- Скрипка, К.С. (orcid.org/0000-0002-8325-2830) (2023) Management readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».
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Skrypka K. S. Management readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work. – Qualification scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 –«Educational, pedagogical sciences». State Institution of Higher Education Management «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023. Annotation content The dissertation study is devoted to the issue of managing the readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work. As a modern innovative trend, inclusive education is now widely discussed by theoreticians and practitioners of the scientific environment: doctors, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, rehabilitators, correctional teachers and other competent specialists, parents and the public. This is due to an increase in the number of children with various developmental disabilities in recent years and a change in the value orientations of education. Many theoretical and practical studies define inclusive education as a strategy for ensuring the rights of people with special needs, a priority direction of national social policy, a tool for integrating people with disabilities into society ("society for all"), a contribution to the functioning of educational institutions. The concept of an inclusive approach. Innovative educational trends. that meet the educational needs of everyone ("education for all") Systems of educational services (satisfaction of cognitive needs, expansion of the range of cognitive interests, etc.). The study of the problem both theoretically and practically showed that little attention was paid in theory and practice to the issue of "Managing the development of the readiness of the head of a general secondary education institution to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work." In the process of studying the scientific literature, analyzing the levels of development of the readiness of the head of the ZZSO for the organization of inclusive education in the system of methodical work, a number of contradictions were revealed between: − the demands placed on the organization of inclusive education at the current stage of Ukraine's integration into the world educational space, and the insufficient development of scientific and methodological support for such a process at the district level; − the necessity of forming the readiness of the head of the ZZSO for the organization of IN and the insufficient provision of pedagogical conditions in the process of their professional training on the specified issue at the district level; − the need for a mobile response regarding the adjustment of the content of the IN in ZZSO and the insufficient efficiency of centers for the professional development of pedagogical workers. The relevance of the mentioned problem and the inadequacy of its development determined the choice of the research topic "Management of the development of the readiness of the head of the general secondary education institution to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work." The interpretation of concepts based on the analysis of legal documents, dictionary articles, and scientific sources has been clarified. Inclusive education is a process in which SEN attempts to respond to the needs of all students by making necessary changes to the curriculum and resources to ensure equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their psychophysical condition. Inclusive education is defined as a complex process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special needs by organizing their education in special educational institutions based on the use of personally oriented teaching methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of the educational and cognitive activities of such children. The readiness of the heads of the educational institutions for the introduction of IN is a multifaceted formation containing a complex of skills, knowledge, motives and personal qualities that ensure effective management of the introduction of IN in the conditions of educational transformations. Taking into account the fact that the head of the general secondary education institution is the manager of the educational and cognitive and educational process and plays an important role in the adaptation of the inclusive educational space for children with SEN, we define the management of the readiness of the head of SEN to organize IN as a process aimed at increasing the level the manager's ability to apply a flexible management procedure, redistribute educational resources, diversify the range of educational services, mobilize the professional potential of the teaching staff, conduct explanatory work with parents, protect the rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education. The essence and indicators of the manager's level of readiness for the organization of inclusive education were determined and the corresponding factor-criterion (qualimetric) submodel was developed; the parameters of the leader's readiness (theoretical readiness of the head of the educational institution for the implementation of inclusive education; managerial and organizational readiness for the implementation of inclusive education; effectiveness of managerial and organizational activities) and relevant factors and criteria are highlighted. On the basis of expert assessment, the indicators of the readiness of the head of ZZSO to the organization of IN were determined: 0 <P ≤ 0.24 – insufficient level; 0.25 < P ≤ 0.49 – satisfactory level; 0.5 < P ≤ 0.74 – sufficient level (optimal); 0.75 < P ≤ 1 – high level. It was established that the implementation of the criteria helps to increase the level of readiness of the head of the PPE to organize the IE. A conceptual model for managing the readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work has been developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested. The five-block model is, by all accounts, systemic, as it corresponds to the generally accepted principles of systems theory: purposefulness, complexity, divisibility, integrity, structuredness. The system-creating component of this model is the goal, which is