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Adult education in the regional documents of strategic planning: on the way to sustainable society development in Ukraine

- Аніщенко, Олена Валеріївна ( (2021) Adult education in the regional documents of strategic planning: on the way to sustainable society development in Ukraine Освіта дорослих: теорія, досвід, перспективи, 1 (19). pp. 19-36. ISSN 2308-6386

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The author analyzes some peculiarities of adult education development in Ukraine in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is emphasized that the SDGs, in particular, deals with adult education, which confirms the importance of this area development. It was found that in addition to national strategic documents for the development of general secondary, higher, professional under-higher, vocational (technical) education, in Ukraine it is developing those that directly relate to the development of adult education in certain regions and settlements. There has been noted that the appearance in Ukraine of comprehensive strategic documents on the development of adult education in the regions, as well as thematic blocks on the development of adult education in some modern strategic documents at the regional level is a logical and natural phenomenon. The analysis of individual regional documents of strategic planning (strategies, programs, plans, etc.), which identified various aspects of adult education as a component of lifelong learning, was carried out. It is substantiated that such documents play an important role in the development of formal and non-formal adult education, contribute to the development of the learning society in different regions of Ukraine. They are tools to improve the competitiveness of citizens, individual communities and regions, and the state as a whole. The importance of partnership of educational institutions, research institutions, public organizations, business, local authorities, etc. for the success of adult education is emphasized in the article. The prognostic substantiation of the further one is carried out. Attention is paid to the adopted during 2018-2020 memoranda on understanding and partnership in the field of adult education – documents that promote recognition at the regional level of the importance of lifelong learning, as well as adjustment and coordination of stakeholders’ efforts in this area (Melitopol, Sumy, Vinnytsia).

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Аніщенко О.В. Освіта дорослих у регіональних документах стратегічного планування: на шляху до сталого розвитку суспільства в Україні // Освіта дорослих: теорія, досвід, перспективи: зб. наук. пр. / [редкол. Л.Б. Лук’янова (голова), Аніщенко О.В. (заступник голови) та ін.]; Ін-т пед. освіти і освіти дорослих імені Івана Зязюна НАПН України. Київ, 2021. Вип. 1 (19). С. 19-36. DOI:
Keywords: adult education; lifelong learning; Sustainable Development Goals; sustainable development of society; strategic planning; regional development; Ukraine.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 314/316 Society
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education for the Adults > Andragogy Department
Depositing User: професор Олена Валеріївна Аніщенко
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2021 20:17
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2021 20:17


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