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The semantic dimension of the development of life competence of an adult personality in the realities of the present crisis

- Зарецька, О.О. ( (2023) The semantic dimension of the development of life competence of an adult personality in the realities of the present crisis Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Психологічна герменевтика, 2 (14). pp. 24-36. ISSN 2072-4772

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In the paper, based on theoretical analysis and previously conducted empirical studies, some typical scenarios and relevant life competences of an adult are investigated from the point of view of their semantic content. Mastering new meanings and sences is one of the most important life competencies of a person, the loss of which can cause cessation of development. Meaningful dialogue with the environment, active participation in discursive practice means constant involvement of new sences in one's own discourse as well as rethinking one's experience and one's autonarrative on this basis. These are important factors in a person's adaptation to any crisis. In the conditions of the current general crisis situation, the self-awareness of an adult requires a focus on new sences, a transition to new value orientations. A powerful tool for building one's own semantic space, self-determination and further self-construction are discursive practices in which the individual is involved. It is in this way that the socio-cultural environment affects the meaningful content of the individual discourse of self-designing and its subsequent reconstruction. An important life competence is a constant conscious rethinking of one's experience, a view of oneself as an object of reflection – that is, reflective competence against the background of developed metacognitive skills, in particular decentration. The presence of this competence will make possible the self-realization of an adult personality and realization of his still unfulfilled vocation. An important component of the development of reflective competence – the habit and need to look into oneself, one's feelings, realize them, textualize and narrativize – is developed narrative competence. The development of these life competencies on the basis of appropriate narrative and discursive education is necessary for the successful self-development of the individual at any stage of adulthood.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: meaning, life competence, adult personality, personal development, crisis situation, life scenario, self-designing, self-construction
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of cognitive psychology
Depositing User: науковий співробітник Л.П. Яковенко
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2023 18:40
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2023 12:12


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