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І.І. Stepanova-Borovska. Grades 1-2 - the first album from a set of 4 albums of notes for piano. Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

- Вдовченко, Віктор Володимирович ( and Степанова-Боровська, Ірина Ігорівна (2021) І.І. Stepanova-Borovska. Grades 1-2 - the first album from a set of 4 albums of notes for piano. Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [Video]

[thumbnail of ВВВ_ІСБ Відео-презент 1 Альб 1-2 кл із 4 альб] Video (ВВВ_ІСБ Відео-презент 1 Альб 1-2 кл із 4 альб)
ВВВ_ІСБ Відео-презент 1 Альб 1-2 кл із 4 альб.mov - Published Version

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The modern repertoire for teaching piano in the genre content of the author's works of composer, music teacher, teacher-methodologist II Stepanova-Borovskaya is the result of generalization of advanced international pedagogical experience in music education. The publication is addressed to teachers of music schools, art schools; methodologists of city, district associations; teachers and students of music schools, methodologists, teachers and students of continuing education, students of 1-2 grades of music schools and art schools. The works published by the author have found their supporters on Ukrainian and international sites of music publications, the number of which has long exceeded one hundred thousand. On the author's channel of II Stepanova-Borovska on YouTube ( there is also a pleasantly impressive number of views of the composer's works performed by her students, students of colleagues of the Nikolaev School of Arts №2 , students of other music schools, art schools of the city and all over Ukraine, students and teachers of music schools, institutes, universities, professional pianists with a conservative level of education is approaching 100,000 mark. In order to understand the pedagogical skills of a teacher-methodologist, it is necessary to get acquainted with the notes of works and videos of their performance. And only then it will become clear why hundreds and thousands of auditions thousands of times listening) focused on various genre works of the composer.

Item Type: Video
Additional Information: Спільний музично-дизайнерський проєкт Синтез музики, мистецтва і дизайну в творчому розвитку особистості учнів загальноосвітньої школи і дитячої школи мистецтв мистецтв міст: Миколаєва, Ізмаїла, Києва та інших міст України. #ВикторВдовченко #VictorVdovchenko #IStepanovaBorovskaya​ І. Степанова-Боровська 1-2 кл Альбом 1 із 4. Ювілейне видання до 10-річчя композиторської діяльності 418 переглядів
Keywords: Music design project; Synthesis of music, art and design; multifaceted creative development of the personality of students of secondary school and children's school of arts; Learning to play the piano in children's art schools; Teaching by means of pedagogical design to create presentations, videos; International presentation and advertising of music achievements and pedagogical design; International pedagogical experience; Dawn School of Music; International management of students Stepanova-Borovska II in Europe and Asia
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 7 The Arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport.
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > Department of Technological Education
Depositing User: ст наук сп Віктор Володимирович Вдовченко
Date Deposited: 14 Jul 2021 19:52
Last Modified: 14 Jul 2021 19:52


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