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Healthcare-Saving Use of Software and Hardware Tools by Basic School Students

- Сухіх, А.С. ( (2018) Healthcare-Saving Use of Software and Hardware Tools by Basic School Students Masters thesis, Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання.

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The thesis for a Candidate Degree in Pedagogical Sciences on speciality 13.00.10 – Information and Communication Technologies in Education» (01 «Education / Pedagogics»). – Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2018.The thesis is devoted to the problem of theoretical research and scientific-methodological support of health-saving use of software and hardware tools (SHT) in the educational process of basic school.The urgency of the research issue is conditioned by the need to prepare the younger generation for healthy life-building in a dynamic, rapidly changing, and highly technological space. As was found, in recent years the educational sector in Ukraine has undergone a significant transformation, while adapting to the modern social requirements: updating of the regulatory framework, contents and educational standards, using of new hardware and software, development of teaching technologies, etc. The expanding range of used didactic aids and emerging new opportunities for improving pedagogical systems have gradually facilitated introduction of SHT in general secondary education establishments (GSEE). The success of using SHT in training is due to a number of factors, such as: pedagogical, psychological, methodical, technical, ergonomic, medical, etc. Since the students while working with SHT are subjected to increased mental, neuro-emotional, and visual load, there is a problem of using SHT in healthcare compliant manner weighted in ergonomic and pedagogical aspects. The adolescents (the students of the basic school of 5-9 study years), whose bodies undergo intensive restructuring, physical and mental development, are related to a particularly vulnerable category regarding the harmful effects of SHT incorrect use. At the same time, while their volitional sphere is actively formed, these children are sensitive to the formation of value orientations. In this regard, the development of their competence in terms of respect for their own health, health-saving work with the computer and mobile devices can be quite successful and effective, provided that scientifically based and pedagogically weighted approaches and methods are applied. The key idea of the study is the provision that the basis for the health-saving use of SHT in the basic school's educational process is creating the special organizational and pedagogical conditions, and forming systematically and purposefully the health-saving component of the students' information and communication competence (HSCICC). The main idea of the research is reflected in the hypothesis based on the assumption: if the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the health-saving use of SHT, as well as the author's method of HSCICC formation, are introduced into the educational process of the basic school, this will help to reduce the negative impact of SHT use on the psycho-physiological and psycho-emotional state of the students, maintaining their mental performance during the lesson while these SHT are used, and lead to an increase in the level of students’ HSCICC. Health-saving use of SHT is defined as a specially organized educational process that assumes unity in observance of a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions by the subjects of the educational process aimed at preserving the health of students (physical and mental) or improving it, and maintaining sustainable performance throughout the whole lesson during which SHT is used. The properties of SHT are determined in accordance with the ergonomic features of their use: the devices with external input devices (desktop PC, laptop, netbook) and monoblock devices (tablet PC, e-book reader, smartphone). The factors connected with SHT use that can cause a negative impact on physical and mental health (excessive duration of work on the display, poor image quality, violations of the ergonomic requirements of the workplace, unsatisfactory state of the learning environment, ignoring the age-related psychophysical characteristics of students when planning the content and scope of the training work or the structure of the class); groups of risks of negative influence on mental and physical health (physical overload, influence of different frequency fields, mental overload) and their consequences for mental and physical health of students of basic school are generalized. It was found out that the negative consequences can be avoided or minimized by observing the ergonomic and pedagogical requirements. The ergonomic and pedagogical requirements for the health-saving use of SHT in the educational process are systemized, namely: requirements for the premises arrangement (microclimate and lighting, design, placement of furniture and devices in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and fire safety requirements, etc.); the user's workplace arrangement (ergonomic and adaptive elements of furniture and equipment that help to maintain the body’s correct position, depending on the SHT type used); organization of activities (observance of the recommended time rules when working with SHT, alternation of different types of activities, holding of workout and relaxation breaks). The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the health-saving use of SHT in the educational process of the basic school are substantiated, namely: formation of the students' HSCICC; interdisciplinary integration of the health-saving content of various academic subjects; pedagogically weighted selection of SHT for training; physical relaxation after working with SHT; keeping a psychologically favorable atmosphere for students by the teacher; observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the devices and equipment in the educational rooms for computer equipment; keeping SHT quality; ensuring the adaptability of the student’s workplace, the coordinated interaction of all educational process subjects. The model for implementing these conditions has been developed, and the subjects of the educational process (school administration, medical personnel, teaching staff, students and parents) responsible