Бакуліна, Наталія Валеріївна (orcid.org/0000-0002-8970-2660) and Яковлева, Ольга Михайлівна (2020) Hebrew: a textbook for 3rd grade secondary schools . Видавничий дім "Букрек", м. Чернівці, Україна. ISBN 978-617-7770-80-9
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The textbook "Hebrew" for 3rd grade secondary schools was created in accordance with the new State Standard of Primary Education (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 24, 2019 № 688), the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (2016) and the new curriculum "Hebrew and reading for ZZSO with the Ukrainian language of instruction (grades 3-4) ”(NV Bakulin, I. Yu. Thales) (2019). The manuscript of the textbook in 2020 successfully passed the textbook competition and was recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (order of 19.05.2020 №655). The content of the textbook is adequately correlated with the number of teaching hours defined by the basic curriculum and program, and its content is based on personal and competency-based approaches to learning. The content of the textbook contributes to the achievement of goals and mandatory learning outcomes through a systematic presentation of program material, focusing on the parameters of educational and cognitive achievements of students, specific expected results, general characteristics of situational communication and the content of the second cycle. The developed content of the textbook is built in accordance with the content lines defined by the program ("Interact orally", "Read", "Interact in writing", "Investigate the media", "Investigate language phenomena") and types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing) . A characteristic feature of the textbook is the intra-subject and inter-subject integration of learning content. At the interdisciplinary level, the linguistic and literary components of the content of Hebrew language teaching are integrated, and at the interdisciplinary level - the interconnected teaching of the language, culture and traditions of the Jews of Ukraine and the world. This is realized through carefully selected literary texts of different genres and styles of socio-cultural and linguo-cultural content, as well as specially created educational texts that allow you to observe the functioning of language units in the test and visual material to them. The textbook is structured according to thematic-situational and text-centric principles. Students will find interesting material about the peculiarities of Jewish culture, about symbols and life, about prominent personalities of Ukraine and Israel. This material of the textbook will help to expand the worldview and foster intercultural awareness of junior high school students of multiculturalism and the interaction of the world around them. The proposed educational material has a positive effect on the formation of national identity, values, and contributes to the education of the citizen of multicultural Ukraine. To implement a competency-based approach to learning Hebrew, we have proposed such tools to increase motivation and development of cognitive activity as the creation of real communicative situations at an accessible level within the personal, educational and public spheres of communication for the formation of subject and subject competences. practice. The selected educational and illustrative material aimed at further development of all types of speech activity of students (listening, speaking, reading, writing), and also mastering of knowledge of language and formation of the language skills necessary and sufficient for improvement will promote increase of motivation to educational activity on a subject. and the development of students' speech skills and creative abilities, which increase cognitive interests, motivation to study the ancient and at the same time modern Hebrew language. The content of the textbook corresponds to the age and psychological characteristics of 3rd grade students. The selectivity of the perception of younger students will be supported by bright, appropriate-sized subject and plot drawings, understandable to children; Sustainability of attention is facilitated by tasks that do not require significant time to complete. The content of educational texts is based on the studied material, and new unfamiliar material does not exceed 15% of the total content, which contributes to the development of skills of forecasting and guessing. At the same time, the textbook contains educational material for repeated repetition and its application in new conditions. Active and passive vocabulary is additionally mastered through the use of moving games and physical education in the lesson with speaking (singing) of the relevant text, which contributes to the formation and health competence of students. The educational material of the textbook is varied with educational exercises and tasks for the organization of the educational process at its main stages (perception, memorization, application and evaluation). They form the apparatus of organization of assimilation of educational material. Thus, for each topic developed propaedeutic, introductory, training exercises, as well as tasks of creative, game and problem-searching nature, including logical workload, aimed at mastering the techniques of mental activity - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, differentiation, which allows for individual and differentiated approaches to learning in accordance with the individual abilities and cognitive abilities of students. For students to carry out independent learning activities in the textbook presents a large number of questions, exercises, tasks, examples of tasks of different types, interesting symbols for orientation in types and forms of activity, printing selections such as fonts, graphics and color, subject and plot drawings, illustrations, tables and diagrams will allow students to work with the textbook both independently and in pairs and mini-groups. The textbook develops speech and language tasks aimed at repetition, improvement and systematization of knowledge about the sounds and letters of the Hebrew language, to work with the lexical meaning of Hebrew words, with the word structure - root and ending (word form), as the basis of Hebrew grammar, its role for communication with other words, for the formation of the ability to recognize the genus by genitive endings, to remember some exceptions, to match words in the genus and number, to change the endings by questions. There is also educational material for acquaintance with the structure of sentences and their types, ways of their distribution by means of conjunctions and prepositions, for development of ability to use in speech sentences, different for the purpose of utterance and intonation, for activation of the knowledge structure, to determine the theme and main idea of the presented texts, to develop the ability to choose titles, to build their own texts from the submitted deformed. The textbook presents material for further development of oral skills - listening and speaking. This involves working with literary texts of various genres: fragments of fairy tales, poems, parables, short stories, as well as other dialogical and monologue texts of a larger volume than in previous classes. Based on this material, students will learn to listen and understand both the content of the text and determine its genre, theme, sequence of events, find sentences that contain questions, motivations and more. The material of the textbook is also aimed at developing students' ability to retell a listened or read text with a focus on the listener, to create dialogic and monologue statements on topics suggested and close to children, relevant to the program areas of communication. The selected material will contribute to the development of reading skills and abilities of students (read aloud correctly, fluently, in whole words, clearly; understand the content of what is read, get some information, etc.). The textbook also contains exercises and tasks to improve writing skills (consolidation of writing techniques, the ability to use the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in words, write and write words, sentences, write from the words of teachers or classmates, compare what is written on the sample, correct mistakes), for development spelling skills. In addition, students will learn to formulate and write questions on the content of the read text, collectively compose and write small texts on the picture and key words, a series of pictures, picture and questions. Students will learn to compose a postcard, note, announcement, e-mail and telephone message. One of the structural components of the textbook is the task for the implementation of various types of assessment (orientation (prognostic), diagnostic, formative, advanced, final), as well as for self-assessment, which will facilitate timely correction and objective assessment of intermediate and final learning outcomes. topics and activities, and in general. Also interesting and functional is the developed apparatus of orientation in the textbook, in particular the system of symbols, which orients the teacher and students to perform a particular type of activity. Illustrative material of the textbook acts as a source of information and a way of semanticization, an incentive for the development of productive speech, a support for listening-understanding, a means of testing knowledge and more. Some sections of the textbook were tested during the experimental training of students of 3rd grade of experimental educational institutions of Ukraine, which confirmed the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model of competency-based teaching of Hebrew.
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