- Шабала, Ю.А. (orcid.org/0000-0001-5696-3939) (2022) Professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education Masters thesis, ДЗВО "Університет менеджменту освіти".
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Shabala, Y. A. Professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education. – Qualification work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 011 – «Educational, pedagogical sciences». State Institution of Higher Education Management «University of Education Management» of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2022. Annotation content Dissertation study devoted to the problem of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education. The purpose of the research involved theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions and interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions. The object of the dissertation research is the process of professional development of primary school teachers, the subject is pedagogical conditions and interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions. Research objectives: 1) to characterize the theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional development of primary school teachers; 2) generalize the pedagogical conditions of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; 3) to determine the criteria and indicators of the level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; 4) substantiate and experimentally verify the interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; 5) to provide methodological recommendations regarding the practical implementation of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodological work of general secondary education institutions. To achieve the goal and fulfill the tasks, the following research methods were used: - theoretical: analysis and synthesis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature for comparison; definition and clarification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus; analysis of plans of professional communities (formerly methodical association) of primary school teachers, orders, information sheets, regulations on the subject of their focus on the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; - empirical: questionnaires, tests, surveys, observations, conversations, content analysis, identification of levels of professional development of primary school teachers according to various criteria and indicators; ascertaining and formative experiment with the aim of checking the interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions; - statistical: methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson's statistical criterion 2), which ensured the reliability of the results of the pedagogical experiment, their interpretation, and establishing the scientific reliability of the obtained research results. The research was carried out during 2016–2022 on the basis of the Volyn Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (certificate without number), the Zaporizhia Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (certificate No. 069 dated 14.02.2020), the Central Institute of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv (certificate No. 19-03/04 dated 20.01.2022) of the department of education, culture, youth and sports of the Andrushkiv village council of Popilnya district of Zhytomyr region (certificate No. 51/01-37 of 13.02.2020), the department of education of the Popilnya settlement council (Popilnya UTC) (certificate No. 01-21/130 dated 03/04/2020), Buchansky EС «SСS» I–III CS I–III Degrees» No. 4 of Bucha (certificate No. 510 dated 08.12.2020), Knyagininivskoye EC «General Education School I–III Degrees – Preschool» (certificate No. 54/05-14 dated 05.02.2020), Ukrainian specialized secondary school I–III degrees No. 2 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the Obukhiv District Council of the Kyiv Region (certificate without number) and provided for several stages of scientific research. At the first, ascertaining, stage (2016–2017), philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic was analyzed; the goal, main tasks, object and subject of research are defined; the program and methodology of scientific research were developed, the conceptual apparatus was organized; developed criteria for its development; an initial diagnosis was made. In the second, formative, stage (2017–2018) – material on defining and substantiating pedagogical conditions for the professional development of primary school teachers was systematized; the interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions was developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. At the third, final stage (2018–2020), mathematical and statistical justification was carried out and experimental research results were interpreted, perspectives and methodological prerequisites for the introduction of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions were determined, and general conclusions were formulated dissertation research. At the fourth, post-implementation stage (2020–2022), the interactive technology model was adapted to new working conditions, namely: implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School; updating the system of methodical work (creating professional development centers for teaching staff) and crisis conditions (the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law). The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research results is that the author for the first time: the pedagogical conditions for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions have been defined and theoretically justified, which consist in: updating the content of the professional community’s activities (previously – the methodical association of primary school teachers) focused on the professional development of primary school teachers; creation of an innovative informational and educational environment in the system of methodical work; the individual trajectory of professional development of primary school teachers; involvement of primary school teachers in innovative forms of methodical work; system interaction of methodical institutions in the vertical: MES (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) – RIPPЕ (regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education) – TC (territorial community) – CPDPW (center for professional development of pedagogical workers) – IGSE (institution of general secondary education) – professional communities; openness and cooperation, which is ensured by the involvement of parents, representatives of public organizations, providers of educational services, educational institutions, mass media; the interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions was developed, substantiated and experimentally tested, which was created with the aim of positive dynamics of the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system and implemented in five stages: motivational and valuable, projective, procedural, analytical-reflective and post-implementation; the author’s definition of the concept of «professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions» is proposed, by which we mean the process of renewal and acquisition of competencies by primary school teachers using a complex of methods, technologies and measures of methodical work, which is characterized by positive dynamics of indicators for relevant criteria; the concept of «professional development of a teacher» has been clarified and specified, by which we understand a controlled dynamic process, which is inherently aimed at achieving a high level of professional development in the professional activity of a teacher; «methodical work system of institutions of general secondary education», by which we understand the systematized interactive interaction of all methodical units, creative cooperation of professional communities (previously – school methodical associations), methodical council, administration of the institution and teachers, which is aimed at the positive dynamics of the professional development of each teacher and improving the quality of education in general; the content and essence of the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions in new conditions have gained further development, namely: implementation of the Concept of NUS, renewal of the system of methodical work (creation of the CPDPW) and crisis conditions. