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Development of the information and communication competence of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning

- Кива, Владислав Юрійович (2020) Development of the information and communication competence of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning Masters thesis, Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання.

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Kyva V. Yu. Development of the information and communication competence of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning. – Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. with specialization 011 «Educational and pedagogical sciences». – The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi. Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2020. The dissertation investigates and solves the scientific problem in pedagogical theory and practice on the development of information and communication competence (ICC) of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning. Analysis has been made to study how deeply the issue of development of ICC experts in the academic practice is researched, based on an information, competency-based, subject-activity, andragogical and contextual methodological approaches, and substantiation has been provided for the essence and structure of the basic concept of “ICC teachers in the military education system” as to be the dynamic professional skill of the teachers involved in the military education system to apply to systemic and contextual use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in academic practice, which shows itself in the integrity of value-based and incentive, intellectual, information and technology based, praxeological and subject components. Substantiation has been provided for the essential features of such components possessed by ІCC teachers in the military education system: value-based and incentive (skill of positive identification of values, motives, needs, interests, commitments to use ICT in academic practice); intellectual (skill of perception, analytical and synthetic processing, critical thinking and formulation in the area of educational activities of military professional messages in the digital technology sector); information and technology based (skill of using digital resources and digital technology); praxeological (skill of using ICT effectively in academic practice, including in distance learning); subject (skill of subject-subject relationship in academic practice). The professionally-oriented model of development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning has been substantiated and experimentally tested. Its main blocks are conceptual (containing the purpose and subordinated primary tasks for the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education according to the fundamental principles of information, competence-based, subject-activity, andragogical and contextual methodological approaches); content-related (containing the content of the ICC of teachers; the requirements for its development taking into account the modern achievements in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological fields, information sphere; contributing to the consistency, continuity and persistence of development of the system of their informational and communicative knowledge); subject (containing the process of interaction between the teaching subject – the teacher(s) and the learning subject – the learner(s); methodological (containing the author’s methodology for the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning); diagnostic and resulting (containing criteria and indicators for diagnosing the development of teachers’ ICC; its levels of development (low, medium, sufficient, high). Methodology has been developed and methodological recommendations have been provided regarding the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning the methodology assumes the following main stages: value-motivational, developmental, finishing. The basis for its implementation was the remote education course “Information and Communication Technologies in Scientific and Pedagogical Activities of Teachers” in accordance with the author’s curriculum. The criteria and indicators for diagnosing the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education have been developed: value-motivational (values of scientific and pedagogical activities with application of ICTs; motivation for the development of ICC); cognitive (knowledge of ICTs theory; knowledge of theoretical aspects of analysis and decision-making in the military sphere with the application of ICTs; knowledge of technology for modeling of processes (phenomena) in the teaching of general and special military disciplines; knowledge of theoretical aspects of cybersecurity in the process of using ICTs in teaching of general and special military disciplines; knowledge of modern hardware and software; knowledge of technology of software development according to a specific teaching methodology); technological (the ability to use ICTs; the ability to develop and use modern hardware and software and test them for cyber-vulnerabilities); functional (the ability to use ICTs in scientific and pedagogical activities; the ability to synthesize various software tools to enhance the teaching of general and special military disciplines; the ability to develop informational software tools for use in teaching of specific general and special military disciplines); reflexive (scientific and pedagogical subjectivity in the information society; the ability to self-assessment as a subject of information-analytical activities within the framework of implementation of the functions of a teacher of general and special military disciplines). The empirical data of the pedagogical experiment make it possible to conclude that the proposed model and methodology for the development of teachers’ ICC are effective and can be recommended for introduction into the scientific and pedagogical activities of teachers in the system of military education. The scientific novelty of the obtained study results lies in the fact that: – for the first time pedagogical modeling of the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning has been performed, covering interrelated, interdependent and consistent conceptual, content-related, subject, methodological and diagnostic and resulting blocks; the criteria and indicators for diagnosing the development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning have been defined, namely: value-motivational; cognitive; technological; functional; reflexive; – improved the content of the concept “ICC of teachers in the system of military education”, the improvement has been achieved by instantiating the meaning of the concept with the following attributes: “to be the dynamic professional skill of the teachers involved in the military education system to apply to systemic and contextual use ICT in academic practice, which shows itself in the integrity of value-based and incentive, intellectual, information and technology based, praxeological and subject components”. – further development was ensured for methodology of development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education in the process of remote learning, which has been achieved by instantiating and adapting its purpose, hierarchy of goals and objectives, content, forms of organization of teaching, methods of teaching, types of learning sessions and learning tools to improve their skills in the system of remote learning, that is systematically, contextually and consistently applied and implemented at the value-motivational, developmental and finishing stages. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the introduction of a professional-oriented model of development of ICC of teachers in the system of military education and implementation of a specialized remote education course “Information and Communication Technologies in Scientific and Pedagogical Activities of Teachers” in the system of their qualification upgrade. The results of the dissertation can be used in the process of remote learning within the advanced training courses for teachers of the higher education system.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: informational and communication competence; teachers; system of military education; pedagogical modeling; methodology of development; diagnosing; criteria and indicators of diagnosing; pedagogical experiment; informatioмn and communication technologies; qualification upgrade; remote learning
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Generic resouse
Depositing User: п.н.с. Валентина Володимирівна Коваленко
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2020 15:15
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2020 15:15


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