073

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. ( and Striuk, A.M. ( (2013) CTE – Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education CTE Workshop Proceedings (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2833-5473

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. ( and Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2017) Preface CTE Workshop Proceedings (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2833-5473

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. ( and Teplytskyi, I.O. (2014) CTE 2013: 2nd Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education CTE Workshop Proceedings (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2833-5473

- Semerikov, Serhiy O. (, Striuk, A.M. ( and Teplytskyi, I.O. (2015) 3rd Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education CTE Workshop Proceedings (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2833-5473

- Sereda, Kh. V. ( (2014) Usability as a way to improve the effectiveness of information systems implementation Informational Technologies in Education (19). pp. 101-108. ISSN 2306-1707

- Shapovalov, V.B. (, Atamas, A.I. (, Bilyk, Zh.I. (, Shapovalov, Ye.B. ( and Uchitel, A.D. ( (2018) Structuring Augmented Reality Information on the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, October 2, 2018 (2257). pp. 75-86. ISSN 1613-0073

- Shapovalov, V.B. (, Shapovalov, Ye.B. (, Bilyk, Zh.I. (, Atamas, A.I. (, Tarasenko, Roman A. ( and Tron, V.V. ( (2019) Centralized information web-oriented educational environment of Ukraine Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2018), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 21, 2018 (2433). pp. 246-255. ISSN 1613-0073

- Shyshkina, M.P. (2014) The cloud-based learning environment of educational institutions: the current developments New computer technology (12). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2309-1460

- Shyshkina, M.P. ( (2018) The Problems of Personnel Training for STEM Education in the Modern Innovative Learning and Research Environment Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, October 2, 2018 (2257). pp. 61-65. ISSN 1613-0073

- Shyshkina, M.P. and Kohut, U.P (2019) The Method of Using the Maxima System for Operations Research Learning Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Volume II: Workshops, Kherson, Ukraine, June 12-15, 2019 (2393). pp. 81-92. ISSN 1613-0073

Shyshkina, M.P., Вакалюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна, Олексюк, Василь Петрович (, Стрюк, А.М., Рассовицька, М.В., Пліш, І.В., Грицук, Ю.В., Грицук, О.В., Matveeva, E.F., Unland, Rainer, Gröger, Martin, Brandt, Dietrich, Brinda, Torsten, Mkrttchian, V.S., Shiyan, N.I., Сук, О.П., Бобрицька, Валентина Іванівна, Процька, Світлана Миколаївна (, Житєньова, Н.В., Смирнова, А.И., Ішутіна, О.Є., Адаменко, О.В., Панченко, Л.Ф., Величко, В.Є. (, Кухаренко, В.М., Маркова, Є.С., Єчкало, Ю.В., Черничкина, Т.И., Гнєдкова, О.О., Pratt, G.L., Dean, D.E., Гриценко, Валерій Григорович, Гладка, Людмила Іванівна, Ткачук, В. В. (, Кулініч, Ю.А., Железнякова, Е.Ю., Зміївська, І.В., Глущенко, В.В., Косова, Е.А., Томіліна, А.О., Малоіван, М.В., Модло, Євгеній Олександрович (, Семеріков, С.О. (, Маркова, О. М., Яцько, О.М., Хараджян, Н. А., Антіпова, Н.А., Кулагін, О.І., Ємець, М.П., Кобзар, Д.С., Рашевська, Н. В., Kiyanovska, N.M., Чухно, М.В., Михалевич, В.М., Попель, М.В., Бас, С. В., Словак, К. І., Сорокопуд, Марія Андріївна and Мерзликін, О. В. (2014) New computer technology: special issue «Cloud technologies in education» (12). Видавничий центр ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет», м. Кривий Ріг, Україна.

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