- Коротун, О.В. (orcid.org/0000-0003-2240-7891) (2018) Use a cloud oriented environment to training future teachers of Information Science to master database Masters thesis, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка.
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The dissertation for the degree of PhD in education in major 13.00.10 "Information and Communication Technologies in Education" (01 "Education / Pedagogy"). – Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2018.The dissertation is devoted to the theoretical and experimental research of the problem of application of cloud oriented environment (COE) to training future teachers of Information Science to master database (DB)). The various aspects of professional training of Information Science future teachers at the establishments of High School (HS) are highlighted in the given dissertation:the instructional technology, the credit-unit system of education, the organizational and pedagogic conditions for forming the professional competence of students, the individual and differential approaches, etc. The problems of such training future teachers of Information Science at domestic HS are determined, namely: the implementation and using the modern educational environment, the newest forms of educational process organization, and the modern means of training at secondary schools (SS). The analysis of foreign and native experience of application of cloud oriented means (COM) to training future teachers of Information Science resulted in the following classification of these means: education management allows registering the attendance of the classes and recording the progress in learning, designing modules and tasks; collaborative work allows organizing the collaborative work of students, as well as a teacher and a student; communication systems allow communication of all engaged in educational process; educational event planning is used to demonstrate the schedule of the classes, consulting, test and exam dates, laboratory task reports, etc.; the assessment of knowledge allows to assess the knowledge of future teachers of Information Science; the storage of educational materials is online storage of educational materials; special storage is the storage for specific courses, for instance, data base. The subject matter of the research is specified, namely, cloud oriented environment at training data base. It is an artificially developed system which consists of cloud oriented means. The usage of these means provides equal conditions of the access to educational material, educational interaction and collaboration among all participants (a teacher and students) of educational process at learning data base at HS. The copyright model of application of COE to training data base to future teachers of Information Science is grounded and is developed. It consists of the interconnected units: purpose-based (the purpose and the tasks of COE application), concept-based (educational approaches, the principles of didactics), organization and content-based (the features of COE, the basic requirements to COE, all the participants of training, COE of a teacher, COE of a student, HS curricula, the course “Data Base”, installing and configuring the systems of data base operation (ICDBO), the design of learning material for DB course in e-form, the selection of cloud oriented environment for distance learning (COEDL), the implementation of COEDL into learning DB by students; technological activity-based (the application of COE to sub-models of mixed learning (ML) data base, forms, methods means); assessment-based (criteria, indexes, levels of forming professional practical competences (PPC) of future teachers of Information Science in COE); result-based (the increased level of PPC forming of future teachers of Information Science regarding data base). The COE features are formulated for the training future teachers of Information Science date base. This covers the following: individual approach to training, training optimization, the design by the teachers their own electronic training courses (ETC) of data base; fast share of training materials, self-assessment of an applicant; the variety of communication means for all engaged in training, etc. The basic requirements to COE at training future teachers of Information Science are highlighted. These requirements are related to: the purposes and the tasks of training, the content of the training; the organization forms, methods and means of the training, and also supplementary, which contains the specifics of such an environment. The subjects (a teacher at HS; future teachers of Information Science) and the objects (COE, training and methodological provision for COE at training data base to future teachers of Information Science; regulatory and standard support for cloud calculations; legal and juridical support of functioning native HS and their informatization) of COE at training DB are determined. The criteria and indexes for the selection of cloud oriented systems of distance learning (COSDL) at training data base are highlighted. They are: organizational and didactic (course curriculum, modules for electronic training course, the support of different format files, tests, register, and calendar); communication (chat, forum, messaging, e-mail, video-conferencing); functional (integration with other cloud services, multilingual capability, the number of users, the roles of users, data storage).It was found that COSDL Canvas is the most helpful to be used in COE in order to solve the training tasks of data base. The criteria and indexes for the selection of COM at training DB to future teachers of Information Science are stated.They are: didactic (the ability to create, edit and use spreadsheets in DB; the determination of initial and external keys in spreadsheets of DB; the ability to analyze the results and errors in requests); organizational (free trial version, the validation term of free trial version, proof of funds of a user, user-friendly design). SQLite Viewer with Google Drive have been selected for training DB in COE. Criteria are defined for assessing the level of formation of the control panel for future IT teachers in databases in the PPC (motivational, organizational, activity cognitive, criterion of educational interaction), their indicators and levels (low, average, sufficient, high). The methodology of COE application to training future teachers of Information Science data base is presented. It contains: the purpose – the improvement of professional practical competences of future teachers of Information Science regarding DB; tasks – COE application to DB training; the improvement of educational and training course ‘Data Base”; forms – classes (lectures, video lecture, presentation, consulting, etc.), self-study (individual tasks, learning material revision in cloud storage), practical training (laboratory tasks, training tasks), final tests (standard tests, online tests and questionnaires); methods – verbal, visual, practical, stimulation of learning activity, control and self-control; means – COSDL,COM at training DB. The methodical guide on how to use COSDL Canvas at training future teachers of Information Science data base was developed in order to increase the efficiency of learning data base. The scientific novelty and theoretical value of the results obtained are: it is the first time the model of application of cloud oriented environment at training future teachers of Information Science data base has been grounded and developed. It consists of the purpose-based, concept-based, technological, organizational and content-based, assessment-based and result-based units; the criteria and indexes for the selection of COM at training data base are developed; the terms “cloud oriented environment”, “professional practical competences of a future teacher of Information Science”, characteristics and basic requirements to COE, subjects and objects of COE at training DB, the criteria and indexes for the selection of cloud oriented systems of distance learning, the criteria and indexes, the levels of forming PPC of future teachers of Information Science regarding data base with COE application are specified; the theoretical and methodological issues of the creation and development of computer oriented learning environment regarding the application of cloud oriented environment at learning data base are further developed. The practical value of the results: the methodology of application of cloud oriented environment to training future teachers of Information Science is developed (the purpose, tasks, forms, methods, means); the electronic training course “Data Base” for future teachers of Information Science within cloud oriented system of distance learning Canvas (https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1041126) is designed; the methodical guide regarding the application of cloud oriented system of distance learning Canvas at training data base for future teachers of Information Science, professors at HS, teachers at SS is developed. The materials and the results of the dissertation can be used by HS at professional training future teachers of Information Science, at the Institutes of Recertification in Education, at upgrading skills of professors at HS, teachers at SS in order to improve the training of schoolchildren.
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