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Basic organizational factors of productive internet trainings' realization for communicative competence's development

- Назар, Максим Миколайович ( (2019) Basic organizational factors of productive internet trainings' realization for communicative competence's development Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Психологічні науки», 1. pp. 170-176. ISSN 2312-3206

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Forming of competence in the computer mediated and direct communication makes an important task for modern pedagogical and age psychology. Task's actuality is determined by permanent integration of information such as informative-communicative, network, multimedia etc. technologies in the different spheres of people's life, such as studies, professional activity, recreational activity, communication and so on. The results of the remote learning during internet training of communicative competence's forming and successful communication showed noticeable improvements in most participants in the field of communicative competence at comparison of indexes to beginning of studies and after it's completion. Today as a result of the conducted researches and internet training of communicative competence's forming and successful communication, in particular, and also other learning programs of modern information technologies of education's laboratory in virtual educational space, there are all grounds for the argued position concerning the presence of substantial educational-psychological possibilities in remote learning courses and employments carried out in network space of the Internet with the use of modern information-communicative and multimedia technologies. There are not doubts the process of optimization and perfection of such technologies have to proceed, as experience of their use yet is limited enough, and technological progress permanently changes the virtual context of learning due to introduction to everyday life of new information-communicative and multimedia developments or improvement of already existing developments. It became certain that realization of remote educational-psychological courses and employments in virtual educational spaces provides the most productive terms for development of communicative competence with the use of computer mediation. Internet trainings of communicative competence's forming can be recommended for using as a productive instrument of modern psychology and pedagogics which has considerable prospects and possibilities for subsequent development and involving in a practical area.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: trainings, network, Internet, communication
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of new information technologies of education
Depositing User: Mr Maxim Nazar
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2020 21:00
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2020 21:00


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