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All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi and the Present”: Structural and Content Analysis (1993–1998)

- Страйгородська, Людмила Іванівна ( (2020) All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi and the Present”: Structural and Content Analysis (1993–1998) Інноваційна педагогіка, 1 (29). pp. 28-33. ISSN 2663-6085

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The article covers materials of the international and all-Ukrainian pedagogical readings dedicated to V. O. Sukhomlinskyi, which were held during 1993–1998. It is noted that in the 1990s, due to the radical changes in the public and in particular educational space caused by the proclamation of independence of Ukraine, attention to the creative heritage of prominent predecessors, including Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi, increased which then manifested itself in the number of publications dedicated to his legacy. In particular, the important role of the All-Ukrainian pedagogical readings “V.O. Sukhomlinskyi in dialogue with modernity” is disclosed. Structural and content analysis of papers published in collections of scientific and practical meetings and dedicated to various aspects of the creative work of the teacher, which require scientific study, justification and comprehensive systematization, is carried out. It is noted that the purpose of such events is to promote learning, creative use and popularization of the Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi’s heritage in the educational space of both Ukraine and the world. The pedagogical readings addressed important issues of education and upbringing of children and youth through in the light of ideas featured in the works of the researcher. It was found that in this time period there is an increase in attention to the study of the creative heritage of the pedagogue and its implementation in educational practice. Emphasis is placed on the leading role of the All-Ukrainian Association of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi (chairman – O.Y. Savchenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, current member (academician) of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine) in organizing and conducting the All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi and the Present” which take place annually in different parts of Ukraine and have become world-famous scientific and practical studios. Participation of foreign scientists and educators in these pedagogical readings testifies to their importance and demand, which expands the research space, including the international context. The relevance of the annual theme was based on the needs of reforming the Ukrainian education system. The creative work of an outstanding pedagogue still remains the object of research and is actively implemented into the educational process.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, all-Ukrainian pedagogical readings, creative heritage, implementation, educational process.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 001 Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work > 001.9 Dissemination of ideas
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 02 Librarianship
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Divisions: V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine
Depositing User: н.с. Х.В. Середа
Date Deposited: 06 Jan 2021 13:09
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2021 13:14


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