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Ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine (1990 s – 10 s of the 21 st century)

- Вишневська, Г.П. ( (2023) Ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine (1990 s – 10 s of the 21 st century) Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».

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Vyshnevska G. P. Ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine (1990 s – 10 s of the 21 st century). – Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights. Dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences. – State institution of higher education «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023. Annotation content For the first time, the dissertation highlighted the results of a systematic and holistic study of a scientific problem that was not the subject of historical and pedagogical studies: the transformation of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine in the historical period of the 90 s of the 20 th to the 10 s of the 21 st century. The research of the actual scientific problem was carried out on the philosophical, methodological, theoretical, and technological fields, which made it possible to systematize conceptual ideas in the interdisciplinary scientific field; to carry out the selection and grouping of methodological tools adequate to the purpose and tasks; to specify the key concepts of the research topic and the criteria for grouping sources, social goals that influenced the transformation of ethno-cultural trends of the content of school education within the chronological limits of research studies; initial parameters to clarify the periods and stages of the studied cultural and educational phenomenon and generalize the strategies and educational practices of the implementation of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education. Methodological concepts corresponding to the specifics of historical-pedagogical research –historiographical, chronological, paradigmatic, axiological, civilizational, cultural – have been identified, which enabled the realization of research tasks. A set of interrelated methods contributed to the solution of the goal and tasks of historical-pedagogical research: general scientific methods – for studying changes in the content of school education and substantiating the periodization and peculiarities of the trends of the studied phenomenon in the historical and cultural progress; the historical-genetic method – contributed to the structuring of the source base and the analysis of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education in the conditions of the dominant paradigms; problem-genetic – for the reproduction and historical reconstruction of an integrated educational-cultural (ethno-cultural) phenomenon in accordance with the developed author's periodization. The historical-comparative method made it possible to carry out a comparative analysis of periods and stages of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education within the territorial and chronological limits of the study. The concept of «ethnocultural trends in the content of school education» has been clarified and characterized, the essence of which is the knowledge outlined in the content of school education, the directions of achievements in various spheres of life in ethnocultural environments, socio-cultural experience, which is based on values understood and demanded by the individual and society in order to to make them the property of the younger generation. The dissertation presents the results of theoretical analysis and systematization and grouping of research sources taking into account the principles of: systematicity, reliability, historicism, scientificity, interdisciplinary. Five groups of sources are singled out according to the criterion of social conditioning and the problem criterion: scientific, documentary, educational and methodological, reference, and their essential characteristics are presented in accordance with the purpose and solution of the research tasks. According to the results of historical-pedagogical studies, it was found that despite the study of various aspects of scientific issues in the modern scientific discourse regarding the development of school education strategies in Ukraine, the topic updated in the dissertation was not the subject of a coherent and systematic scientific historical-pedagogical study. The dissertation analyzed a vast layer of legislative and normative-methodical sources, guiding documents from the fund of 166 Centers of Education and Culture of Ukraine, which regulated the purpose and paradigms that influenced the transformation of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education in the course of the history of Ukraine (90 s XX–10 those of the 2 st century). The dissertation carried out a historical-pedagogical reconstruction of the ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine within the framework of the study, which made it possible to reveal new knowledge about the social determinants of their transformation. Ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education are presented as an educational and cultural phenomenon, in the course of which two periods are distinguished, which are characterized by intra-school differentiation (taking into account the personal needs of students in obtaining valuable knowledge and developing their own educational trajectory and readiness for life in an ethnocultural environment; taking into account the goals of families regarding the education of children; integration of the efforts of the school and ethno-cultural centers in order to improve the content of education based on values) and in line with the normative regulation of the goal, content provision of the ethno-cultural component in the current curricula. According to two groups of criteria (social conditioning and pedagogical), a periodization of ethno-cultural trends in the development of school education was developed, according to the problem-chronological type. The first period (1991–1999) is the revival and formation of ethnocultural trends in the content of school education in the conditions of the establishment of new paradigms of education in independent Ukraine, in which two stages are distinguished: the restoration of ethnocultural dominance in the conditions of the formation of the content of school education on a national basis (1991–1995), the establishment of the Ukrainian studies paradigm in the content of school education (1995–1999). The second period (1999–2018) – the normative and methodological support of ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in the conditions of the modernization of education on the basis of competence – is characterized by two stages: 1999–2012 – the