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Qualimetric approach to evaluating the quality of the provision of educational services

- Рябова, З.В. ( (2018) Qualimetric approach to evaluating the quality of the provision of educational services Адаптивне управління: теорія і практика. Серія «Педагогіка», 5 (9). pp. 1-20.

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The quality of educational services is a mandatory measure for the integration of the national educational system into the international educational space. Each educational institution should bill itself in the market of educational services by improving the quality of education and forming the consumer ability to self-dependent lifelong learning. This will ensure the establishment of education as a social value. The article examines the level of actual scientific researches and issues of qualimetric approach to the assessment of the quality of the providing educational services in educational institutions. Particular coverage of studies is noted, the names of scientists revealing the essence of the concepts of "quality", "quality of education", "quality of educational services", and marketing aspects of these concepts are presented. It is emphasized the lack of elaboration of the problem under study and the need to establish a standard for education quality assurance through the construction of a qualimetric model for its measuring. The statement of basic materials is about model, modeling and technology of its application. The essence of modeling the quality of providing educational services is revealed for the educational institution, the structure of the didactic basis is given for the educational process. The paper presents a comparative characteristic of modeling and designing processes. The model is noted to be based on past events. And the project is drafted for the future. However these concepts are interpenetrative and its meaningful "attachment" occurs while comparing. Therefore, using the qualimetric approach for the construction of the appropriate tools the simulation considered a part of the design process is applied since it provides further development of the measured object. A special focus of the article is on the marketing management, the construction of its qualimetric tools for measuring the quality of the provided educational services. The application of the qualimetric approach to the assessment of the quality of educational services is observed to increase the level of education of applicants for education.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Qualimetric approach, education quality assessment, educational services, modeling, design, marketing management, qualimetric tools, quality of educational services
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.07 Management aspects of educational institutions
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Educational and scientific institute of management and psychology > Department of Education, Administration and Social Work
Depositing User: ОпКомНаб T.І. Коваленко
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2019 09:37
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2019 09:37


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