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The influence of emotional burnout syndrome in doctor’s professional self-fulfilment

- Панасенко, Наталія Миколаївна (2014) The influence of emotional burnout syndrome in doctor’s professional self-fulfilment Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Том. V: Психофізіологія. Психологія праці. Експериментальна психологія. (14). pp. 155-164. ISSN 2072-4772

[thumbnail of Панасенко Н.М. (2014) Вплив синдрому емоцiйного вигорання на професiйне самоздiйснення лiкаря.pdf]
Панасенко Н.М. (2014) Вплив синдрому емоцiйного вигорання на професiйне самоздiйснення лiкаря.pdf

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The article presents the results of an empirical study that shows the impact of doctor’s emotional burnout syndrome in professional self-fulfilment. The negative impact of emotional burnout symptoms is established as well as the overall level of doctor’s professional self-realization and his out and inside professional self-fulfilment. Doctor’s self efficiency depends on the general level of professional self-realization of the presence of his own professional development project, a permanent performances and achievements of new professional goals. The level of doctor’s internal motivation has an influence on the general level of professional self-realization, the need for pro-fessional development, on the use of your professional experience and achievements of other pro-fessionals and disclosure of personal potential and skills in the profession.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: doctor, professional self-fulfilment, motivation, self-efficacy, emotional burnout syndrome
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 6 Applied Sciences. Medicine. Technology > 61 Medical sciences
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of developmental psychophysiology
Depositing User: інженер-програміст Сергій Петрович Осипенко
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2015 15:19
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2015 15:19


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