establishment of the Ukrainian studies paradigm in the content of school education, 2012–2018 – finding ways to implement ethno-cultural content in the educational space of Ukraine on the basis of universal values. In accordance with the selected methodological concepts, the priority ethno-cultural trends in the development of school education of students in Ukraine, which took place during 1991–2018, were substantiated and characterized in accordance with the goal of improving and developing the content of school education on the national and Ukrainian-scientific grounds in line with the dominant paradigms of education: personally oriented and competence To the priority ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in Ukraine in the course of history in the 1990s – 10s of the 21st century. included – introduction of ethnocultural content of school education in accordance with new educational paradigms; approval of the ethno-cultural concept of the content of school education in Ukrainian documents on education, concepts, programs; finding ways to implement the educational ideal on the ethno-cultural basis; regulatory and methodological regulation of the introduction of the ethno-cultural component into the content of school education; the regional nature of the improvement of the ethnocultural component of the content of school education; transformation of cultural priorities – from ethnocultural and national to multicultural and intercultural communications. According to the results of the research of interdisciplinary studies and educational practices, the peculiarities of the transformation of ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in line with the dominant paradigms of education and the renewal of social strategies and the goal of teaching and educating students in the conditions of the development of schooling in Ukraine are characterized. In the context of isolated periods and stages of the author's periodization according to the problem-chronological type, the peculiarities of the transformation of ethno-cultural trends in the development of the content of school education and their implementation in concepts, programs and curricula are highlighted. The content of the dissertation presents the results of research on the information and development of productive ethnocultural practices and personal and professional requirements for teachers in the outlined segment of history by Ukrainian teachers. The dissertation presents new knowledge about the transformation of ethnocultural trends in the context of qualitative changes in the content of school education of students in accordance with the purpose of education and personal requests and intra-school differentiation; regulatory and methodological regulation of ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education in line with the dominant paradigms (updating the ethnocultural component of the content of school education, modernization of educational programs in line with the Ukrainian studies and civilizational paradigm); strengthening ties at the regional level regarding the improvement of the local studies content of school education; interdependence between the ethno-cultural progress of the content of school education and the improvement of personal and professional requirements for the teacher.On the basis of the analysis of documents from the funds of the Center for Education and Culture of Ukraine (fund 166), the interrelationships between changes in the paradigms of school education and its goal regarding the actualization and revival and formation of ethnocultural trends in the development of the content of school education and the preparation of teachers to solve these tasks were clarified and characterized. professional requirements for the teacher are characterized by the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical component and professional (content-subject), general cultural. In the course of the history of the studied chronological boundaries, the productive influence of content improvement, level differentiation of teacher training and their active participation in the development of the ethnocultural content of school education has been established. Based on the results of historical-pedagogical studies, the dissertation highlights a wide range of implementation of ethnocultural content of school education in curricula and educational (teaching-methodical) textbooks and manuals, reveals connections between associations of local historians and secondary schools regarding the improvement of ethnocultural trends at the regional level. The dissertation uses factual material on content-methodological support for the implementation of ethnocultural trends in the content of school education in line with the dominant paradigms of education from the funds of the Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine, materials from the personal archives of teachers and general secondary education institutions. The dissertation highlights productive educational practices based on the integration of the educational and cultural potential of the educational environments of ZZSO, diversification of research and research connections of ZZSO and local history centers of various levels. The practical achievement consists in the development of the curriculum of the course (at the choice of the applicant) for the second (master's) level based on the results of historical and pedagogical research. The new knowledge obtained in the historical period of the research can serve to update the content of school education on the basis of values and outlook

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: ethnocultural trends, development, content of school education, ethnoculture, educational values, culture, worldview education, goals of education, paradigms of education, curriculum, normative and methodological support, national history, historical regional studies, ethnology, Ukrainian studies, teacher training, national traditions, ethnopedagogy, spirituality, spiritual values, technologization and digitalization, professional competence, quality of knowledge, ethnocultural policy, intercultural competence, organization of the educational process, tudents of higher education
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 314/316 Society
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 39 Cultural anthropology. Ethnography. Customs. Manners. Traditions. Way of life
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Educational and scientific institute of management and psychology > Department of Education, Administration and Social Work
Depositing User: К.іст.н. Алла Анатоліївна Вініченко
Date Deposited: 11 Mar 2024 11:15
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2024 11:15


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