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Natural Sciences (Grades 10-11) : An Integrated Course

- Ільченко, Віра Романівна (, Булава, Леонід Миколайович, Гринюк, Оксана Сергіївна (, Гуз, Костянтин Жоржович (, Ільченко, Олексій Георгійович (, Коваленко, Валерій Сергійович and Ляшенко, А. Х. ( (2017) Natural Sciences (Grades 10-11) : An Integrated Course [Teaching Resource]

[thumbnail of Проограма інтегр.курсу _Природничі науки_ (Ільченко В.Р. та ін.).pdf]
Проограма інтегр.курсу _Природничі науки_ (Ільченко В.Р. та ін.).pdf

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The course "Natural Science" is an integrated course for a senior profile school intended for pupils of the humanities. The course is aimed at forming of the natural sciences picture of the world and natural sciences competence, ideas about the role and place of man in nature at the pupils, the assimilation of the basic concepts of science, which consist the core of knowledge of nature, to create personally significant system of knowledge - the image of nature as the basis of life-affirming image of the world.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Keywords: Natural science, the natural-scientific picture of the world, the image of the world, the general regularities of nature, key competencies.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 502/504 Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 52 Astronomy. Astrophysics. Space research. Geodesy
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 53 Physics
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 54 Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 55 Earth Sciences. Geological sciences
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 57 Biological sciences in general
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > The Laboratory of Integration of the Content of Education
Depositing User: Наук.сп. Оксана Сергіївна Гринюк
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2019 13:35
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2019 17:24


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