- Прокопенко, О.А. (orcid.org/0000-0002-0304-5058) (2023) Self-concept as a factor in the development of professionalism of teachers of general secondary education institutions Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».
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Prokopenko O. A. Self-concept as a factor in the development of professionalism of teachers of general secondary education institutions. – Qualified scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. Thesis for the degree of a scientific degree of the doctor of philosophy on a speciality 053 “Psychology” (05 - Social and Behavioural Sciences). – SHEI “University of Educational Management” NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023. The dissertation is devoted to theoretical substantiation and experimental study of the self-concept of teachers of general secondary education institutions as a factor in the development of their professionalism, the components and indicators of the self-concept and professionalism of teachers, as well as a programme for their development within the psychological characteristics and trends identified in the work, are proposed. The dissertation research object of the study is the self-concept of a personality, and the subject is the self-concept as a factor in the development of professionalism of teachers of general secondary education institutions. The study purpose has been to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the self-concept as a factor in the development of teachers’ professionalism. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the literature, the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the self-concept of a personality have been set (psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioural, humanistic, genetic-modelling, dynamic, axiological, personal-activity, systemic, etc). They summarise the self-concept as a personal formation that ensures self-knowledge and self-understanding of a person’s properties and abilities, place and role in society, determination of his/her life goals and vectors of life path. It is stated that it is the mature self-concept that is the psychological basis that guarantees the preservation of integrity, promotes the constructive development of the individual, maintains his or her mental and psychological health in conditions of instability. By the results of the theoretical analysis of literature and practice of self-concept formation in the current crisis conditions, the indicators of development of a mature self-concept are substantiated and systematised by spiritual and value (self-worth and self-creation), cognitive and reflective (clarity and differentiation), affective and evaluative (adequate self-esteem and positive self-attitude), and conative and regulatory (self-control and self-creation) components. Attention is focused on the special significance of the spiritual and value aspect of the self-concept in the context of constructive personal development in the face of today’s challenges. The peculiarities of the professional activity of teachers of general secondary education institutions, which determine the special requirements for their professionalism, are highlighted: 1) activity in the “person-to-person” system, which is one of the most stressful, psychologically intense types of work, where the teacher is required to constantly exercise self-control and self-regulation; 2) strict requirements to the personal qualities of the teacher and, especially, the so-called “soft skills”, which should provide a significant contribution to maintaining a favourable psychological climate of the team and minimising social tension in educational organisations as the basis for successful pedagogical activity in general; 3) creative nature of the teacher’s professional activity through constant solution of extraordinary tasks, introduction of educational innovations, while an important prerequisite for creative activity is the ability to distinguish one’s self from the surrounding pedagogical reality, to analyse one’s actions, words and thoughts; 4) high informative saturation of the teacher’s activity, the need to receive, process information, generate new information in the form of a professional decision, relay this information to other participants in educational activities, given the need to adhere to moral guidelines and create a safe educational space; 5) high psychological cost due to personal responsibility for the quality of preparation of younger generations for life, which, in the context of chronic time pressure and unsatisfactory economic incentives, can lead to professional burnout and negatively affect the level of teachers’ professionalism. It is stated that professionalism is an integrative characteristic of a professionally mature personality as a subject of activity, communication and labour, which includes: 1) social maturity (mastery of legal norms, means of joint professional activity and cooperation, methods of professional communication accepted in society); 2) personal maturity (mastery of means of self-expression and self-development, means of counteracting professional deformations of the personality); 3) activity maturity (high-level mastery of professional activity, means of self-realisation and self-development of the personality within the profession, ability to creative manifestations of one’s individuality). It was found that the development of the teacher's рrofessionalism is a process of the specialist as a subject of action, communication and work achieving a qualitatively new, more effective level of solving complex professional tasks in the conditions of social transformations due to social, personal and functional maturity. It has been established that to a large extent the development of professionalism is determined by the position and own subjective activity of an educational specialist in relation to the direction and possibilities of accepting changes that are rapidly unfolding in the modern world, a person's desire for constant self-improvement and self-development, preservation and development of spiritual principles, etc. The influence of the self-concept on the development of teachers’ professionalism as an indispensable condition for a qualitatively new, more effective level of solving complex professional tasks in the context of social transformations is theoretically substantiated at the cognitive (enrichment and updating of knowledge about professionalism, components and criteria for its achievement; ways and conditions for designing one’s professional path and professional self-development, pursuing a professional career), affective (development of spiritual, value and meaningful attitude to professional activity and to oneself as a professional The results of the empirical study revealed insufficient levels of teachers’ self-concept in general secondary education institutions in general and in terms of individual components. As for the spiritual and value component of the self-concept, only one in four of the studied teachers has a high level of it. These are teachers who are characterised by high levels of self and self-creation values, for whom the values of creativity, development, self-confidence, self-realisation, etc. are important. More than a third of