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Designing the content and methods of specialized education in high school, specializing in "Art and design"

Вдовченко, Віктор Володимирович ( (2017) Designing the content and methods of specialized education in high school, specializing in "Art and design" . Інститут педагогіки НАПН України, м. Київ, Україна.

[thumbnail of ЗВІТ про науково-дослідну роботу з підтеми 4: Проектування змісту і методики профільного навчання у старшій школі за спеціалізацією «Художньо-проектна творчість». Вдовченко В.В., старший науковий співробітник. 2015–2017.] Text (ЗВІТ про науково-дослідну роботу з підтеми 4: Проектування змісту і методики профільного навчання у старшій школі за спеціалізацією «Художньо-проектна творчість». Вдовченко В.В., старший науковий співробітник. 2015–2017.)
ВВВ Проект змісту і метод проф навч за спеціал «ХПТ». 2015–2017.pdf - Published Version

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The final report for three years of research presents the results of a study by VV Vovchenko, senior researcher at the Department of Technological Education on R&D "Designing the content of specialized technology training in high school", performed in accordance with the R&D thematic plan of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. (development) of research, research programs on the topic approved by the Academic Council of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Minutes № 3 of 26.02.2015), tasks defined by the joint Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine for 2017-2020 standard of basic and complete secondary education. Start of the study: January 2015. End: December 2017 Object of research: the process of specialized technology training in high school. Subject of research: the content of specialized training of technologies in high school and the means of its implementation. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate, design and identify the pedagogical effectiveness of the content of specialized technology training in high school. Research methods: a) theoretical - historical-genetic, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, system-structural analysis of content, modeling, analysis of literature sources; b) empirical - observations, questionnaires, interviews, surveys, control sections, generalization of pedagogical experience; c) pedagogical experiment (to test the effectiveness of the developed teaching materials). Scientific results obtained: Theoretical and methodological principles and scientific basis for designing the content of specialized technology training in high school have been developed based on the results of research on the topic "Designing the content of specialized technology training in high school". The scientific basis includes: modern scientific approaches, principles of content design and criteria for its selection, pedagogical technologies and models of content design and implementation, innovative ideas and approaches to content design, etc. The main directions of reforming the content of specialized technological education of high school students and the need for a comprehensive solution to the problems of educational industry "Technology". The ways and means of formation of the creative personality of the senior pupil in the course of realization of the maintenance of profile training of technologies are defined. The pedagogical efficiency of the developed content and requirements for its mastering by high school students has been experimentally proved. The theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified results of research of a theme are given in the manuscript of the planned collective monograph "Designing of the maintenance of profile training of technologies in senior school". The developed scientific basis of content design is the basis (as an example of implementation of theoretical developments) of designing programs and manuals for specialized training of technologies in high school, which correspond to the priority areas of innovative development of Ukrainian industry and social sphere, are specializations of technological "Technology"): "Art and design creativity." Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the molding experiment, generalization of the results of experimental testing of the developed materials is performed. According to the results of experimental testing of the content, the scientific basis of designing the content of specialized training of technologies and the designed content were adjusted. The scientific novelty is that for the first time: Developed by: • theoretical and methodological principles and scientific basis for designing the content of specialized training in technology in high school; • diverse models that reflect different aspects of content design and specialized technology training in high school; • pedagogical technology for the implementation of the content of specialized technology training in high school; • technology of designing the content of specialization for specialized training of high school students; • a new approach to determining the structure of the technological profile of high school students, which corresponds to the priority areas of innovative development of Ukraine. Defined: • the main directions of development of technological education in secondary school in the context of the relationship between the structure and content of primary, primary and secondary schools; • the main directions of reforming the content of specialized technological education and the need for a comprehensive solution to the problems of the educational field "Technology"; • ways and means of forming the creative personality of a high school student in the process of implementing the content of specialized technology training in high school; • principles and criteria for designing and developing the content of the specialization "Art and design creativity" for specialized training of technology in high school; • connections between separate specializations of technological profile and bases of sciences (physics, chemistry, computer science, biology). Conceptually justified: • practical design of the structure and content of the program and manual for specialization "Artistic and design creativity" of the technological profile of high school students. Degree of implementation: normative documents, educational materials for senior profile school, scientific-methodical articles, speeches at scientific-practical conferences and seminars, round tables, pedagogical readings, meetings of heads of educational institutions, lectures for methodologists and high school teachers. The main constructive and technical and economic indicators: compliance of the results of the research with the normative documents of the GDR and modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in the senior profile school. The practical significance of the work. The results of the