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Pedagogical experiment on the ict-competence development of the head of the pre-school institution

- Сулаєва, Наталія (, Носенко, Ю.Г. ( and Хрипун, В.О. (2019) Pedagogical experiment on the ict-competence development of the head of the pre-school institution Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання, 6 (74). ISSN 2076-8184

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The article presents the main components of the methodology for developing information and communication competence (IC-competence) of the head of pre-school education institution (PSEI) to use Google cloud services in educational activities management. The need to digitalize pre-school education as an integral component of digitalization of the education system and society in general is emphasized. The possibilities revealed for PSEI managers through using cloud services in the aspect of managing different processes of the institution, in particular the leading activity – educational, are presented. The advantages distinguished by Google services, that are significant for Ukrainian PSEI in the modern realities, are revealed. It is emphasized that for the successful implementation of Google cloud services in PSEI educational activities management, it is important to develop PSEI managers’ IC-competence, knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, motivations for the introduction of new technologies and constant self-development in this aspect. The purpose and tasks of the given author's methodology, approaches, principles, content, forms, methods and aids of its realization are presented, examples of typical control practical tasks, recommended methods of diagnostics of IC-competence level development of PSEI managers in using Google services. It is stated that training via author's methodology involves increasing the level of PSEI managers’ IC-competence in using Google cloud services in educational activities management, and the levels of development of each of its components should attest it. The indicators of the development of these components (value-motivational, cognitive, operational, reflexive) at three levels (high, medium, low) are characterized. The results of the pedagogical experiment, which confirmed the effectiveness of the author's methodology and the feasibility of its implementation in the practice of educational activities management of modern PSEI are presented.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: head of pre-school education institution; IC-competence; Google cloud services; methodology; educational activities management; pedagogical experiment
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 ІКТ ( Application-oriented computer-based techniques )
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.07 Management aspects of educational institutions
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Education
Depositing User: пров.н.с. Ю.Г. Носенко
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2020 00:18
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2022 17:42


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