- Білоножко, Олена Вікторівна (orcid.org/0000‐0001‐9845‐0277) (2023) Development of pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work Masters thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».
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Bilonozhko, O. V. Development of pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work. – Qualification work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 – «Educational, pedagogical sciences». State Institution of Higher Education Management «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023 The work is devoted to the study of the development of pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work. In the modern conditions of systemic and complex transformation of secondary education, there is a growing understanding that this educational link determines the formation of personality, affects the formation of worldview, value orientations, and life trajectory. The future of Ukraine depends on those who are currently studying at school, they will rebuild the country and determine its geopolitical strategy. The role of a school teacher in the process of education and training is extremely important: the quality of education depends on the level of his professional culture. Scientific opinion convincingly proves the possibility of a deeper understanding of the crisis states of society, global trends in the development of social systems and, in particular, education, from the standpoint of culture as a higher-order system. In the conditions of the New Ukrainian School, the professional and personal qualities of the teacher have priority. His status and role are directly related to professional culture. In modern Ukrainian society, there is a demand for a professionally developed teacher capable of transmitting cultural values, inculcating cultural skills, and stimulating development and self-realization. Although Ukrainian and foreign science of education pays considerable attention to the problems of pedagogical culture, the development and justification of the content and technology of the development of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work requires a thorough scientific understanding. On the basis of the analysis of the theory and methodology of the study of the pedagogical culture of the teacher, the leading methodological approaches to the study of the given concept are determined, the meaning of the concept of "culture" is outlined in the context of the development of the pedagogical culture of the teacher, the content and structural and criterion characteristics of the pedagogical culture of teachers as an interdisciplinary concept in pedagogical science are determined, substantiated research methods and techniques. The source base of pedagogic science was involved, and on the basis of its analysis, the leading methodological approaches to the study of the outlined problem were determined, namely: systemic approach (general philosophical); cultural approach (general scientific); competence, axiological and synergistic approaches (especially scientific). As a result of the methodological analysis of the problem of the development of the teacher's pedagogical culture, it is substantiated that the system approach is integral to the rest of the approaches. It is noted that the research methodology involves an interdisciplinary study of the problem of the development of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers. The methodology of pedagogical science contributes to the construction of knowledge about the development of the teacher's pedagogical culture in the system of methodical work. It is emphasized that the teacher's pedagogical culture occupies a certain place in the hierarchy of concepts «culture» – «pedagogical culture» – «professional-pedagogical culture» – «professional culture». Based on the analysis of the specifics of the professional pedagogical activity of lyceums, the definition of the pedagogical culture of a lyceum teacher is formulated as a set of moral and spiritual qualities and values of a person, professional knowledge, abilities and skills (pedagogical competence and pedagogical mastery in the system of methodical work), Soft skills and Hard skills, the result of which is the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, in particular, the pedagogy of partnership, which contribute to the harmonious development of students, including their preparation for higher education and conducting research activities. It has been proven that the pedagogical culture of a lyceum teacher is a component of the general professional culture of a teacher, which has its own structural components. Pedagogical culture is related to the teacher's value orientations and motivational sphere, his life experience. It develops, can be adjusted and improved. The analysis of the teacher's professional methodical work led to the understanding of pedagogical culture as a systemic characteristic of the essential properties of the teacher's personality aimed at self-determination in professional activity with further development. Mastering the skills and experience of professional methodical activity is the main content of the development of the teacher's pedagogical culture in the system of methodical work. The development of pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers takes place through their involvement in methodical work in the process of professional pedagogical activity. Analysis of the methodical work of Kremenchug lyceums showed that all educational institutions actively implement new forms of work with the aim of improving the pedagogical culture of teachers, however, there is a lack of a unified approach to this activity, that is, the creation of pedagogical conditions for the systematic development of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work