work are practically oriented and provide specialized training of high school students in the basics of technology in accordance with the requirements of the "State standard of basic and complete secondary education", "Concepts of technological education of secondary schools of Ukraine". The developed scientific bases of designing the content of profile technological education of high school students are a significant contribution to the future. development of theory and practice of specialized training of technologies in high school. Innovative content of specialized technology education in high school, designed on a sound theoretical basis, will increase the effectiveness of specialized technology education in high school, adaptation and self-realization of high school students in modern high-information and high-tech society, development of creative abilities. professional activity and realization of the acquired creative potential in it. Scientific approaches to designing the content of specialized technology education in high school can be the basis for creating a new generation of curricula, textbooks, teaching and methodological manuals for students of specialized schools. The results of the research of the topic are addressed to teachers, methodologists, can be used by students of higher pedagogical educational institutions of different levels of accreditation, in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of teachers, etc. Implementation of research results. The results of the research on the problems of designing the content of artistic and design creativity are included in the curriculum of specialization "Artistic and design creativity", "Fundamentals of design", "Cookery", "Technical design" for specialized technology training in high school (all-Ukrainian level of implementation), modernization and the development of which was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the I-II quarter of 2017 (VV Vdovchenko took an active part in the event - one individual curriculum "Fundamentals of Design" and two "Culinary", "Technical Design" - co-authored). Implementation document - letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №2.3-1365 dated 12.06.2017. The effectiveness of the work is also evidenced by: certificates and letters on the implementation of the results of the study, issued by: city departments of education, school principals, regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, higher pedagogical educational institutions; received stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 4 educational programs, modernization and development of which was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the I-II quarter of 2017 (VV Vovchenko took an active part in the event). Field of use - pedagogy, professional methods; senior profile school; system of higher pedagogical and postgraduate education.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: Національна академія педагогічних наук України. Інститут педагогіки. Відділ технологічної освіти ЗВІТ про науково-дослідну роботу з теми «Проектування змісту профільного навчання технологій у старшій школі» Державний реєстраційний № 0115U003082 (2015–2017) Київ – 2017 УДК УДК 371.035.3 № держреєстрації 0115U003082 інв. № Національна академія педагогічних наук Інститут педагогіки 04053, м. Київ-53, вул. Січових Стрільців, 52-д «Затверджую» Директор Інституту педагогіки НАПН України О. М. Топузов 2017 р. «Затверджено» на засіданні відділу технологічної освіти Інституту педагогіки НАПН України 13 листопада 2017 р. протокол № 9 ЗАКЛЮЧНИЙ ЗВІТ про науково-дослідну роботу «Проектування змісту профільного навчання технологій у старшій школі» Керівник НДР канд. фіз.-мат. н., ст. н. с., доцент, завідувач відділу технологічної освіти А.М. Тарара Київ – 2017 Розділ І. Тема «Проектування змісту профільного навчання технологій у старшій школі». Стор. 19-52 4. «Проектування змісту профільного навчання у старшій школі за спеціалізацією «Художньо-проектна творчість». Вдовченко В.В. Стор. 39-51 ЗВІТ про науково-дослідну роботу з підтеми 4: Проектування змісту і методики профільного навчання у старшій школі за спеціалізацією «Художньо-проектна творчість». Вдовченко В.В., старший науковий співробітник. 2015–2017.
Keywords: "Decorative and applied arts" - the level of folk and professional creativity in specialized training, "Decorative and applied arts", "State standard of basic and complete general secondary education" (2011), "Content and methods of technological education of secondary school students" (2002- 2008), "Fundamentals of Design" - the level of design creativity in various types of design for future training, "Fundamentals of Design", "Pedagogical conditions for implementing the content of the technological profile of education in high school" (2009-2011), "Designing the content of specialized technology training in senior school "," Art and design creativity "- the level of psychology of creativity in subject-transforming activities," Art and design creativity ", author's theoretical and methodological provisions, relevance of research, analysis and evaluation of technological objects, safe techniques when working with manual, mechanized and machine tools, a variable part of the training programs of specializations have modules for selection, cost-oriented learning, the choice of future professional activity, the type of differentiated learning, the advanced nature of updating the system of technological education, education and personality development of the future designer, department of technological education, age and individual capabilities of students, deep renewal of technological education, didactic-methodical stage - selection effective forms, methods and appropriate subject-developmental environment for the implementation of qualitatively new content of developed specializations, didactic model of teaching high school students by specializations, didactic model of formation of future masters of DPM and designers of subject competence, didactic principles (scientific, accessibility, integrity, system, continuity and perspective), designer, design creativity in various types of design for future professional training, research of profile (external, internal) differentiation, achieved educational results, compliance didactic principles of continuity with primary school and prospects with vocational or higher school, experimental testing, experimental testing of the effectiveness of the content of specialized training of high school students in technological specializations in the educational process, stages of pedagogical design and levels of project product creation; stages of pedagogical project implementation, effective innovative approaches, life and professional intentions, secondary school, general technological direction, injury prevention measures, report, research work, invariant part, invariant and variable structure of curriculum content. individual activity