teachers have an average level of the spiritual and value component of the self-concept; they demonstrate a general orientation towards spiritual values, while having mostly average indicators of the value of self and self-creation with a predominant focus on the spiritual principle as a determinant in building themselves. A low level of this component was found in almost a third of teachers, who are characterised by predominantly low levels of self-creation value and insufficient orientation towards spiritual values as determinants of their life. At the same time, the results of the factor analysis revealed an ambivalent, contradictory structure of the value orientations of the studied teachers, which may adversely affect the awareness and acceptance of the value of their self and the value of self-creation. Regarding the cognitive-reflective component of the self-concept, its insufficient level was found for the vast majority of the subjects. Only a third of the teachers under study are characterised by a high level of this component, they show high levels of clarity, understanding and precision of self-concepts, their coherence with each other and, at the same time, differentiation, balance of group and individual-specific characteristics, and the identification of different spheres of life for self-characterisation. Almost half of the teachers with predominantly average values of the above indicators were included in the group with an average level, and every fifth teacher with low levels of clarity, understanding and precision of a person’s ideas about themselves, their coherence with each other, differentiation, imbalance of group and individual-specific characteristics, orientation to describe oneself mainly in one of the spheres of life - to the group with a low level of cognitive-reflective component of self-concept In addition, an insufficient level of the affective-evaluative component of teachers’ self-concept was identified: its high level, when the subjects showed high levels of self-respect and unconditional self-acceptance, was found only in every fifth of the subjects, the same number of teachers and even slightly more were characterised by a low level of this component, 6% of the subjects, low, when teachers demonstrated low levels of the above indicators, while almost two-thirds of teachers were characterised by an average level of this component. Similar tendencies were identified in the study of the conative-regulatory component of teachers’ self-concept, which revealed an insufficient level of its development for a significant part of the subjects: only one in five teachers showed high rates of self-improvement and self-development and optimal self-control, more than half of the subjects had average values of these indicators, and one in four teachers had low values. Such results also affected the overall level of maturity of teachers’ self-concept, a high level of which was found in only a tenth of the respondents who are focused on self-control, self-development, self-creation in general). Instead, three quarters of respondents are characterised by an average level of maturity of the self-concept (being generally focused on self-development and self-improvement, they often have difficulty in choosing an adequate strategy in emotionally stressful situations of professional interaction), and every tenth respondent has a low level. According to the analysis of variance, the peculiarities of self-concept maturity were revealed depending on some gender, age, organisational and professional characteristics of teachers Regarding gender and age peculiarities: younger male teachers are characterised by higher levels of self-concept maturity than female teachers. Instead, the picture changes dramatically with age, and then, on the contrary, older female teachers show higher levels of self-concept maturity than male teachers (p < 0.05). As for the organisational and professional features: in general, teachers working in lyceums and gymnasiums are characterised by higher levels of self-concept maturity than teachers working in regular general secondary education institutions (p < 0.05). In general, we can state an insufficient level of development of both indicators of self-concept and all its components, which determines the expediency of their development towards achieving the maturity of the studied phenomenon. Similar results were found with regard to the development of general secondary education teachers’ professionalism in general and by individual components. Thus, with regard to the cognitive component of professional development: only one third of teachers showed a high level of awareness of the essence, specificity, indicators and conditions of professional development, more than half of the respondents are characterised by an average level of awareness, partial knowledge of professionalism and ways of its development, and every twentieth teacher has no or low level of knowledge on this topic. Regarding the affective component of professionalism development: a high level is inherent in more than a third of the respondents who demonstrated a spiritual, value-based attitude to professional activity and to themselves as a professional; a clearly expressed positive attitude to professionalism and its development; a high level of job satisfaction, etc. The average level of the affective component of professionalism development was found in one third of teachers, who were characterised by mostly average values of job satisfaction and personal significance with a predominantly value-based attitude to professional activity and to themselves as professionals. Instead, almost every fourth teacher had a low level of development of this component. Regarding the conative component of professional development: two-thirds of teachers have an average level of this component, characterised mainly by average values of involvement in work, energy, dedication, and enthusiasm for work; with a relative focus on partnership and constructive professional communication, they do not always apply a creative approach to professional activity in general and solving problematic situations of professional activity in particular. A high level of the conative component of professionalism development was found only in a sixth of the studied teachers, who demonstrated high levels of pedagogical skills in solving problematic situations of pedagogical activity, the ability to perform activities creatively; involvement in work, energy, dedication, enthusiasm for work; orientation towards partnership and constructive professional communication, etc. Two-thirds of the respondents have an average level of this quality, with mostly average values of indicators of work engagement, energy, dedication, and enthusiasm for work; with a relative focus on partnership and constructive professional communication, they do not always apply a creative approach to professional activities in general and to solving problematic situations in professional activities in particular. Instead, almost every fifth teacher showed a low level of development of this component, demonstrating mostly low levels of the above indicators. At the same time, according to the results of the cluster analysis, which was carried out on the basis of the data of factorisation