to increase the level of readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work. The conceptual-objective block of the model covers modern methodological approaches (systemic, activity-based, person-oriented, competency-based) and reveals the inner essence of forming the readiness of the head of an educational institution to implement inclusive education in the conditions of methodical service. The motivation block reflects the motives of readiness, needs and interests of the head of the educational institution. Content – contains structural components of the readiness of the head of the educational institution to implement inclusive education in the conditions of methodical service; pedagogical conditions of its formation, as well as forms and methods of implementation. The procedural block of the model reflects the stages of research (preparatory-organizational, diagnostic-design, organizational-reflexive), forms of interaction, methods and learning technologies to form the readiness of the head of the educational institution to implement inclusive education in the conditions of methodical service, which is carried out within the limits of using not only traditional forms, but also the latest methods and technologies. The resulting block is represented by the criteria of formation (motivational-value, cognitive, creative-active and evaluation-(esultative), as well as levels (low, medium, high) of the readiness of the head of the educational institution to implement inclusive education. The proposed model provides an analysis of the effectiveness of the activity of the methodological service aimed at forming the readiness of the head of the educational institution to implement inclusive education and the construction of a corrective trajectory of a systemic and individual approach to the readiness of the head of the educational institution to implement inclusive education. It was determined that the project is a certain set of management tasks and organizational actions, methods and means aimed at achieving the goal of the project activity. Project technology enables the head of an educational institution to implement inclusive education. Its application can be considered a dominant aspect in solving the issue of implementation of inclusive education. An experimental test of the management model of the readiness of educational institution leaders to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work was carried out on the basis of the information and methodical center of the management of education, culture, youth and sports of the Dergachyv district state administration within the framework of the implementation of the district social project for the development of inclusive education "Without borders" for managers educational institutions, the result of which was the participation in four training modules of specialists of the "Lado" specialized center for children with special educational needs; in training with the "World Cafe" format (trainer Bosilka Shedlich, Berlin (Germany)); familiarization with the work experience of teachers in the city of Tallinn (Estonia); conducting a competition for children with special needs "Amazing Child"; organization of the activity of mobile groups "Boomerang Dobra" with the aim of helping special children in their socialization. The innovativeness of the project lies in the formation of the readiness of the heads of educational institutions for the implementation of inclusive education, which is aimed at the early integration and social adaptation of children with special needs into society, their involvement in society The results of the experimental verification of the developed model for managing the readiness of leaders of educational institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work prove that the model contributes to monitoring the level of readiness of leaders to organize inclusive education, forms in them the ability to properly organize inclusive education in institutions of general secondary education and teaches to create a trajectory activities aimed at implementing an inclusive space in an educational institution. Measurement and analysis of the level of readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions for the organization of inclusive education, which were used during the experiment, registered positive dynamics and confirmed the high level of influence of the implementation of the model. The generalized results of the experiment showed a 39.8 % increase in the level of readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education. The difference in the results of the measurements is not accidental, but caused by effective experimental work related to the strengthening of criteria, the purposefulness of managerial influences, the development on this basis of the readiness of managers to organize inclusive education in institutions of general secondary education. According to the results of the study, methodological recommendations for heads of general secondary education institutions and a methodological complex for increasing the level of readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions for the organization of inclusive education were developed, in which diagnostic materials were proposed with the justification of the methodology for their application, the author's special course "Managing the readiness of the head of a general secondary education institution to implementation of inclusive education". The results of the research can be used by methodical services of the district/city, centers of professional development of pedagogical workers.The goal of the research has been achieved, the tasks have been completed. The completed scientific work does not exhaust all aspects of the problem of the practical application of the management model of the readiness of heads of general secondary education institutions to organize inclusive education in the system of methodical work. It confirms the need for further scientific research on the interaction of the methodical service of district/city departments of education with the heads of general secondary education institutions in order to ensure their readiness for the organization of inclusive education in an educational institution.
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