- Стешиц, І.В. (orcid.org/0000-0001-6622-9375) (2023) Management of the development of pedagogical partnership among teachers in the conditions of methodical work in primary school Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».
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Steshyts I. V. Management of the development of pedagogical partnership among teachers in the conditions of methodical work in primary school. – Qualified scientific work as a manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 «Educational, pedagogical sciences». – State higher educational institution University of educational management» of National Academy of Educational, Kyiv, 2023. Contents of the annotation The dissertation is a study of the problem of managing the development of pedagogical partnerships between teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools, based on theoretical analysis and experimental confirmation of the results obtained. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of thodological work in primary schools. The object of the dissertation research is the process of managing the educational activities of primary school teachers, the subject of the research is the organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of primary schools. Research objectives: 1) characterize the essence of pedagogical partnership as a complex psychological and pedagogical phenomenon; 2) explore the state of management of the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools; 3) identify and scientifically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools; 4)characterize the levels of development of pedagogical partnership between teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools; 5) develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of a system of managerial influences for the development of pedagogical partnerships between teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools; 7) draw up methodological recommendations for the implementation of a system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership among primary school teachers. To achieve the goal and fulfill the assigned tasks, research methods were chosen: - theoretical: analysis and synthesis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, methodological scientific sources to clarify the essence of the concepts of “pedagogical partnership”, “management of the development of teachers’ competencies”, “methodological work of primary schools”, etc.; classification, comparison, generalization, systematization and specification of the definition of “management of the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers”; analysis and synthesis of the data obtained, their comparison with other studies, which allows one to gain a deeper understanding of the problem under study and draw more informed conclusions; - empirical: questionnaires, observation, interviews, independent characteristics and self-assessment, pedagogical examination – in order to obtain a collective opinion in the form of an expert judgment; - statistical: quantitative and qualitative analysis of research performance indicators, mathematical processing of the obtained data, including calculations based on the principles of qualimetry to evaluate the obtained research data. 22 educational institutions were chosen as the experimental base for the scientific research, of which a formative experiment was carried out in 5 educational institutions and a system of managerial influences was introduced on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of primary schools. Experimental groups of primary school teachers were created: state (municipal) form of ownership: Buchansky Lyceum No. 4 of the Buchansky City Council of the Kiev Region (Certificate No. 81 of June 26, 2023), Buchansky Lyceum No. 5 of the Buchansky City Council of the Kiev Region (Certificate No. 01-239 of June 29, 2023) and private ownership: Private Lyceum «Academy of Wisdom» in Bucha, Kyiv region. (Certificate No. 33 dated June 28, 2023), Private enterprise “Educational Institution “Source of Wisdom” p. Parpurivtsi, Vinnytsia region. (Certificate No. 110 dated 06/28/2023), private institution gymnasium “Solomon”, Chernivtsi (Certificate No. 110 dated 6/28/2023). In total, 212 participants were involved in the experimental testing: 105 people from the EG and 107 people from the CG. A pedagogical experiment to study the management of the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of an elementary school was carried out over a period of seven years (2017–2023). The experimental study was a complex experiment, consisting of conceptual search, ascertaining, formative, analytical and generalizing stages. At the conceptual-search stage (2017–2021), a deep theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical sources of scientific research and pedagogical experience in working on the research topic was carried out; analyzed regulatory documents on the research topic; the current practice of introducing pedagogical partnerships in educational institutions was analyzed, its prospects and significance for the domestic educational system were determined; the research problem and organizational support are substantiated; the categorical apparatus is determined (object, subject, purpose, main objectives of the study); criteria, indicators and levels of research are determined; The primary systematization and generalization of materials on the problem under study was carried out. At the ascertaining stage (2021–2022), the basis for conducting the experiment was determined, experimental groups (EG) and control groups (CG) of the study were formed; research tools have been selected; the initial state of the problem being studied is determined; The material on the definition and justification of the pedagogical conditions for the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of the methodological work of the school has been systematized, according to which experimental changes can be traced. At the forming stage (2022–2023), a forming experiment was carried out; perfect work related to generalizing the results of the molding stage of the experiment; a system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of the school was developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested; changes in the level of development of pedagogical partnership between teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools have been identified; observation and recording of the dynamics of changes was applied; A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results was carried out. The formative experiment had the following stages: prognostic, organizational and practical. At the prognostic stage of the molding experiment, a goal was set, the objectives of the research were outlined, and the main directions of its implementation were determined. The organizational stage is devoted to providing the experiment with the necessary material, technical and methodological equipment. To prepare for the practical stage of the molding experiment, an experimental group was allocated. At the practical stage of the formative experiment, an experimental complex was developed, which included