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Theoretical and methodical principles of the cloud-based learning environment design and use in the training of bachelors in computer science

- Вакалюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна ( (2019) Theoretical and methodical principles of the cloud-based learning environment design and use in the training of bachelors in computer science Masters thesis, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка.

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The research presents a general theoretical and methodological description of the cloud-based learning environment design problem and methods of use of a cloud-based learning environment in the training of bachelors in computer science. The concept of “a cloud-based learning environment used in the training of bachelors in computer science” is specified as a learning environment of a higher educational institution where didactical purposes of the training of bachelors in computer science and collaboration between teachers and students are achieved through the use of cloud-computing technologies and services. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of scientific literature the main features and requirements that the cloud-based learning environment should meet were identified. As a result of the theoretical analysis it was found that to design a learning environment means to study objective and methodical aspects of a learning process in an educational institution where a learning environment will be established. The problem statement and developments were analyzed in foreign pedagogical sources. The results of the analysis show that the design of a cloud-based environment and the use of cloud-based technologies are the key components of the learning process at universities in the USA, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria, Australia, Brazil, while other countries are at the stage of studying the best practices of implementing cloud-based technologies in higher education. The specific features and peculiarities of the training of bachelors in computer science were selected: in the process of professional training different languages and programming technologies are studied; students participate in the implementation of common projects, etc. The author’s structured model of the cloud-based learning environment used in the training of bachelors in computer science was developed and substantiated. The model is aimed at achieving the learning goals stated in the standards of higher education through all the structural components of the cloud-based learning environment (CBLE). The features that such a cloud-based learning environment should correspond to were identified. The interaction model between participants of the learning process in the cloud-based learning environment was developed. The procedure of the design of a cloud-based learning environment used in the training of bachelors in computer science is presented and substantiated. It consists of the following stages: analysis, problem statement, setting of goals and objectives, formulation of requirements for the cloud-based learning environment, CBLE modeling, CBLE development, CBLE use in the training of bachelors in computer science, efficiency checking, CBLE implementation in higher educational institution for the training of bachelors in computer science. The following criteria and relevant indicators for selecting cloud-based learning support systems were selected: design (reliability; accessibility; multilingual; safety; adaptability; ease of use and administration; price); technological (provisioning of access with different access levels; storage of data in a cloud; integrations with other cloud-based services; options to upload different types of files); communicational (membership features, options to communicate with users, creation of groups, forum and chat features); informational and didactical (structure, calendar, assessment of students' academic achievements, file sharing, testing and interviewing, options to organize the group and individual forms of work, analytics for a particular course). The conducted expert evaluation has shown that the most convenient and high quality toolkit for designing CBLE of a higher education institution when considering all the criteria is NeoLMS. The content-methodical component forms, methods, means (both traditional and cloud-oriented ones) of the structural cloud-oriented learning environment model have been specified, that can be implemented in this cloud-oriented training support system of bachelors in computer science. The following criteria and relevant indicators for web-based and cloud-based technologies for the training of bachelors in computer science were selected: for compilers: design (reliability, accessibility, price) and functional (entering input data by users; usability; multilingual); for systems of automated assessment of programming assignments: design (reliability; accessibility; multilingual; usability; price); informational and didactical (predefined assignments; classification of assignments using sections, creation of competitions, indication of the number of attempts to pass an assignment, methodical section, rating, help center); communicational (membership features, options to communicate with users, creation of groups); for mind maps: design (adaptability, price, availability, usability, cloud infrastructure); functional (multilingual, storage of mind maps, distribution of mind maps, library of templates); for MOOC platforms: informational and didactical (creation of own courses, predefined courses, coverage of a variety of subjects, coverage of topics of a discipline, assignments, courses of world top universities); functional (multilingual, membership, one account - multiple courses). The expert evaluation has shown that the most convenient and high quality tools when considering all criteria are: among web-oriented and cloud-based compilers:, and AWS Cloud 9; among systems of automated assessment of programming assignments - e-olymp and TopCoder; among cloud-based mind maps - Mindmeister; among MOOC platforms - Udemy. The general structure of the methodical system of the use of CBLE in the training of bachelors in computer science was presented, the purpose, content, methods, means and forms were defined. To improve the content of the use of CBLE in the training of bachelors in computer science it was suggested: to select the cloud-based training support systems (CBTSS) as a part of CBLE for the use in the educational process of bachelors in computer science, as well as cloud-based training courses that are appropriate for the use in the process of training bachelors in computer science; to improve the content of disciplines, which are directly related to programming, towards supporting the usage of CBTSS and cloud-based learning tools (CBLT) in the curriculum of various subjects of such disciplines; to develop and implement the optional discipline "Cloud technologies in education" to familiarize students with peculiarities of the use of various cloud based tools in the training process of bachelors in computer science, as well as to conduct additional