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Using online tools for synchronous and asynchronous learning in VET: electronic training course

- Геревенко, Андрій Михайлович ( (2022) Using online tools for synchronous and asynchronous learning in VET: electronic training course [Teaching Resource] (In Press)

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The electronic training course "Using online tools for synchronous and asynchronous learning in VET" is aimed at developing the methodological competence of pedagogical workers of vocational education institutions and is focused on the effective use of digital technologies for the organization of the educational process, competitiveness and the interest of participants in the educational process to interact. The content of the course is based on online pedagogy and the development of the necessary technical skills for the introduction and development of own systems of synchronous and asynchronous training in professional education institutions. Considerable attention is paid to the process of developing educational products for implementation in the educational process. A modern interactive educational product with a large number of hyperlinks and digital applications is offered for study. This interactive product was developed with the aim of covering all educational material and obtaining quality knowledge, skills and abilities of future competitive skilled workers. In order to establish an electronic educational course, teachers need to develop the educational material of the classes, master the skills of creating educational content using digital technologies and services, and try to create their own concept of an interactive course for synchronous and asynchronous learning. The purpose of the course. Increasing the level of methodical competence when using online tools for synchronous and asynchronous training in professional education institutions using their own interactive courses. Course tasks: - familiarization with online tools for synchronous and asynchronous teaching; - familiarization with the creation of interactive lesson plans in a synchronous and asynchronous process; - increasing the level of methodological competence of pedagogical workers during the organization of the educational process in professional (vocational and technical) education institutions; 3 - increasing the level of informational and methodological literacy through the introduction of interactive training courses in the professional training of qualified workers; The electronic course is designed for 8 hours, of which 4 hours - lecture, 2 hours - seminar classes, 2 hours. - independent work of the listener. The electronic course was developed for pedagogical workers of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions of the field of knowledge 01 "Education" at all stages of professional development courses according to various learning models (full-time, part-time, full-time distance, distance). The educational and methodological support of the course is represented by scientific and methodological materials (lecture, seminar classes, tasks for independent work, tests, educational and methodological manual) and a list of recommended sources for the subject of the electronic course.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Additional Information: Очікувані результати навчання: - називає сервіси для синхронного й асинхронного викладання; - практикує онлайн-інструменти для синхронного й асинхронного інтерактивного навчання; - створює інформаційно-презентаційні навчальні матеріали для змішаного навчання; - перелічує цифрові інструменти для оцінювання; - використовує цифрові застосунки для надання та отримання зворотного зв’язку; - планує концепцію власного інтерактивного курсу для викладання; - моделює покращення власних цифрових умінь та цифрових умінь педагогічного колективу й здобувачів освіти.
Keywords: Interactive map, educational product, services, online learning environment, video lesson, digitalization, test.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Bila Tserkva institute of continuous education of state higher educational institution «University of educational management» > Department of Vocational Education Methodologyand Humanities
Depositing User: Викладач Андрій Михайлович Геревенко
Date Deposited: 22 Dec 2022 15:48
Last Modified: 22 Dec 2022 15:48


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