the original discipline “Pedagogy of Partnership” for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. The results of the output experiment guided certain programs for conducting an All-Ukrainian round table for directors of educational institutions, deputy directors, heads of professional communities of primary school teachers, teaching staff of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers on the topic: “Management of an educational institution in the conditions of implementation partnership pedagogy: methodological aspect”; in the development of the All-Ukrainian seminar-workshop for primary school teachers on the topic “Implementation of partnership pedagogy – the key to constructive cooperation between teacher – students – parents”, the purpose of which was to summarize and present the results of scientific research and practical experience in the implementation of partnership pedagogy in teacher-student relationships; in the development of a seminar for primary school teachers and heads of educational institutions “Principles of pedagogical partnership in action – the key to constructive cooperation between teacher – students – parents.” Also, personally oriented forms of teaching theoretical material (lecture-discussion, lecture-dialogue); practical classes (synectics method, concrete situation method, project method, etc.); psychological and pedagogical trainings were used, etc. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is that: - for the first time, organizational and pedagogical conditions have been identified and theoretically substantiated to ensure the establishment, maintenance and improvement of relationships between the main subjects of the educational process in the conditions of methodological work of an elementary school, namely: the phasing of managerial influences, the proactive nature of managerial influences to eliminate problems in the implementation of pedagogical partnerships or anti-problemism , a combination of individual and collective nature or multi-level management; the levels of development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of the school are characterized; a system of managerial influences on the implementation of the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of PGs is theoretically substantiated and developed, which is embodied in educational institutions in the unity of the aspects of phasing, anti-problemism and multi-levelness; - the content of the concepts “competence of pedagogical partnership”, “development of pedagogical partnership” has been clarified; the author's definition of the concept of “managing the development of a teacher’s pedagogical partnership in the conditions of methodological work in an elementary school”, “organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of a pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work in an elementary school” is proposed; - a multi-subject multi-level model of pedagogical partnership is revealed and presented; a list of teacher personality qualities is described in accordance with the principles of partnership pedagogy; - the content and essence of managing the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of an educational institution in crisis conditions received further development. The concept of “pedagogical partnership” has been clarified and specified, by which we mean a system of interaction between the main subjects of the educational process (which, in our opinion, are education managers – teachers – students – arents), and which is implemented on the principles of partnership, clearly outlined in the Concept of NUS (respect for the іndividual, goodwill and positive attitude, trust in relationships, dialogue – interaction – mutual respect, distributive leadership, the principle of social partnership). The author’s definition of the concept of managing the development of a teacher’s pedagogical partnership in the conditions of the methodological work of an elementary school is proposed, by which we mean a system of guiding influences on the process of establishing, maintaining and improving relationships between the main subjects of the educational process at all levels on the principles of partnership implemented in the methodological work of the school and is its important direction. Based on a study of the essence of pedagogical partnership, the author’s model of pedagogical partnership has been developed, taking into account its multi-level four-subject structure, where the main subjects of the educational process are managers – teachers – students – parents. Its component composition and connections between them (in the unity of its components) are revealed through the following structural elements of pedagogical partnership: the motive of pedagogical partnership is an internal motivation that stimulates the teacher to an equal, voluntary and responsible partnership; the goal of the pedagogical partnership is the development of the student’s personality as a subject of life, learning, and professional growth; the content of the pedagogical partnership is the creation of a personal, individual trajectory of personal development, focusing on a democratic and humane attitude, on ensuring the rights of students to freedom of choice, dignity, respect, the right to be themselves; methods of pedagogical partnership – a transition from a conservative, monological, violent type of communication, the phenomenology of which is represented by a manipulative style (demands and prohibitions, criticism and praise, punishment and encouragement, notations and morality) – to a fascinating dialogical, innovative one between teacher and student; Thanks to the means of pedagogical partnership, the teacher can help students engage in active educational activities, involve them in the processes of creating themselves, and there are different types of means, including: the personality of the teacher, material and technical means, the organization of the educational environment and organizational forms, and the very relationships between teacher and students, teacher and parents, relationships in teaching and student teams; the result of the partnership is the manifestation of initiative, esponsibility, consciousness and creativity in the student. A multi-subject, multi-level model of pedagogical partnership has been developed and justified, which is described at different levels of its representation: individual, collective and public (through communities). In particular: the first subject – education managers – is represented at the stated levels as follows: at the personal level – the director of the educational institution; at the collective level – the administration of the institution (deputy directors of the institution for educational, scientific, educational, economic activities); at the public level – governing bodies of education (directorate/department of education). The second subject – teachers are presented as follows: the personality of the teacher; teaching staff, teaching assistants, external specialists; professional communities of teachers, methodological/creative associations/communities. The third subject is students, presented in a multi-subject multi-level model of