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Directions of the reform of the public administration system at the regional level

- Коврига, О.С. ( (2024) Directions of the reform of the public administration system at the regional level Adaptive Management: Theory and Practice. Series Economics, 19 (38). ISSN 2707-0654

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The article reveals the terminological aspects of reforming the public administration system in the area of decentralization. The theoretical foundations of the regional policy of the modern state have been summarized and it has been established that decentralization allows solving such important and relevant tasks for most countries: first, it allows transferring to the regional level, to the places necessary for their normal functioning, the resources and authorities; secondly, it promotes the involvement of civil society institutions and citizens to participate in public affairs. The development process is analyzed and the current state of the public administration system at the regional level of Ukraine is characterized. The foreign experience of modernization of public administration systems at the regional level is highlighted. The priorities and ways of reforming the system of public administration of Ukraine at the regional level have been determined. It is noted that the main directions of the regional policy of a developed state and state management of its regional development, carried out taking into account the principles of the concept of sustainable development and the features of the modern state and problems of regional development, should be: active humanitarian, social and cultural policy of the state to overcome the ideas and stereotypes formed in society regarding the depth and severity of existing social, cultural, political and economic contradictions between individual regions of our country; interregional integration, which will contribute to the weakening of economic, social, cultural and political contradictions between regions and can become an effective basis for increasing the economic potential of the country as a whole; support and stimulation of innovative and investment development of the economy, as it is precisely this orientation that will allow us to hope for the stabilization of the economic situation and the creation of potential for competitiveness and growth of the economy in new conditions. Ways of developing citizen participation in decision-making as a key direction of reforming public administration at the regional level in Ukraine are proposed.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: public administration, public administration system, decentralization, regional level, directions of public administration reform, interregional integration, regional policy of the state, state administration, civil society, foreign experience of modernization of public administration systems at the regional level.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 35 Public administration. Government. Military affairs > 352/354 Levels of administration. Local, regional, central administration
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Educational and scientific institute of management and psychology > Department of Public Administration and Project Management
Depositing User: ЦІПО Коврига О.С. Коврига
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2025 11:01
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2025 11:01


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