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Program from corrective and developmental work "Speech correction" for grades 1-4 of special institutions of general secondary education for persons with severe speech disorders

- Данілавічютє, Е.А. (, Трофименко, Людмила Іванівна (, Мартинюк, Зоряна Степанівна (, Аркадьєва, Ольга Олександрівна ( and Грибань, Галина Віталіївна ( (2024) Program from corrective and developmental work "Speech correction" for grades 1-4 of special institutions of general secondary education for persons with severe speech disorders [Teaching Resource]

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Корекційна програма_ТПМ_2024.pdf

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The program presents the content of corrective and developmental work to overcome speech development disorders manifested in oral and written speech disorders of students at the first level of general secondary education.The program highlights the specific features of the speech development of children with severe speech disorders, as well as with dyslexia and dysgraphia, outlines the corrective focus of the work in the relevant sections and contains methodical comments on the algorithm for identifying and overcoming difficulties. The program can be used by teachers to create an individual educational plan for a child with special educational needs who is in the conditions of inclusive education. The content of the program is aimed at meeting the child's speech needs, taking into account individual opportunities for learning in a general educational institution.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Keywords: overcoming oral and written speech disorders, program, severe speech disorders, younger schoolchildren, persons with special speech needs, inclusion, special education
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 376 Education, teaching, training of special groups of persons. Special schools > 376.3 Виховання та освіта осіб із вадами зору, слуху, мови та нервовими захворюваннями.
Divisions: Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of special education and psychology of National academy of educational sciences of Ukraine > Department of speech therapy
Depositing User: н.с. Галина Грибань
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2024 09:36
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2024 09:36


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