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Features of self-fulfilment and self-actualization of trade-union professional employees

- Болотнікова, Інга Вікторівна (2014) Features of self-fulfilment and self-actualization of trade-union professional employees Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Том. V: Психофізіологія. Психологія праці. Експериментальна психологія (14). pp. 3-11. ISSN 2072-4772

[thumbnail of Болотнiкова I.В. (2014) Особливостi професiйного самоздiйснення та самоактуалiзацiї працiвникiв профспiлок.pdf]
Болотнiкова I.В. (2014) Особливостi професiйного самоздiйснення та самоактуалiзацiї працiвникiв профспiлок.pdf

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The paper presents the results of our empirical study that highlight the features of professional self-fulfilment of trade-union employees. The purpose of the research was to analyze our experimental study and identify psychological aspects of professional self-fulfilment of trade-union employees. The experimental study was performed at trade union organizations that are subjects to the Kyiv city council of trade unions. Totally, tested people are 32 trade union employees of all ages and gender. During the study, we used the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment and Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test (SAT). Surveyed employees showed, mostly, average and above average levels of manifestation of professional self-fulfilment. Analysis of the base scales of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test (SAT) revealed that the most number of tested people showed intermediate levels according to scale indexes. These results give a signal on appropriateness of psychological help for employees to improve their self-esteem, confidence in own abilities and independence from outside influence. The analysis of correlations of generalized indicators of the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment with the scales of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test lead us to a conclusion that the vast majority of indexes of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test scales are related at a significant level with the indicators of the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment, therefore, the level of specialist’s self-actualization plays an important role in his/her professional self-fulfilment. The fact that some indicators have not positive, as expected, but negative correlation is, probably, indicates occupational strain and burnout and requires deeper investigation and shows a need for psychologi-cal help for the surveyed professional group.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: professional activities, professional self-fulfilment, attributes of self-fulfilment, self-actualization
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of developmental psychophysiology
Depositing User: інженер-програміст Сергій Петрович Осипенко
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2015 12:35
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2015 15:12


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