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Health competence: the educational process of high school students

- Піддячий, Микола Іванович ( (2021) Health competence: the educational process of high school students In: Третій міжнародний симпозіум «Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління» , 1 (3). Алатон, м. Київ, Україна, pp. 16-18. ISBN 978-617-7834-07-5

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9еб_Освіта і здоров'я підростаючого покоління, 2021, Ч.pdf

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The algorithm of health actions of high school students is designed on the basis of an integrated assessment of their morpho-functional state. The basic principles and forms of health-preventive measures for high school students are developed in the theory and methodology of physical, psychological, social and spiritual health on the basis of identified philosophical, cultural, medical-biological, psychological-pedagogical, socio-professional aspects of its formation. Harmonization of the psychological sphere of high school students is a means of influencing the organization of their healthy lifestyle.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: Матеріали третього міжнародного симпозіуму «Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління»: Зб. наук. Праць в 2-х частинах / За ред. Страшка С.В. – Вип. 3. – Ч. 1. – К.: Алатон, 2021. – 249 с.
Keywords: Harmonization, health, competence, recovery, process, psychological sphere, high school students.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > Department of Profile Education
Depositing User: Професор Микола / Mykola Піддячий / Piddiachyi
Date Deposited: 21 Sep 2021 19:08
Last Modified: 21 Sep 2021 19:08


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