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War-induced stress and resources of socio-psychological resilience: A review of theoretical conceptualizations

- Степаненко, В. (, Злобіна, Олена Геннадіївна (, Головаха, Є. (, Дембіцький, С. ( and Найдьонова, Л. А. ( (2023) War-induced stress and resources of socio-psychological resilience: A review of theoretical conceptualizations Соцiологiя: теорiя, методи, маркетинг, 4. pp. 22-39. ISSN 1563-3713

[thumbnail of Стрес, спричинений війною, та ресурси соціально-психологічної стійкості огляд теоретичних концептуалізацій..pdf] Text
Стрес, спричинений війною, та ресурси соціально-психологічної стійкості огляд теоретичних концептуалізацій..pdf

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The article presents a review, analysis, and an attempt of methodological adaptation of relevant social and psychological research to the problems and realities of stressful situations of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In particular, it is about the role and functions of mediative resources in overcoming and buffering stressful situations caused by war, adaptation and formation of social psychological resilience. The specificity of stressful situation during the war is analyzed. It is noted that war is an emergency situation and a traumatic event, which is not aimed at individuals, but at the population as a whole. In such conditions, the population experiences continuous traumatic stress (CTS). Within the framework of the sociological approach to the study of stress and resources to overcome it, the Stress Process Model elaborated by L. Pearlin is characterized. The main theoretical conceptualizations of the resource approach to stress by S. Hobfoll are outlined and analyzed, in particular key resource theories, integrated resource models and the conservation of resources theory (COR). Resource mechanisms and mediating function of resources in adaptation and coping with stress are studied. In the sociological perspective of further studies of the stressful conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the special role of social relations as a psychological resource and social capital that contribute to stress buffering is noted. The authors conclude that in the perspective of a long war and its consequences, the important tasks of society and of the state are to preserve and increase the resources of internal cohesion, solidarity and resilience, along with the support of various forms of self-organization of national resistance.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: stress, stressful conditions, war, stress process model, mediating functions of resources, stress buff ering, social relations
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 314/316 Society > 316 Соціологія
Divisions: The Institute of Social and Political Psychology > Department of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education
Depositing User: Лаборант Д.Б. Говорун
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2024 08:23
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2024 08:23


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