for the implementation of each condition were identified. It was found that the ability, knowledge, and skills to health-saving use of SHT should be viewed within the framework of information and communication competence (IC-competence) as one of its components – health-saving component of IC-competence (HSCICC). The health-saving component of the IC-competency of the basic school student is defined as the student’s confirmed ability to consciously carrying out a series of elaborated measures for pedagogically balanced and safe SHT use in the educational process. It is based on a combination of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, attitudes, beliefs, motivation, aimed at preserving physical and mental health and well-being when using SHT. To form this competence, the model of the HSCICC formation for the students of basic school was developed. It represents an integral pedagogical system, and consists of five interrelated units: Purposeful, Meaningful, Processing, Diagnostic, and Resultant. The Purposeful Block reflects the goal that is – the formation of the HSCICC among students of basic school. The Meaningful Block integrates approaches (acmeological, axiological, humanistic, activity, competence, personality-oriented, synergetic), principles (scientific, conscious and active, strength of knowledge, skills, individualization), the components of this competence (value-motivational, cognitive, and activity), and also determines the contents of educational activities aimed at its formation. The Processing Block reflects the form of organization of teaching process (ordinary lesson, extracurricular classes, disciplinary hours, individual counseling, self-study) forms of training (group and individual), methods (training, mini-lectures, video lessons, discussion, brainstorming, didactic game, individual project, and group project), and tools (software and hardware, multimedia complex, handouts for training), are suitable for use in the formation of HSCICC among students of basic school. In the Diagnostic Block, it is determined that the level of formation of the HSCICC among the students is indicated by the level of formation of each of its components. The methods recommended for diagnosing the degree of formation of each HSCICC component were determined thus: for the cognitive component – pedagogical testing; for the value-motivational component – psychological testing, questioning; for the operational and activity component – pedagogical observation, questioning. The last element of the model is the Resultant Block, consisting in the formation of the HSCICC of basic school student. In order to achieve the successful implementation of the model for the formation of the HSCICC of basic school students, it is necessary to ensure the provision of the organizational and pedagogical conditions named above. The method of forming HSCICC of basic school students was developed. Training course “Health-saving use of software and hardware tools”, covering 12 academic hours, and designed for training in grades 5-9, is the basis for the author's method implementation. The tasks, the features of the course, the principles, recommended blocks, and methods are determined. The recommendations are given for arrangement of final control, namely, a group project, the implementation of which involves the application of acquired knowledge and skills in the course’s different thematic sections. The author's method for diagnosing the levels of students' HSCICC formation is suggested, as it allows to determine the level of the student’s HSCICC formation as a whole, as well as the level of formation of each component separately, and to correct them, if necessary. The results of the pedagogical experiment have confirmed the hypothesis that is the basis for the conclusion: the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions for the health-saving use of SHT, and the author's method for the HSCICC formation among the students are effective, and thus both can be recommended for implementation in the GSEE educational process. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research is that for the first time: ▪ The concepts of the health-saving component of basic school students' IC-competence have been theoretically substantiated and defined; ▪ The model of formation of basic school students’ HSCICC have been developed; The following concepts are refined: ▪ the concept of “software and hardware health-saving use”; ▪ the system of ergonomic and pedagogical requirements for the health-saving use of SHT in the educational process; ▪ the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the health-saving use of SHT in the educational process; the theory and practice of SHT use, namely their health-saving use in the educational process in basic school have got further development. The practical significance of the results obtained is as follows: ▪ the main components of the method of basic school students’ HSCICC formation have been developed; the didactic material for training sessions to form basic school students’ HSCICC have been designed; the educational and methodological manual for teachers of secondary school “Health-Saving Use of Software and Hardware Tools in the Teaching Process of Basic School” was compiled; ▪ the educational and methodological recommendations for students of secondary schools “Health-Saving Use of Software and Hardware Tools” were compiled; ▪ the notes and recommendation for parents “Use of Software and Hardware without Damage to Health” was developed. The theoretical and practical results of the research can be used in the educational process of GSEE, in educational and discipline work in the institutions of additional education, in institutions of higher pedagogical education, in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, in the education and further training of teachers.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: basic school student, software and hardware tool, health-saving use, health-saving component of the information-communication competence of the basic school student, ergonomics and pedagogical requirements, organizational and pedagogical conditions
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Generic resouse
Depositing User: д.пед.н. Анна Яцишин
Date Deposited: 01 Jun 2018 13:23
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2020 15:19


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