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Directions of improving the efficiency of public administration in the field of civil defense of Ukraine in the context of the European experience

- Михайлов, Віктор Миколайович (, Андрієнко, Микола Васильович ( and Гаман, Петро Ілліч ( (2021) Directions of improving the efficiency of public administration in the field of civil defense of Ukraine in the context of the European experience Наукові перспективи (Серія «Державне управління», Серія «Право», Серія «Економіка», Серія «Медицина», Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Психологія»), 10 (16). pp. 152-161. ISSN 2708-7530

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The efficiency, relevance and effectiveness of public administration is the key to a stable state of society as a whole. This also applies to Ukraine – due toglobalization and information transformations, the tools for combating the threats facing the civil protection system (hereinafter – CC) come to the fore. A noteworthy problem is the rather high level of inertia in the structuralinstitutional and legislative branches of the government in Ukraine. In addition, responding to threats in the form of terrorism, population migration, hybrid wars, etc. is insufficiently operational and intensive. The above creates the preconditions for the study and selective borrowing of ideological-theoretical and political-legal concepts of state regulation of the Central Committee through the prism of the experience of member states of the European Union. Another issue that needs to be eradicated is the focus of the domestic system of emergency response on leveling the existing consequences of natural and / or manmade emergencies, rather than directly their actual prevention. As a result, Europe's experience in creating emergency and disaster warning mechanisms is becoming particularly relevant. From the point of view of normative regulation, the work should focus on the provisions of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 11 of 09.01.2014 "On approval of the Regulations on a single state system of civil protection" (hereinafter - EMU Central Committee). In fact, the law and its procedural component have a number of conflicting episodes (for example, the actual liquidation of the CP system in 2013 and its further "transformation" after 2014, etc.). In addition, for the purposes of the article, it is important to define the system of public administration in the field of central government in terms of its basic principles, comparing specific components with similar "Washington", laid down by the European Union.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: civil protection system, public safety, public administration response, emergency prevention, emergency response, fight against natural and structural "provocateurs".
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 35 Public administration. Government. Military affairs
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education for the Adults > Department of Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Education
Depositing User: Віктор Миколайович Михайлов
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2022 12:05
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2022 12:05


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