- Хілько, С. О. (orcid.org/0000-0002-5043-0303) (2018) Psychological conditions for the development of ambiguity tolerance in future psychologists Dissertation candidate2 thesis, ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти».
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Khilko S. O. Psychological conditions for the development of ambiguity tolerance in future psychologists. Qualification scientific work published as a manuscript. Thesis for the Degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences in specialty 19.00.07 – Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology. Educational-Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology, University of Education Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2018. Having analyzed the relevant scientific literature, the author describes the main approaches to studying ambiguity tolerance and its development, discusses the essence and types of ambiguous situations faced by psychologists and the psychological conditions for ambiguity tolerance development in future psychologists as well as proposes a future psychologists ambiguity tolerance development model. The author also analyzes the results of the empirical investigation of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development and describes a future psychologists ambiguity tolerance development program, which has been successfully tested. Ambiguity tolerance is viewed from different theoretical perspectives as a personality trait, a socio-psychological mindset, a cognitive-perceptual entity, an individual's ability, a cultural component, the multiple reaction to ambiguous situations, and the characteristic of individual self-regulation in ambiguous situations. Ambiguity tolerance development is a process of cognitive, emotional and behavioral personal changes as a result of the influence of external and internal ambiguous factors, which develop the individual's ability not only to resist ambiguous situation stresses, but also to work productively in and find solutions to such situations. It has been found out that psychologists face ambiguous situations, which results in their cognitive and emotional experiencing of the situations and finding productive solutions to the problem. The sources of ambiguous situations in psychologists' work can be divided into internal and external. The internal ambiguous situations are associated with psychologists' internal contradictions, which are the result of psychologists' understanding of the profession, building equal relations with others and personal self-concept and making the hierarchy of professional values. The external ambiguous situations are the result of interacting with the environment, which is characterized by dynamism, variability, unpredictability and multifunctionality of the profession. The author notes that, given the ambiguous situation opportunities, these situations can be divided into the professional efficiency promoting and professional efficiency promoting impeding. The theoretical analysis of the problem under consideration allowed making the following definition of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance: it is the ability of future psychologists to show tolerance to external and internal ambiguous professional situations, which is accompanied by the psychologists' cognitive reflections of such situations, positive attitudes to uncertainty or ambiguity and active searches for ways out of the situations. The psychological conditions for the development of ambiguity tolerance have been shown to include: self-organization of the social educational ecosystem, positive (ecological) educational space, competent self-support; absolutely positive attitudes towards future psychologists, the order-through-chaos principle, the uncertainty principle, the group entity principle as basis for mutual engagement and shared responsibility. In terms of a non-traditional approach to psychologists' training, the development of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance is an organized psychological and educational process, aimed at developing students' ability not only to cope with ambiguous situations, but also consciously choose non-standard tasks that are characterized by uncertainty while feeling positive emotions, as well as to be able to take advantage of such situations and consider them as a wealth of new opportunities. The future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development model, designed and presented by the author, consists of three interrelated components: cognitive, affective and conative. The cognitive component includes knowledge and awareness of the positive character of ambiguity tolerance, the affective component implies positive attitudes towards the development of ambiguity tolerance, whereas the conative component includes determination and effectiveness in ambiguous situations. The dissertation presents the results of an empirical investigation into the development of ambiguity tolerance in future psychologists. The assessment phase of the investigation found low and medium levels of development of the cognitive, affective and conative components of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance during their traditional training, which suggests students' poor knowledge of ambiguity tolerance, their negative attitudes towards ambiguous situations in education and life, their experiencing ambivalent emotions in ambiguous situations and their inability to function efficiently in ambiguous situations. It has been statistically confirmed that psychology students' ambiguity tolerance is positively affected by students' age, level of education, years of study, distant education (i.e. students' age), previous work experience and planning to work as a psychologist after graduation. The effectiveness of the chosen methods of the empirical investigation has been proved by the absence of statistically significant differences between the ambiguity tolerance index (the author's three-component model) and the standard ambiguity tolerance index measured using the standard research methods. The author has developed and tested the future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development program aimed at developing students' cognitive, affective and conative components of ambiguity tolerance using the informative, assessing, praxeological and acmeological components of the program. The program includes the following training sessions: 1. Knowledge and awareness of the concept of ambiguity tolerance/intolerance; 2. The essence and types of ambiguous situations faced by psychologists; 3. Future psychologists' attitudes towards ambiguity; 4. Future psychologists' positive attitudes towards ambiguity tolerance development; 5. Individual decisiveness and effectiveness in ambiguous situations; 6. Productive and unproductive copings in ambiguous situations. The results of the program testing showed that a special newly-created educational environment promoted ambiguity tolerance in the experimental group (to high level ambiguity tolerance), whereas the control group, which was trained in the traditional educational environment, did not show statistically significant differences before and after the experiment. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the dissertation research include: finding out the content of ambiguity tolerance components: cognitive component (awareness and knowledge of the positive component of ambiguity tolerance), affective component (positive attitudes towards ambiguity tolerance), conative component (decisiveness and activity in ambiguous situations); improvement of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance quality characteristics and levels: high level (knowledge of ways of ambiguity tolerance development, awareness of the positive component of ambiguity tolerance, positive emotions and ability to adapt in ambiguous situations), medium level (inadequate knowledge of ambiguity tolerance and its positive component, negative emotions and indecisiveness in ambiguous situations), low level (poor knowledge of the nature of ambiguity tolerance and its positive component, negative emotions and unproductive coping-strategies in ambiguous situations); identification of the socio-demographic (gender, age) and educational-professional (type of education, form of education, work experience, career prospects) factors in future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development; determination of the psychological conditions for future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development: their development of ambiguous situations coping competence, taking advantage of social and professional experience, critical assessment of ambiguous situations, full use of ambiguity tolerance in profession, ability to adapt to ambiguous situations, critical self-assessment of ambiguity tolerance, analysis of ambiguous situations faced in the professional and every-day life to determine the possibilities of using the acquired knowledge and skills; further development of the theoretical principles of future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development (self-organizations of the educational ecosystem, educational space positiveness, self-support competence, positive (ecological) attitudes to future psychologists, the principles: order-via-chaos, ambiguity, collective subject. The applied value of the obtained results is due to the fact that the author has determined the psychological conditions for ambiguity tolerance development, developed and tested future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development assessment tools and a future psychologists' ambiguity tolerance development program, which can be used in the system of higher education for better psychologists' training as well as during psychologists' advanced training in the system of post-graduate education. The proposed tools can be used as an element of monitoring of psychologists' professional and personal competence in ambiguous situations. The theoretical principles, results and conclusions of the research can be used for developing and teaching special university courses, such as Psychology of Personality and Personal Growth. The author has outlined the follow-up studies, which are planned to focus on finding out the psychological features, determinants, manifestations and ways of development of ambiguity tolerance on a wider sample. Of great interest also seems measuring university lecturers and instructors' readiness to promote ambiguity tolerance in different groups of students.
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