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Psychological support for the education of different categories of adults

- Помиткін, Едуард Олександрович, Рибалка, В.В. (, Павлик, Н.В. (, Становських, З.Л., Ігнатович, Олена Михайлівна (, Заєць, Іван Віталійович, Шевенко, Алла Миколаївна, Татаурова-Осика, Галина Петрівна, Радзімовська, О. В., Жмурко, М.Д., Бастун, Микола Володимирович and Іванова, Оксана Вікторівна (2020) Psychological support for the education of different categories of adults Project Report. Імекс-ЛТД, м. Кропивницький, Україна.

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The collective monograph is devoted to the actual scientific and practical problem of modern adult education: development of a system of psychological support for the education of adults of different age (younger, middle and older adults) and social (students, teachers, androgogists, pensioners) categories. The content of the monograph will be of interest to psychologists, postgraduate students of psychological and pedagogical profile, teachers of higher education institutions and androgogists. The authors analyzed the theoretical principles of the concept of psychological support for adult education. The results of an empirical study of the psychological features of education of different categories of the adult population are presented. The first section is devoted to highlighting the theoretical and methodological principles of the concept of psychological support for education of different categories of the adult population, as well as determining the directions of psychological support for adult education used in foreign countries. The second section presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological features of education of different categories of the adult population. The third section presents innovative author's means of psychological support for the education of modern students, teachers, and pensioners, aimed at optimizing various vectors of personal development in adulthood (psychophysiological, gender, career guidance, career, characterological, spiritual, etc.) and preventing crisis states in professional personal development. Psychological support is designed to help both young people in their adaptation to the conditions of independent adult life, and more mature people in professional self-determination, actualization of personal resources, and overcoming professional crises.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information: ISBN 978-966-189-550-7
Keywords: psychological support, adult education, social and age categories of adults, personal and professional development.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 374 Education and training out of school. Further education
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education for the Adults > Department of Psychology of Labor
Depositing User: Олена Михайлівна Ігнатович
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2020 08:54
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2024 13:58


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