of a teacher, individual talent, innovative conceptual theoretical and methodological approaches, Institute of pedagogy, interests of students, classification of design objects (content of specializations), classification of types of pedagogical design by content and its definition for research, key competencies, competent personality of student, competency model of specialized training by specializations, conceptual provisions of the research, concept of theory, project adjustment, creative thinking, criteria for assessing academic achievement in the curriculum, criteria for assessing student achievement during student learning project, criteria and principles of design (structuring) and content development profile training of technologies in high school, laboratory-practical and practical works, masters of decorative-applied art (DPM), methodological basis, model of methodical apparatus of manuals by specializations, educational metno-transforming activity, educational design and manufacture of products, educational art design, educational material, educational projects, educational process, educational-methodical manual "Profile design-education" / 2006 /, educational-methodical sets from "Fundamentals of design", educational and training tasks, folk and professional creativity in specialized training, scientific worldview of students in the field of design, scientific research of designing the content of specialized technological education of high school students, scientific bases of fine arts and artistic design, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, continuous technological education, new pedagogical paradigm , objects of project activity, reasonable choice of profession (taking into account own abilities, preferences, interests), educational branches "Art" and "Technologies", educational branch "Technologies", personal and social needs, estimation of quality of profile preparation on specializations, pedagogical technology, ne pedagogical design of art and design education, pedagogical experiment, teaching staff, pedagogical conditions (content, methods, organizational forms and subject-development environment), the transition from post-industrial to information and high-tech society, a textbook on "Fundamentals of Design" for 10th grade. / 2010 /, approaches (personal, activity, design-technological, competence), conceptual-terminological apparatus, search and heuristic activity of students, rules of safe work and industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, subject design-technological competence in the specialization chosen by the senior, subject design-technological competence, presentation, natural inclinations, project culture in Europe, project product, content design, content design and methods of specialized education in high school, specialization design, professional intentions, professionally expressed preferences, professionally oriented content, professional differentiation, specialized school, specialized education of high school students , the creative process of the individual, the psychology of creativity in subject-transforming activities, psychological and pedagogical design of specializations, public defense, reforming modern education, various types of educational and cognitive activities (research, design, technology, market ing, presentation, exhibition, managerial), various types of subject-transforming activities by types of design, types of educational activities (search and information, artistic and graphic (for product advertising), design, construction, technology; manual and machine processing of construction materials; assembly, installation finishing, finishing works), development of artistic and project potential, pedagogical conditions (content, methods, organizational forms and educational subject-development environment), conscious choice of the future profession of technological direction, conscious professional choice, synthesis of art and technological education in artistic and design creativity, the system of continuous artistic and design education. systematization of research results of previous topics on three levels of specializations, system-forming function of the principle of creative, creative, productive educational activity of high school students, specialization of profile education, specialization of technological profile, specialization, specialization - integrated ability of high school students to apply acquired new knowledge, skills, personalities values ​​in future professional activity in the chosen professional direction, specialization "Art and design creativity", high school, structure of the content of invariant and variable part of educational programs of specializations, structure of the student project, modern innovative theoretical and methodical system of art and project preparation at profile level, modern model of formation of subject project-technological competence, sphere of human life, theoretical-methodical bases, theoretical-modeling stage - creation of pedagogical idea, project idea of ​​generalized tr security theoretical model of the content of specializations, theoretical model of art and design education of profile level as a synthesis of the content of educational branches "Art" and "Technology", theory and practice of art and design education of Ukraine, theory and practice of art and design education in Ukraine. of design projects in the material, technological processes, millennial production practice of the school of apprenticeship, Trypillia culture, Ukrainian design, conditions for professional self-determination, conditions for the implementation of personality-oriented approach to learning, student conference, student educational project, professional level, fixing creative ideas in different types of design and technological documentation, basic research, the fundamental content of the education of high school students in selected specializations. art-design activity, art-design culture, art-design education of a high school student, art-design and branch competence, art-design and design-technological creativity, art-design and design-technological directions, art-industrial schools of Ukraine (in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Uzhhorod, Kosovo, Vyzhnytsia, Myrhorod in the late XIX - early XX centuries.), The time of European integration processes in education in Ukraine, school exhibition, a qualitatively new content of technological profile, fair-sale
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 001 Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work > 001.8 Methodology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > Department of Technological Education
Depositing User: ст наук сп Віктор Володимирович Вдовченко
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2021 21:15
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2021 21:15


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