courses (trainings) for teachers of Institutions of General Secondary Education (IGSE) and professors of Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to familiarize them with peculiarities of the use of cloud based tools in the educational process of IGSE and IHE. For the complex implementation of this methodical system it is necessary to use CBTSS, as a component of the CBLE, selected CBLT and Web-oriented systems of automated assessment of programming assignments in the professional training of bachelors in computer science. The essence of the concept "IC-competence of bachelors in computer science on the use of CBLE" is specificated - it is an ability of an expert to use cloud technologies in the further professional practice, as well as to solve various tasks in the field of computer science and ICT. In order to increase the effectiveness of the use of the CBLE in the training of bachelors in computer science, a set of recommendations on the peculiarities of setting up and using the cloud-based training support system in the process of professional training of bachelors in computer science was created. The scientific novelty and the theoretical value of the obtained results are: for the first time: characteristics, that the cloud-oriented learning environment used in the training of bachelors in computer science must be compliant with, have been generalized, systematized and revealed; theoretically substantiated and developed the following components and systems: the methodical system of use of the cloud-based learning environment in the training of bachelors in computer science; the structural model of the cloud-based learning environment used for the training of bachelors in computer science, the model of interactions between students and teachers in the cloud-based learning environment, the procedure of designing a cloud-based learning environment for the training of bachelors in computer science, the criteria and relevant indicators for selecting a cloud-oriented training support system as a component of the cloud-based learning environment for the training of bachelor in computer science (design, technological, communicational, informational and didactical), the criteria and relevant indicators for selecting cloud-based and web-based learning tools for the training of bachelors in computer science (for compilers - design, functional; for systems of automated assessment of programming assignments - design, informational and didactical, communicational; for mind maps - design, functional; for MOOC platforms - informational and didactical, functional); specified the concept of "cloud-based learning environment for the training of bachelors in computer science" as a learning environment of a higher educational institution where didactical purposes of the training of bachelors in computer science and collaboration between teachers and students are achieved through the use of cloud-computing technologies and services; "cloud-based training support system" as a system that ensures collaboration between teachers and students as well as development, management and distribution of educational materials by tools of cloud technologies which are available to the subjects of the training process through shared access; "IC-competence of bachelors in computer science on the use of CBLE" as an ability of an expert to use cloud technologies in the further professional practice, as well as to solve various tasks in the field of computer science and ICTon the basis of mastered computer knowledge, skills and abilities; criteria (value and motivational, cognitive, operational and active, research, didactic) and relevant indicators and levels (low, medium, sufficient and high) of IC-competence of bachelors in computer science on the use of cloud-based learning environment; further developed the theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of ICT in open education, the creation of a computer-based learning environment based on cloud technologies, and methodological principles of improvements of skills of scientific and pedagogical staff on the use of cloud technologies in education. The practical values of the obtained results are: designed: the cloud-based learning environment for the training of bachelors in computer science, which provides a unified integrated system for monitoring initial achievements of bachelors in computer science, communication at a distance and notification of subjects of the educational process; a cloud-based component of the CBLE – the cloud-based training support system:; selected: the cloud-based training support system as a component of the cloud-based learning environment, as well as web-based and cloud-based learning tools; developed and implemented in the educational process of institutions of higher education: the following teaching aids for students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics: "Cloud technologies in education", "Information security in computer systems", "Visual programming", "Software testing technologies", "Methods of computing", "Object-oriented programming in C++ "and "Dynamic Programming"; the main components of the methods of use of a сloud-based training support system as a component of the CBLE, cloud-based learning tools in the training of bachelors in computer science, web-oriented learning tools in the training of bachelors in computer science; recommendations for teachers on the use of cloud-based training support system in the training of bachelors in computer science; educational and methodical complexes for "Cloud technologies in education" as for a discipline for masters in computer science and as for an additional course for bachelors in computer science; additional courses (trainings) "Cloud technologies in education" for the scientific and pedagogical staff to develop their information and communication competences; The results of the research were used during the process of creation and operation of the Joint Research Laboratory on the use of information and communication technologies in education in Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine. Materials of the research can be used at institutions of higher education and scientific institutions during the training of bachelors and masters in computer science and in the process of improving the qualification of teachers and scientific and pedagogical staff, to improve the educational process, in self-education activities of the scientific and pedagogical staff.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: design, usage, cloud technologies, cloud services, learning environment, cloud-based learning environment, cloud-based learning tools, bachelors in computer science
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.4 Software
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. User interface. User environment
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.7 Computer communication. Computer networks
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Joint laboratory with Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
Depositing User: професор Т.А. Вакалюк
Date Deposited: 03 May 2019 08:01
Last Modified: 03 May 2019 08:01


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