- Павленко, Тетяна Степанівна (orcid.org/0000-0003-3244-7897) and Середа, Х.В. (orcid.org/0000-0002-4510-7173) (2024) Representation of the Scientific Heritage of the Scientists of the NAES of Ukraine on the Pages of the Electronic Resource «Teachers of Ukraine and the World» Інноваційна педагогіка, 2 (78). pp. 22-26. ISSN 2663-6093
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The article is dedicated to the representation of the creative heritage of the scientists of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (henceforth referred to as NAES of Ukraine). The findings of a bibliometric analysis of the usage patterns of the electronic information and bibliographic resource «Teachers of Ukraine and the World» of the V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine, affiliated with the NAES of Ukraine. The article reveals the range of scientific interests of the NAES scientists, whom the pages on the resource website are devoted to, and the impact of their activities on the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine and on improving the quality of education and the professional level of teachers. The article presents an analysis of visits to the pages dedicated to NAES scientists, with a particular focus on I. A. Ziaziun, O. P. Rudnytskii, O. Ya. Savchenko, N. F. Skrypchenko, M. D. Yarmachenko. The resource pages were monitored according to a variety of parameters, including the total number of visits, visits from international visitors, and visits to specific sections of the resource pages. It was found that in 2024, the pages of scientists O. Ya. Savchenko and N. F. Skrypchenko, specialists in the field of general pedagogy and primary education, were most often visited. It has been determined that visitors from Indonesia, Poland, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United States are primarily interested in sections containing information about biographies and bibliographies of scientists' works. Thus, in the resource segment «Teachers of Ukraine and the World» of the NAES contains sources that confirm the importance of individuals, in particular, NAES scientists, and testify to their achievements and significant contribution to pedagogy and the development of education in Ukraine. This resource enriches modern educators with knowledge, inspiring them to continue the traditions and preserve the heritage of previous generations of educators. In addition, it helps to create a favourable environment for a new generation of scientists, which encourages them to further research and contribute to the development of education.
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