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Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of the Development of art Education in Scientific Works of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

- Кушнір, Вікторія Владиславівна ( (2022) Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of the Development of art Education in Scientific Works of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine In: Варіативні моделі й технології трансформації професійного розвитку фахівців в умовах відкритої освіти: зб. матер. Всеукр. наук.- практ. інтернет-конф., 23 червня 2022 р. . ДЗВО «Ун-т менеджменту освіти», м. Київ, Україна, pp. 227-232.

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In theses, an attempt is made to reveal the main psychological and pedagogical aspects of art education based on the results of the analysis of the scientific works of the scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In particular, attention is paid to the current problems of the development of psychology and art pedagogy, which include such factors as: realization of the educational, cognitive and developmental potential of art in the formation of a citizen of Ukraine, modernization of the psychological and pedagogical content of national art education, the introduction of integrative, personally oriented learning technologies in art education . As a result of the practical analysis and generalization of the obtained conclusions regarding the identified psychological and pedagogical factors, it is proposed to emphasize the use of means of development of creative activity in subjects acquiring art education.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: Art Education, Psychology, Pedagogy
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 7 The Arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport.
Divisions: V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine
Depositing User: м.н.с. Вікторія Владиславівна Кушнір
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2023 14:05
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2023 14:05


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