- Маркова, О. М. (orcid.org/0000-0002-5236-6640) (2019) Cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities Doctoral thesis, Криворізький державний педагогічний університет.
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Thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical science, in specialty 13.00.10 – Information and Communication Technologies in Education (01 – Education/Pedagogics). – Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kryvyi Rih, 2018. During research of the scientific problem of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities, the following main results were obtained: based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the theoretical foundations of the learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities were discovered and disclosed; the possibility of using cloud technology in the training of future IT specialists are explored; the methodical foundations of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities have are theoretically grounded; the tools of cloud technologies for the learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities are selected and systemized; methodic of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities was developed and experimentally tested its effectiveness. According to the results of the analysis of scientific literature, normative-legislative documents it was clarified that the provision of innovative development of Ukraine is possible on the basis of integrated use of cloud technologies and technologies of mathematical informatics in professional activity and professional training of IT specialists. The key role of mathematical informatics in the reduction of the gap between transient changes in the field of ICT and the professional training of IT specialists has been demonstrated through the use of computer simulation technology and related software tools, primarily computer mathematics systems. The competence in mathematical informatics of future IT specialists as a personality-professional formation is determined, which includes the system of knowledge, skills, experience of educational and research activity in mathematical informatics and positive value attitude towards it, and is manifested in readiness and ability to modify existing and development new information technologies based on models and methods of mathematical informatics. The key concept of the research – cloud technologies (cloud ICT) – was defined as a set of methods, tools and techniques used to collect, organize, store and process on remote servers, transmission over the network and presentation through the client program of all possible messages and data. Accordingly, cloud learning technologies are such learning ICT that involves the use of networked ICTs with centralized network storage and processing of data (execution of programs), in which the user acts as a client (user of services), and the cloud is a server (service provider). The origins of cloud learning technologies are contained in the application of the concept of computer services to the educational process, in particular, the provision of space for the storage of electronic educational resources and mobile access to them. An analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of using cloud technologies in the training of IT specialists provided an opportunity to substantiate the feasibility of using such models of cloud services as “Software as a service”, “Platform as a service” and “Infrastructure as a service” on the basis of informatics technology of virtual machines and pedagogical technology of distance learning. It was revealed that the development of cloud technologies of training was characterized by continuity, interdependence and innovation, and due to the implementation of the provisions of the concept of “computer service” in organizing the educational process through the provision of space for the storage of electronic educational resources and mobile access to them. It is shown that one of the obvious advantages of using cloud technologies in the training of future IT specialists in technical universities is the possibility of using modern tools of parallel programming as the basis of cloud technologies. Taking into account the theoretically grounded methodical principles of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities, were identified: the content of learning the special course “Foundations of mathematical informatics” (content modules “Theory of algorithms”, “Numerical methods”, “Coding theory”, “Fundamentals of cryptography”) for future IT professionals, goals and learning technology, combining the forms of organization of educational process and teaching methods (lectures, laboratory classes, independent students’ work, study conferences, consultations, individual classes, research projects, control activities), as well as the learning tools of the foundations of mathematical informatics, the leading of which are the cloud technologies tools. The dissertation outlines the cloud technologies tools for the learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics for the students of technical universities as a set of cloud-oriented electronic educational resources that are used for informational and procedural maintenance of the implementation of didactic tasks or their fragments and aimed at the realization of the purposes of studying the foundations of mathematical informatics. The tools of cloud technologies for the learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities are systemized, of which 11 core assets (cloud-oriented program and methodic materials, test systems, simulators, workshops, didactic demonstration materials, tutorials and textbooks, electronic guides, learning management systems, learning laboratories, computer mathematics systems, programming environments) and 10 – auxiliary (cloud-based additional scientific and learning materials, e-mail, audio and video communication tools, operating systems, data storage devices, word processors, electronic spreadsheets, presentation tools, database management systems, additional cloud-based components). It is proved that the most important tool of cloud technologies for the training of the foundations of mathematical informatics are universal cloud-oriented computer mathematics systems, such as CoCalc, which integrate most of the separated tools. The methodic of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities consists of a target block (the formation of competences in mathematical informatics of future IT professionals), content block (learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics) and technological block (cloud-based ICT tools, methods and forms of their use in learning mathematical informatics). The experimental verification of the developed methodic in the form of a parallel pedagogical experiment and the results of the statistical processing of the its data confirmed the assumption that there were no significant differences in the distribution of students of the control and experimental groups at the beginning of the experiment by the levels of academic achievement (χ2emp = 3,89) and showed the presence of significant at level 0,01 differences by the levels of academic achievement (χ2emp = 20,06) after the completion of the pedagogical experiment, which confirmed the hypothesis of the study. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the obtained results is that for the first time the methodical foundations of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities have are theoretically grounded and developed, the tools of cloud technologies for the learning of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical universities are selected and systemized; the forms, methods and learning tools of the mathematical informatics for students of technical universities have been improved through the development and implementation of cloud-oriented teaching aids; the theory and methodic of using software tools for informatization of education, design and development a cloud-based learning environment, the content of methodical systems of learning informatics and ICT in various branches of education got further development. The practical significance of the results is that next components of the educational process of institutions of higher education has been developed and implemented: methodic of using cloud technologies as a learning tool of the foundations of mathematical informatics for students of technical, consisting of the target (formation of competence in mathematical informatics of future IT specialists), content (training of the foundations of mathematical informatics) and technological (cloud-based ICT tools, methods and forms of their use in the training of mathematical informatics) blocks; program of the special course “Fundamentals of Mathematical Informatics” for students of specialty 123 “Computer Engineering”; cloud-based program and methodical materials for the study of the foundations of mathematical informatics (access mode: http://site.mathinfo.ccjournals.eu/). The study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under consideration. Further scientific researches of its solution are expedient in following directions: designing of the cloud-based learning environment of future specialists in computer engineering; trends in the development of cloud technologies in the training and retraining of IT specialists; a methodic of developing the research competencies of future specialists in software engineering using cloud technologies. The research results can be used in the system of professional training of future IT specialists in higher education institutions, in the system of postgraduate education, in self-education of students.
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