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Management of the development of civic competences of heads of general secondary education institutions in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of the region

- Єщенко, Марина Миколаївна ( (2023) Management of the development of civic competences of heads of general secondary education institutions in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of the region Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».

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Yeshchenko Maryna Mykolaivna. Management of the development of civic competences of heads of general secondary education institutions in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of the region. – Qualification work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 – «Educational, pedagogical sciences». State Institution of Higher Education Management «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023. Annotation content The dissertation is a theoretical-experimental study of the problem of managing the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in the system of postgraduate pedagogic education in the region. On the basis of the analysis of the features of the improvement of the qualifications of teaching and management personnel in the conditions of the reform of the education sector, the relevance of the specified competence and the need to update the content, forms, technologies of the development of civic competences of the general education institutions’ heads and management of the development of the specified competence in the post-graduate pedagogic world system of the region have been proven. The theoretical foundations of the state of research of the problem of the essence and content of the concept of "civic competence" in domestic and foreign theory have been studied and analyzed. The concept of "civic competence of the a general education institution’s head" has been clarified, by which we understand the integrative quality of the individual which includes a system of values, knowledge and the ability to navigate in social life, actively and effectively interact with society, realizing rights, obligations and freedoms for the purpose of development democratic society; to realize the values of civil society and the need for its sustainable development. Scientific approaches to the definition of the structure and criteria for the formation of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads have been generalized and systematized; organizational and pedagogic conditions for the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in the system of postgraduate pedagogic education of the region. The value-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, personal and research-reflective components of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads and four levels of formation are distinguished and substantiated: basic, advanced, professional and expert. The framework structure of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads has been developed as a system of criteria, indicators and levels. The substantiation of the management model for the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in the system of post-graduate pedagogic education of the region has been carried out. In the model, the motivational and target is singled out; theoretical and methodological; content-technological, diagnostic-resultative blocks. The purpose and task of the research is defined in the motivational and objective block. The theoretical-methodological block outlines the conceptual principles and substantiates the choice of methodological approaches and principles for managing the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in the system of postgraduate pedagogic education – competence, andragogic, axiological, personal-activity, etc. The content-technological block of the model includes types of education, forms of advanced training and technology as well as the content of education. The diagnostic-resultative block contains criteria, indicators and levels on which the process of developing civic competences of general education institutions’ heads and the expected result is based. The model also presents subjects of management and self-management and indicates their relationship. The basis is the head of the general education institution and the education management body (at the regional and local levels), institutions of higher and postgraduate education, other subjects of professional development, professional development centers for teaching staff, the state service for ensuring the quality of education, the founder of the general education institution, institution of general secondary education (pedagogic council). In the course of the experimental study a pilot survey of general education institutions’ heads was conducted regarding the implementation of civic education. The survey established that the processes of joining general education institutions to the basics of civic education lag behind the need: most managers see innovative potential in this, but do not have the opportunity to actually implement such practices. The results of the survey indicate the need for the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in particular in the system of postgraduate pedagogic education, as one of the priorities in the conditions of the implementation of two reforms: education and decentralization. A simulation pedagogic experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of factors in the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads in the post-graduate education system of the region. According to the results of the experimental study the research hypothesis that there are significant dependencies between the forms of organized training in civic education, practical organizational activities regarding its implementation in institutions of general secondary education and the level of civic competences of school principals has been proven. Such dependencies have the form of a direct correlation, that is, they are closely related to each other which means that the management of the development of civic competences should take place in a holistic system. The necessity of updating the content, forms, and technologies for the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads has been proved. The key thesis here is the understanding that the education program of advanced training courses by itself does not fully solve the task of developing the civic competences of an individual, and especially the head of an education institution. Completion of training programs should be a systematic, cyclical process that is not limited to a certain traditional form and type, and is combined with the practice of implementing competencies in the subject's own management activities of professional development. Methodological recommendations for managing the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads were formed and a questionnaire for input/output control was developed for use in managing the development of civic competences of school principals. The content of the methodological recommendations reflects and summarizes the results of the completed research stages, where it was proven that the exchange of practices, informal learning, the experience of introducing civic education in one's own professional activity is no less important factor in the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads than passing education programs of professional development. The methodological recommendations contain a description of the ideas and practices of non-formal education in civic education in a wide field of their application: both in education institutions and in the activities of subjects of advanced training, public organizations and other associations that function in communities and contribute to their social development. It is substantiated that the development of civic competences of general education institutions’ heads is a key factor in the democratization and debureaucratization of education, which involves decentralization in education management, the autonomy of education institutions, the transition to a state-public system of education management, subject-subject interaction of participants in the education process; successful democratic management of an education institution; the integration of civic education into the education process, the formation and development of civic competences of the subjects of the education process, the spread of the principles of democratic governance in public space.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: management, competences, development of competences, civic competences, postgraduate pedagogical education, professional development
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.07 Management aspects of educational institutions
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Центральний інститут післядипломної освіти
Depositing User: К.іст.н. Алла Анатоліївна Вініченко
Date Deposited: 11 Mar 2024 11:45
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2024 11:54


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