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Methodology for Teachers’ Digital Competence Developing through the Use of the STEAM-oriented Learning Environment

- Soroko, Nataliia ( (2020) Methodology for Teachers’ Digital Competence Developing through the Use of the STEAM-oriented Learning Environment ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge, 2732. pp. 1260-1271. ISSN 1613-0073

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The article focuses on analyzing the experience in using information and communication technologies for professional communication, collaboration and the teachers’ digital competence development. The article defines a content, forms, methods and tools as parts of the methodology of using the STEAMoriented learning environment for the teachers’ digital competence development. The teachers’ digital competence development is one of the important factors for the establishment and support the STEAM-oriented learning environment in schools. The specialized course “Creation and use of the STEAM-oriented learning environment for the teachers’ digital competence development” may contribute to implementing STEAM education in schools. The suggested course on STEAM education for teachers will provide a content, forms, methods and tools as parts of the methodologies of using the STEAM- oriented learning environment for the teachers’ digital competence development. Such methodical support of the teachers’ training course as instructions and guidance notes on how to use and create e-Learning resources. The specialized course “Creation and use of the STEAM-oriented learning environment for the teachers’ digital competence development” is supposed to contribute to the teachers’ digital competence development by their acquiring knowledge on implementing STEAM education into the school learning environment.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Teachers’ Digital Competence Development, STEAM-oriented Learning Environment, STEAM Education
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 7 The Arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport.
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Department of Technologies of Open Learning Environment
Depositing User: старший науковий співробітник Наталія Володимирівна Сороко
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2021 04:30
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2021 06:48


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