have been formulated and substantiated. It was determined that the pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work are a purposefully created psychological and pedagogical environment that contributes to the development of the pedagogical culture of teachers as a professional activity in an innovative educational environment, and a set of methodological measures that contribute to professional development and improvement of pedagogical cultures. Justification and development of pedagogical conditions are carried out on the basis of the provisions of systematic and competence-based scientific approaches. The first pedagogical condition for ensuring the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodological work is the coordination and integration of methodological activities for the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers through the creation of a single center that develops and plans this activity, manages it and carries out constant monitoring of effectiveness. The implementation of this pedagogical condition allows to overcome differences between the organization of methodological activities aimed at improving the professional culture of teachers in various institutions of specialized education in the city. The creation of a single eco-coordinating center enables the construction of a clear strategy for the development of the professional culture of teachers of a specialized school, the organization of constant monitoring of the process and the objective assessment of its effectiveness. The second pedagogical condition – the creation of an educational and methodological environment «Development of pedagogical culture», which motivates and stimulates lyceum teachers to develop professional culture – involves the organization of a special permanent system of seminars/webinars and trainings for lyceum teachers, aimed at increasing motivation for professional growth and self-realization, formation of professionally significant skills and abilities, development of professional competences and pedagogical culture. The third pedagogical condition is the organization of an effective exchange of experience between lyceums, methodological developments in certain fields of knowledge within the educational and methodological environment, which involves the organization of round tables for the exchange of experience. The topics of the round tables are related to the specifics of working with certain training profiles in lyceums. Each lyceum chooses the field in which it specializes in organizing the round table. The fourth pedagogical condition – the active involvement of lyceum teachers in getting acquainted with the assets of advanced educational and methodological innovations – involves systematic informing of lyceum teachers about new methodological developments of leading educational institutions regarding the development of pedagogical culture, the organization of exhibitions (in particular, virtual ones) of methodological literature, invitations to teach well-known Ukrainian educators, in particular, representatives of institutions of postgraduate education and improvement of pedagogical qualifications. The proposed culture-creating technology «Development of pedagogical culture» ensures the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers and is characterized by such features as systematicity (various aspects of the development of a teacher's pedagogical culture are maximally taken into account); consistency and regularity (the program of events is valid throughout the academic year and is extended for the next year, events take place weekly); generality (total coverage of teachers of lyceums of the city). Four structural components of the pedagogical culture of a lyceum teacher in the system of methodical work are defined, namely: value-motivational, cognitive-praxeological, personal-creative, reflective-evaluative. Appropriate criteria and indicators for evaluating the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the methodical work system were selected for each component. The criteria of the value-motivational component are defined as: a system of value orientations (indicators: the structure of universal human values of the teacher, the importance of certain spheres of life) and professional and personal motivation (indicators: the expression of positive motivation for the professional and methodical activity of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work; the orientation of the individual towards self-development in the professional sphere; interest in success in professional and methodological activities; desire and need for professional self-realization and self-affirmation). The cognitive-praxeological component is represented by the following criteria: professional-methodical competence (indicators: knowledge of pedagogy and methods of teaching academic disciplines; knowledge and ability to plan, structure, implement various forms of organization of educational work; professional-methodical literacy; professional-methodical thinking); professional and methodical mastery of the teacher (indicators: the ability to carry out all types of professional and methodical activities of the teacher; the ability to model, predict, solve pedagogical situations; the ability to organize various forms of the educational process; the ability to present one's methodological ideas, developments, pedagogical experience; pedagogical technique) . The criteria of the personal and creative component include the professionally significant qualities of the teacher (indicators: communicative qualities; organizational qualities; humanity; the ability to empathize; the ability to forecast). The reflective-evaluative component is revealed through the prism of the following criteria: ability to reflect and self-development (indicators: