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Results of the study of the problem of professional selfdefinition of urban youth in the conditions of the educational district

- Морін, О.Л. ( (2018) Results of the study of the problem of professional selfdefinition of urban youth in the conditions of the educational district Теоретико-методичні проблеми виховання дітей та учнівської молоді (22). pp. 174-185. ISSN 2308-3778

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Морін О. Стат. у зб. наук. праць. ІПВ 2019.pdf

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The article is devoted to the examination of the results of the study of the problem of ensuring the professional self-determination of pupils in the educational environment. The work also outlines the regularities of the actions of the individual, the implementation of which contributes to ensuring the effectiveness of the process of professional self-determination, clarifies the essence of the definitions and conceptual provisions that reveal the specifics of the concept of professional self-determination of student youth. The author defines the concept of "professional self-determination of the person" as having a dualistic character, that is, on the one hand, it is defined as a process during which the decision is made on the choice of profession, professional formation and professional development of the individual, self-affirmation in society, search is carried out meaning, and on the other hand, is the result as a component of the life self-determination of the individual, the acquisition of her professional identity and the formation of the image of “I am a professional”. The paper presents the structure of the concept of "professional self-determination of the individual", criteria, indicators and diagnostic tools for determining the levels of the formation of this psychological personality formation. The ways of improving the content and pedagogical means of ensuring professional selfdetermination of students, enriching the educational practice of leading subjects of educational districts, create a professional orientation environment, which positively influences activization of the processes of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-development of pupils’ youth, which in the future will largely ensure growing demand for competitive and mobile professionals able to operate effectively in a modern labor market. To a certain extent, this will create the preconditions for removing social tensions in solving the problem of regional employment of the unemployed population. According to the author, the introduction of the pedagogical practice of the results of the research published in the article, in general, will contribute to the improvement of the process of education and development of the individual, will provide an opportunity to solve the problem of professional selfdetermination of a person qualitatively and effectively.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Professional self-determination, pupils’ youth, educational district, resource center of professional orientation.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Divisions: Institute of Problems on Education > Laboratory of Labor Education and Vocational Guidance
Depositing User: завідувач О.Л. Морін
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2019 08:04
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2019 08:04


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