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Constructing of inclusive, innovative, socially cohesive society in the view of integration to european scientific and educational space

- Супрун, М.О. (, Супрун, Д. М. ( and Шевченко, Юлія Василівна ( (2021) Constructing of inclusive, innovative, socially cohesive society in the view of integration to european scientific and educational space Освіта осіб з особливими потребами: шляхи розбудови (18). pp. 166-182. ISSN 2313-4011

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The statistic conducted an analytical survey of the tendencies of development of the whole school from the perspective of integration to the European scientific and educational space. Visited the start of the formation of an inclusive, innovative, socially grown suspension. The concept of reforming, the basis of a promising development of vitality, is characterized. Emphasize respect on the importance and necessity of education and involvement of the advanced information of foreign countries in the context of all the better education. The key parameters are assigned for securing the competitiveness of the economy, and the consolidation of the understanding of the “competitiveness” and “professional mobility” is assigned to the problem of formulating the competitiveness of the potential for investment in the market. Vstanovleno scho konkurentospromozhnіst becoming іntegrativnu characteristic profesіynoї pіdgotovki fahіvtsya, warehouses yakoї Je profesіyna kompetentnіst scho manіfestuє zrostannі rolі osobistostі in sotsіalnih peretvorennyah, vdoskonalennі zdatnostі usvіdomlennya dinamіki protsesіv rozvitku that mozhlivostі vplivu the result, scho Got Booty hard at the foundation proєktuvannya navchalnoї dіyalnostі have mortgages vischoї cover. Obґruntovano sutnіst ponyattya "profesіyna mobіlnіst" (vihodyachi of pozitsії kompetentnіstnogo pіdhodu) yak nevіd'єmnoї skladovoї konkurentospromozhnostі fahіvtsya i harakterizuєtsya yak іntegrativna yakіst osobistostі scho viznachaєtsya in gotovnostі that zdatnostі maybutnogo fahіvtsya to rozvitku profesіynih funktsіy in furrows odnієї profesіynoї dіyalnostі that opanuvannya absolutely novimi spetsіalnostyami in the minds of the dynamically changing market practice, which empowers the concept of the message. The author means that a systematic approach to the processes of transformation is necessary: an on-line middle-class is needed, if you need to read it, the structure of the courses, however, does not mean a decrease in the quality; maєmo vіdmovitisya from zorotіv "abo / abo", mi shukaєmo rіshennya, scho will be hybrids; it is necessary to be intelligent, as students start online; key є training of digital competencies among participants in the initial process. In the statistics, the nobility and perspectives of modernization of professional training of faculties in the minds of the inclusion of new technologies.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Супрун, М.О., Супрун, Д.М. & Шевченко, Ю.В. (2021) Побудова інклюзивного, інноваційного, соціально згуртованого суспільства в ракурсі інтеграції до європейського науково-освітнього простору. Освіта осіб з особливими потребами: шляхи розбудови, 18, 166-182.
Keywords: system of professional training, internationalization, higher education, mobile international students, foreign students, inclusion
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 376 Education, teaching, training of special groups of persons. Special schools > 376.3 Виховання та освіта осіб із вадами зору, слуху, мови та нервовими захворюваннями.
Divisions: Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of special education and psychology of National academy of educational sciences of Ukraine > Department of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special needs
Depositing User: д-р пед. наук, професор Микола Олексійович Супрун
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2022 21:07
Last Modified: 17 Nov 2022 21:07


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