ability to self-knowledge; ability to carry out self-analysis of one's own professional and methodical activity; readiness for self-development), ability to evaluate professional and pedagogical activity (indicators: ability to analyze professional methodological activity; identification of causes and prediction of consequences; critical attitude to one's own behavior and actions; ability to correct one's own actions; flexibility, ability to change, adapting to new conditions). Based on the analysis of the components, the content of the criteria, indicators of pedagogical culture, the level of pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work at the stage of their professional activity is substantiated: adaptive and imitative level (I – low), reproductive level (II – medium), systemic and productive level (III – sufficient), integrative and creative level (IV – high). In order to check the effectiveness of the content and technology of developing the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work during 2019–2021, a pedagogical experiment was conducted in which teachers of ten lyceums of Kremenchuk took part. 385 participants were involved in the experiment. The confirmatory stage of the experiment, carried out according to the complex methodology, in the aspect of researching the level of formation of the value-motivational component of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work, testified that the first four included such terminal values as self-development, achievements, social contacts and preservation of one's individuality. Two of them (self-development and social contacts) belong to the moral-business, and the rest (achievement and preservation of one's own individuality) to the egoistic-prestige. The second four also included two moral-business values (spiritual satisfaction and creativity) and two egoistic-prestige values (material status and own prestige). The analysis of the results of the ranking of life spheres by importance showed that professional life is defined as the most important sphere (91.7 %), hobbies (44.4 %) and physical activity (32.2 %) are the least significant for respondents. The study of professional and personal motivation showed that the majority of respondents (60.8 %) have motivation for success, that is, positive motivation. At the same time, more than a third of respondents (34.8 %) belong to those whose motivational pole is not clearly defined. Only 4.4 % of interviewed teachers had negative motivation. The results of the survey based on the method of studying the motivation of professional activity showed that 90.3 % have internal motivation, 70.1 % have external positive motivation, and 65.9 % have external negative motivation. The study of the cognitive and praxeological component of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work according to the selected criteria (professional and methodical competence and methodical mastery) showed that the type of subject teacher dominates among the respondents (39.2 %), somewhat less among the interviewed communication teachers (32.4 %), 21.1 % of respondents gravitate towards the teacher-organizer type. The type of intelligent teacher (7.3 %) turned out to be the least common. The study of the level of methodical skill showed that the vast majority of respondents have medium (64.6 %) and high (28.3 %) levels of methodical skill, 7.1 % of teachers have a low level. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that when asked about directions for improving professional skills (subject, didactic, methodical, educational, research training, etc.), 31.9 % of respondents chose methodical training (the highest rate). This indicates the importance of the methodological component in the structure of pedagogical culture. The analysis of the level of formation of the personal and creative component of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers according to the selected criteria (professionally significant qualities; methodical creativity) showed that honesty, responsibility, justice, sensitivity and tact were included in the top five personal qualities. Diagnostics of the level of empathy made it possible to determine communicative and organizational qualities, mobility, purposefulness, the ability to empathize, the manifestation of humanity and tolerance. 1.3 % have a very high level of empathy, high – 36.8 %, medium – 48.1 %, low – 11.4 %, very low – 2.3 %. Diagnostics of the ability to predict showed that 47.5 % have a high level of anticipation, 38.0 % have an average level, and 14.5 % have a low level of anticipation. The study of the reflective-evaluative component according to the selected criteria (ability to reflect and self-development; ability to evaluate the products of methodical activity) showed that 22.6 % have a high level of need for self-development, average – 75.3 %, low – 2.2 %. The results of the survey on the conditions of self-development showed that 22.6 % have a high level of dispositional personality characteristics, 75.3 % have an average level, and 2.41 % have a low level. Analysis of reflectivity levels showed the following: high (24.4 %), medium (59.7 %), low (15.9 %). Diagnostics of respondents' ability to correct their own actions, flexibility, ability to change, adapting to new conditions, proved high indicators of respondents' self-regulation, their ability to make independent decisions, evaluate the results of activities, plan and model them. The study of the level of formation of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work showed that 2.1 % had an adaptive and imitative level (I – low), 35.6 % had a reproductive level (II – average), and a system-productive level (III - sufficient ) – 45.4 %, integrative and creative level (IV – high) – 16.9 %. The analysis of the averaged results of the ascertainment stage