of teachers’ ideas about the ideal teacher, 4 groups of the studied were identified according to the prevailing ideas of teachers about the ideal image of the teacher, which allow us to talk about the personal resource of their professional development, since the largest group (almost half of the studied) was made up of teachers who are generally focused on self-improvement and professionalism. The analysis of the distribution of the studied teachers by the levels of professional development in general, which were determined by the levels of components, showed that only more than a third of the studied teachers have higher than average and high levels of professional development. Almost a quarter of the surveyed teachers can be characterised as having lower than average and low levels, and more than a third have an average level of professional development. Thus, a significant proportion of teachers need professional development to a greater or lesser extent. At the same time, the results of the analysis of variance revealed a statistically significant dependence of the levels of teachers’ professional development on age and type of educational institution. Thus, it was found that older teachers have lower levels of professional development, especially male teachers (p < 0.05). In addition, teachers working in lyceums and gymnasiums have higher levels of professionalism development than those working in regular schools (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the manifestations of teachers’ professionalism by other characteristics. At the final stage of the empirical study, the results of the analysis of variance revealed that there is a direct statistically significant relationship between the maturity of teachers’ self-concept and the levels of their professionalism development: the more mature the teachers’ self-concept is, the higher the level of their professionalism development is (p < 0.05). Thus, the main hypothesis about a strong direct relationship between self-concept and teachers’ professionalism has found both theoretical justification and empirical confirmation. In accordance with the results of the theoretical analysis and the ascertaining stage of the empirical study, a programme of organisational and psychological support for teachers in postgraduate education aimed at increasing the maturity of their self-concept as a factor in the development of professionalism has been developed. The psychoeducational direction of the programme involves the organisation of special psychological training for teachers in the conditions of advanced training according to the author’s special course, which unfolds at the preparatory (adaptive), diagnostic (analytical), developmental (corrective), prognostic (reflective) stages. The consultative direction is implemented both during the in-service training of teachers in postgraduate education institutions and centres for the professional development of pedagogical staff, and directly in the activities of practical psychologists in educational institutions. The effectiveness of the author’s programme for the development of teachers’ self-concept as a factor of their professionalism in the process of in-service teacher training has been proved, as evidenced by the positive, statistically significant dynamics of the levels of development of teachers’ self-concept in the experimental group in general and in all components of self-concept in particular, in contrast to the control group, where no statistically significant changes in the indicators of self-concept were found before and after the formative stage. The scientific novelty of the work is that here the author: for the first time: - a model of teachers’ self-concept has been developed, consisting of spiritual-value, cognitive-reflective, affective-evaluative and conative-regulatory components, which contain a set of relevant qualities as the basis for the development of their professionalism in the current crisis conditions; - the peculiarities of the self-concept of teachers of general secondary education institutions are determined, due to both the insufficient level of development of its components and the overall level of maturity of the self-concept of the majority of the studied teachers, as well as their gender, age, organisational and professional characteristics; - the division of educators into groups according to the prevailing ideas about the ideal image of a teacher (“focused on cooperation and innovation”, “focused on performance discipline and material well-being”, “focused on justice and selflessness”, “focused on self-improvement and professionalism”) was revealed, which allows us to state the existing personal potential of their professional development; - a direct, statistically significant relationship between the maturity of teachers’ self-concept and the levels of development of their professionalism has been established: the more mature the teachers’ self-concept is, the higher is the level of development of their professionalism (p < 0.05); - a programme of organization and psychological support for teachers in postgraduate education aimed at increasing the maturity of their self-concept as a factor in the development of professionalism has been developed; - the essence of the concepts: “self-concept”, professionalism”, “development of professionalism”; “maturity of self-concept” were clarified as an integral indicator of the constructiveness of its development in conditions of uncertainty; - the provisions on psychological support for the development of teachers’ professionalism, taking into account the maturity of their self-concept, etc. are of further development. The study practical significance lies in the fact that the obtained empirical results, psychodiagnostic tools and the programme for the development of teachers’ self-concept as a factor of their professionalism can be used in the system of psychological services of educational institutions to monitor the development of teachers’ self-concept in general secondary education institutions, organise appropriate correctional and developmental procedures. The revealed psychological tendencies and peculiarities of the development of self-concept as a factor of teachers’ professionalism can be used as a basis for improving the process of professional training of teachers, used in the process of teaching psychological disciplines for future teachers and practical psychologists in higher education institutions, in advanced training courses in postgraduate education institutions, in the activities of Centres for Professional Development of Teachers, etc. This dissertation study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem of self-concept as a factor in the professionalism of teachers. In the future, it is advisable to study the peculiarities of the development of self-concept as a factor of professionalism of teachers at different levels of educational institutions, as well as psychological mechanisms for ensuring the maturity of teachers’ self-concept. It is important to study the personal readiness of practical psychologists of the education system for psychological support of the development of a mature self-concept as a factor of professionalism of teachers, etc.
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