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional development of primary school teachers were characterized, in particular, the analysis of regulatory and legal documents and scientific and theoretical sources was carried out, which made it possible to ascertain the need for rethinking and reorientation to the implementation of the tasks and goals of the dissertation research: updating the content, forms, technologies of the professional development of teachers primary school in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education. Methodological approaches to the professional development of primary school teachers (personal, individual, activity, system, competence, andragogic and acmeological approaches), which are implemented on the following methodological principles, are considered in detail: humanization (humanistic orientation of the educational process, which is implemented in the system of activities aimed at recognizing human values as an individual, freedom of creativity and manifestation of one's abilities); innovativeness (ability of primary school teachers to work in an innovative environment); individualization (taking into account the individual characteristics of primary school teachers in the methodical work system: personality orientation, taking into account individual requests); partnerships (professional interaction of all subjects of the educational process); continuity (integrity and continuity of all procedural and systemic aspects of education); systematicity (presentation of methodical work as a complete system that has emergent properties and is aimed at the effectiveness of the professional development of primary school teachers); continuity (presupposes the sequence of using different forms of methodical work at all stages of teachers' professional development); reflexivity (primary school teachers' awareness of learning outcomes, introspection of their own practical experience, knowledge of the essence, content, signs, mechanisms of professional development). Based on the analysis of scientific and theoretical sources, it was found that the problem of professional development of primary school teachers is the subject of research by scientists from various scientific fields: philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, andragogy, etc. The author's definition of the concept of «professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions» is proposed, by which we understand the process of renewal and acquisition of competencies by primary school teachers using a complex of methods, technologies and methods of methodical work, characterized by positive dynamics of indicators according to the relevant criteria. The concept of «professional development of a teacher», «methodical work system of institutions of general secondary education» has been specified and specified. We understand the professional development of a teacher as a managed dynamic process, which in its essence is aimed at achieving a high level of professional development in the professional activity of a teacher. It is noted that the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions is a systematized interactive interaction of all methodical units, creative cooperation of professional communities (previously - school methodical associations), methodical council, administration of the institution and teachers, which is aimed at positive dynamics of professional development of each teacher and improving the quality of education in general. Analysis of the state of the research problem proved its relevance, novelty and revealed a number of problems: insufficient development of relevant theoretical foundations and modern methods; insufficient motivation of primary school teachers for continuous development of professional competences; stereotypes in the forms and content of methodical work with primary school teachers. On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the generalization of the work experience of general secondary education institutions, the pedagogical conditions of the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions were defined and theoretically substantiated for the first time: updating the content of the activities of the professional community (previously - the methodical association of teachers primary school) focused on the professional development of primary school teachers; creation of an innovative informational and educational environment in the system of methodical work; individual trajectory of professional development of primary school teachers; involvement of primary school teachers in innovative forms of methodical work; systematic interaction of methodical institutions in the vertical: MES (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) – RIPPЕ (regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education) – TC (territorial community) – CPDPW (center for professional development of pedagogical workers) – IGSE (institution of general secondary education) – professional communities; openness and cooperation, which is ensured by the involvement of parents, representatives of public organizations, providers of educational services, educational institutions, mass media. Pedagogical conditions of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions mean a set of circumstances that ensure positive dynamics of indicators of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions. In the dissertation research, an experimental verification of the interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions was carried out and the justification of the model of interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions and its implementation was carried out. In the model, target, theoretical, procedural, reflective and result blocks are distinguished. The key element of the target block of the model of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions was the content, structure and ultimate goal to be achieved. Approaches, principles, functions and legal support are included in the theoretical block of the model of interactive technology of professional development. The procedural block of the model of the interactive technology of professional development described the process and stages of the implementation of the interactive technology of the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work (motivational-value, projective, procedural, analytical-reflective and post-implementation), forms, methods, teaching tools and pedagogical conditions, which ensured its positive dynamics. The reflective block of the model of interactive technology of professional development provided for awareness of the results of training, acquisition and introspection of one's own practical experience, knowledge about the essence, content, signs, mechanisms of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education and the development of methodological recommendations for the practical implementation of interactive technology. The effective block of the model of the interactive technology of the professional development of primary school teachers ensured the establishment of the level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions according to the following criteria: the criterion of updating professional knowledge in relation to the Concept of NUS, the value-meaning criterion, the criterion of mastering digital technologies, the activity criterion, criterion of partnership pedagogy, criterion of media literacy, criterion of reflexivity. A framework for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions has been developed, in which criteria are substantiated (criterion of updating professional knowledge regarding the Concept of NUS, value-meaning criterion, criterion of mastering digital technologies, activity criterion, criterion of partnership pedagogy, criterion of media literacy, criterion reflexivity), their indicators and levels (low (initial, reproductive), medium (reproductive, partially exploratory), sufficient (exploratory, creative), high (innovative). The low (initial, reproductive) level of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system is characterized by low or insufficient performance of indicators according to each