of the experiment according to the cognitive criterion shows that the important tasks in the aspect of the development of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers at the formative stage are the formation of Soft skills: creativity, the ability to generate original ideas; strengthening of positive motivation; initiative development; strengthening of organizational (leadership) qualities and formation of skills of highly intellectual educational activity; revealing the empathetic potential of teachers, developing the ability to empathize, to fully perceive others; development of the ability to predict, strengthening the ability to program behaviour. The formative stage of the experiment (2020–2023) was conducted with the aim of verifying the effectiveness of the implementation of the specified pedagogical conditions, in particular, the coordination and integration of methodological activities for the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers by creating a single center that develops and plans this activity, manages it and carries it out constant performance monitoring; creation of educational and methodical environment «Development of pedagogical culture», which motivates and stimulates lyceum teachers to develop professional culture; organization of effective exchange of experience between lyceums, methodological developments in certain fields of knowledge; active involvement of lyceum teachers in familiarization with the assets of advanced educational and methodological innovations. Implementation of the first pedagogical condition was carried out thanks to the organization of the coordination center. The implementation of the second pedagogical condition involved the creation of an educational and methodological environment «Development of pedagogical culture», which motivates and stimulates lyceum teachers to develop professional culture. We have identified 14 seminars/webinars and trainings aimed at forming the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers as components of the educational and methodological environment. The implementation of the third pedagogical condition takes place through the organization of systematic work on the exchange of experience, methodological developments in certain fields of knowledge between teachers of a specialized school. For this purpose, a set of round tables was organized, each of which is organized by a specially created working group of one of Kremenchuk lyceums. The topics of the round tables correspond to the profiles of lyceums. The implementation of the fourth pedagogical condition took place by organizing within the educational and methodological environment «Development of Pedagogical Culture» activities aimed at systematic familiarization of lyceum teachers with advanced educational experience. The control stage of the experiment involved re-diagnosing according to all defined criteria for comparison with the results of the ascertainment stage. The results of the control stage proved the effectiveness of the introduction at the formal stage of the technology of developing the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the methodical work system. It was established that the first four values included all moral and business values and none of the egoistic and prestigious ones. Values such as "Self-development" (81.6 % of respondents) and "Social contacts" (82.6 %) were at a high level of development for the respondents. At the same time, the values "Spiritual satisfaction" (70.1 %) and "Creativity" (68.3 %) gained importance. Analysis of the results of the ranking of life spheres by importance showed an increase in the importance of learning and education (by 17.3 %) and social life (by 12.2 %). There was an increase in the percentage of subjects with positive motivation (from 60.8% to 74.3 %) and internal motivation (from 90.3 % to 93.2 %). There was a redistribution of teachers' focus (an increase in the percentage of teacher-communicators (by 3.9 %) and teacher-organizers (by 2.5 %)). There was also an increase in the high level of methodological skill (by 5.5 %) due to the decrease in the low level (by 4.5 %). The number of respondents with an average level almost did not change (a decrease of 1.0 %). The degree of expression of certain personal qualities has changed: the top five include such qualities as responsibility, honesty, justice, attentiveness, sociability. Diagnostics of the level of empathy proved its growth (very high level of empathy increased by 3.6 %, high – by 14.9 %). Diagnostics of the ability to predict showed the following changes: the high level of anticipation increased by 3.1 %, the average – by 4.3 %. A study of the capacity for reflection and self-development revealed that there were changes in the need for self-development (a high level of need increased by 5.4 %). The results of the survey on the conditions of self-development showed that the high level increased by 13.8 %, the low level decreased by 4.2 %. Significant changes occurred in the indicators of self-development mechanisms (the high level increased by 31.4 %). The analysis of the levels of reflectivity showed the following: the high level increased by 8.3 %, the average level almost did not change (increase by 1.9 %). The study of the level of formation of the pedagogical culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work showed the following changes: a decrease in the indicators of the adaptive-imitative level by 1.3 %, the reproductive level – by 12.8 %, an increase in the indicators of the system-productive level – by 9.9 %, integrative – creative level – by 4.2 %. The results of the experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of the developed and implemented pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work.
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