pedagogical partnership as follows: the student’s personality; class team; student self-government of an educational institution. The fourth subject of the pedagogical partnership is parents: parents, guardians or trustees; parent committee, team; parent communities/associations. Thus, such multi-level subjectivity of pedagogical partnership contributes to a more complete understanding of it and helps to guide its development in an educational institution. Organizational and pedagogical conditions have been identified and theoretically substantiated to ensure the establishment, maintenance and improvement of relationships between the main subjects of the educational process in the conditions of methodological work of the school, namely: the phasing of managerial influences, including five stages: information-analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational and executive, control and regulatory; the anticipatory nature of managerial influences to eliminate problems in the implementation of pedagogical partnerships or anti-problematics; a combination of individual and collective nature or multi-level management. By the concept of organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of the methodological work of the PS, we understand the set of circumstances that ensure the establishment, maintenance and improvement of relationships between the main subjects of the educational process on the principles of partnership, implemented in the methodological work of the PS. A system of managerial influences on the implementation of the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of PGs has been designed, which is embodied in educational institutions in the unity of the aspects of phasing, anti-problemism and multi-levelness. By a system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership, we understand a set of purposeful, organized management actions that comprehensively ensure an increase in the level of pedagogical partnership of teachers in educational institutions. The first aspect of the system of managerial influences involves the implementation of such stages that are developed in accordance with generally accepted management functions: information-analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-regulatory, ensuring the implementation of the phasing of pedagogical influences as the first condition. The second important aspect of the system of managerial influences is a set of management measures to prevent and eliminate identified problems or anti-problem management, which helps to fully implement the four-vector system of pedagogical partnership, namely: overwork and overload of teachers (teacher vector), prevention of many problems and conflict situations with parents (vector parents), students (student-vector), administration (education management vector). It should be noted that in the second aspect, the involvement of parents in fruitful cooperation through the passage of certain stages has been developed and described, namely: the first stage is diagnostic, the second stage is strategic, the third stage is conceptual, the fourth stage is activity (which presents various forms of cooperation with parents in groups: visual-informational or visual-written, collective or group, individual), the fifth stage is analytical. The third important aspect of the system of managerial influences is the combination of individual and collective nature or multi-level management. It is this aspect that ensures the implementation of the multi-level nature of the pedagogical partnership system at different levels of its representation: individual, collective and public (through the community). The criteria for the level of development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of the school (subject-subject interaction with students, involvement of parents on the basis of partnership, teamwork in a team, interaction with education managers) are theoretically substantiated; their indicators are determined, the levels are characterized: low, medium, sufficient, high. It has been proven that all aspects of the implementation of the author’s system of managerial influences correspond to the patterns of development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of PS and, as a result, ensure positive dynamics of indicators for the development of pedagogical partnership of primary school teachers, which helps to create positive changes in their knowledge and beliefs, the practice of implementation mechanisms subject-subject relations and influences the improvement of the results of cooperation between all participants in the educational process, therefore it becomes a key factor in the development of NLS. The results of the experimental study determine the level of development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of primary schools and an increase in the high level of the EG (7.2 %) compared to the CG (1.7 %) was stated, according to the sufficient level of the EG (7.2 %) compared to the CG (0.4 %), accordingly, the number of education applicants with a low level in the EG decreased (by 2.9 %) compared to the CG (by 2.3 %). A comparison of the levels of development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of primary schools in control groups showed that the proposed system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of primary schools is effective and appropriate. Based on the results of experimental testing of the system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of an elementary school, methodological recommendations were developed for the practical implementation of a system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work of an elementary school. The practical significance of the research results is that in the educational process of general education institutions a system of managerial influences can be used to develop the pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools; the course “Pedagogy of Partnership” was introduced; workshops for primary school teachers and heads of educational institutions on the topic “Implementation of partnership pedagogy – the key to constructive cooperation teacher – students – parents”, “Principles of pedagogical partnership in action – the key to constructive cooperation teacher – students –parents”; methodological recommendations for the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for managing the development of competence in the pedagogical partnership of beginning teachers. The results of the dissertation and methodological recommendations for the implementation of a system of managerial influences on the development of pedagogical partnership of teachers in the conditions of methodological work in primary schools can be used in the practical activities of SHS directors and deputy directors; in the system of advanced teaching qualifications; in the process of professional training of heads of educational institutions in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education and institutions of higher education; in the scientific activities of graduate students and applicants; in the system of ethodological work of educational institutions.
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