defined criterion. The average (reproductive, partially research) level of professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system is characterized by a partial manifestation of indicators according to each defined criterion. A sufficient (research, creative) level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work is characterized by a sufficient manifestation of indicators according to each defined criterion. The high (innovative) level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work is characterized by a high manifestation of indicators according to each defined criterion. At various stages of the research, 710 primary school teachers and consultants (formerly methodologists) of centers for professional development of pedagogical workers took part. The pedagogical experiment was preceded by pilot studies in 2016, the results of which gave reasons to justify the relevance of the problem, to find out the needs of professional development of teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions, to determine the content and course of the experiment, to form control and experimental groups. Throughout the entire experimental study, the effectiveness of the implementation of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions was checked by conducting diagnostic sections, which made it possible to trace the dynamics of the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions. The experimental group was formed from primary school teachers who started activities in the implementation of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system. The control group consisted of primary school teachers who worked in the same educational institutions, but were not involved in the implementation of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers. The number of teachers of the experimental group (EG) is 103, the control group (CG) is 107. The analysis of the effectiveness of the experiment involved the use of mathematical statistics methods. To compare the distributions of control and experimental groups of primary school teachers according to the levels of professional development criteria in the system of methodological work of general secondary education institutions, we used the Pearson 2 statistical criterion. The experimental verification of the level of the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education involved the identification of the level of its development based on the criteria defined by us. The criterion of updating professional knowledge regarding the «NUS» Concept indicates that the percentage of respondents of the experimental group who have a high (24,3%) and sufficient (19,3%) level of development has increased, and the percentage of respondents who have a low level has increased, ‒ decreased by 7,7%. Value-meaning criterion (high level – increase by 8,7%, sufficient level – by 5,8%, low level – decrease by 5,9%). Criterion of mastering digital technologies (high level – increase by 8,8%, sufficient – by 4,9%, low level – 0%). Criterion of partnership pedagogy (high level – increase by 9,7%, sufficient – by 9,7%, low level – 0%. Criterion of media literacy (high level – increase by 14,5%, sufficient level – by 8,8%, low level – decrease by 15,5%). Activity criterion (high level – increase by 14,6%, sufficient level – by 3,8%, low level – decrease by 9,7%. Reflective criterion (high level – increase by 8,7%, sufficient – by 8,8%, low level – decrease by 7,8%). Therefore, according to the above results, it can be concluded that the experimental group showed positive dynamics at all levels of formation of professional development criteria, which proves the effectiveness of the introduction of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system. No significant positive dynamics were found in the control group. The analysis of the results of the approbation of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions and the technology of its implementation gave grounds to assert that the purpose of the study has been achieved and the set tasks have been fulfilled. According to the results of the experimental approbation of the interactive technology of professional development, methodical recommendations were developed for the practical implementation of the interactive technology of the professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions, which will be useful for institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, centers for the professional development of pedagogical workers, institutions of general secondary education and other subjects of professional development. Recommendations based on defined pedagogical conditions and a proven model of interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions include the stages of implementation of interactive technology of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions: study of the state of the problem of professional development primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions; determination of criteria and indicators of the level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; selection of diagnostic tools and updating of the framework of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions in accordance with the new requirements of society; study of requests and needs of primary school teachers regarding professional development in the system of methodical work of general secondary education institutions; adaptation of the model of interactive technology of professional development in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions and its implementation technology; creation of favorable pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model of interactive technology of professional development in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education and the technology of its implementation; development of new and improvement of existing diagnostic methods for assessing the level of professional development of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work; analysis and correction of the obtained results; implementation of reflection (awareness of learning results, introspection of one's own practical experience, knowledge about the essence, content, signs, mechanisms of professional development); implementation of the prospect of further scientific exploration. The practical significance of the obtained results occurred in the introduction of interactive technology for the professional development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system of general secondary education institutions; development and implementation of special courses «Peculiarities of the organization of the educational environment in the conditions of the implementation of the Concept of the NUS», «Professional development of teaching staff in the system of methodical work»; seminar classes: «Professional competence of the NUS teachers», «Professional development of pedagogical workers in the process of supervision»; training «New Ukrainian school: peculiarities of the organization of the educational environment»; methodological seminar «Pedagogy of partnership: realities and prospects», which included the following work methods: round table «Pedagogy of partnership as a component of the innovative educational space of the institution», master class «Networking – a modern aspect of interaction with parents», business game «Media education in the New Ukrainian school: what parents, teachers and students need to know»; checklist «Development of educational competence of NUS teachers in preparation for a lesson in the New Ukrainian School», webinar «Forms and methods of teaching students in martial law conditions», intelligence map «Professional development of teachers: a selection of services for distance learning», development of methodological recommendations regarding the practical implementation of interactive technology of professional development in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education. The results and conclusions of the study can be used in the system of methodical work of institutions of general secondary education, centers of professional development of pedagogical workers and in the educational process of institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education.
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