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Vocational education in the context of sustainable development of society

- Радкевич, В.О. (, Кравець, С.Г. (, Павлішина, А. (, Романова, Г.М. (, Василиненко, В. (, Фриз, Роман Олексійович (, Онищенко, А.П. (, Байдулін, В.Б. (, Савчук, Руслан Михайлович (, Крячко, Володимир (, Орлов, В.Ф. (, Базиль, Л.О. (, Закатнов, Д.О. (, Ваніна, Н.М. (, Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна (, Гриценок, І.А. (, Маліновська, Карина (, Костючик, А. (, Єршов, Микола-Олег Володимирович (, Овчарук, В. (, Шафоростов, О. (, Охременко, С.В. (, Чернєцова, Наталія Анатоліївна (, Тітова, О.А. (, Лузан, П.Г. (, Барбарош, І. (, Ключник, В. (, Будулуца, І. (, Пащенко, Т.М. (, Альохін, В. (, Вергелес, О. (, Мося, І.А. (, Чадюк, О. (, Кулєшов, С. (, Остапенко, А. (, Наглий, Д. (, Ямкова, Т. (, Ямковий, О.Ю. (, Самбор, М. (, Гордієнко, С. (, Артюшенко, В. (, Мусій, В. (, Мавдрик, Т. (, Єськова, А. (, Петренко, Л.М. (, Субіна, Оксана (, Шусть, Василь Володимирович (, Радкевич, О.П. (, Іваногло, Ф. (, Єршова, Ольга Леонідівна (, Кручек, Вікторія Аркадіївна (, Майборода, Людмила Анатоліївна (, Сулима, Тетяна (Х), Троценко, І. (Х), Пищик, О. (, Загіка, Олена Олегівна (, Кочаток, Н. (, Шамралюк, О.Л. (, Пригодій, Микола Анатолійович (, Гуржій, А.М. (, Розенбліт, В. (, Гайдук, О.В. (, Герлянд, Т.М. (, Шустик, І.С. (, Бєсєдін, П.В. (, Натеса, Д.М. (, Заславська, С.І. (, Пятничук, Т.В. (, Гоменюк, Д.В. (, Оберемок, А. (, Каленський, А.А. (, Лапа, О.В. (, Пасічник, І. ( and Гуменний, О.Д. ( (2024) Vocational education in the context of sustainable development of society Project Report. Інститут професійної освіти НАПН України, м. Київ, Україна.

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The monograph presents materials prepared based on the results of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Vocational Education in the Context of Sustainable Development of Society” (Kyiv, October 17, 2024). The publication covers the socio-economic aspects of the transformation of the labor market and vocational education to ensure sustainable development; issues of quality and accessibility of vocational education for lifelong learning and development; problems of digitalization and greening of vocational education to accelerate the post-war recovery of Ukraine. The publication is addressed to representatives of legislative and executive authorities, public and professional organizations, managers and pedagogical staff of vocational (vocational-technical), professional higher and higher education institutions, methodologists of scientific (educational) and methodological centers (offices) of vocational education, researchers, postgraduate students, doctoral students and all those who study and implement the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Keywords: vocational education, sustainable development, labor market transformation, public-private partnership, economic culture, youth initiative, European integration, quality of education, lifelong learning, professional development, innovative methods, digitalization, environmentalization, post-war recovery, soft skills, environmental culture, technical and technological changes, entrepreneurship, competencies, professional self-improvement
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
Divisions: Institute of Vocational Education > Сommon resources institute
Depositing User: Микола Анатолійович Пригодій
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2024 18:59
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025 10:33


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