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Theoretical foundations of social and pedagogical support of positive communication of children from families of internally displaced persons

- Сергєєва, Н.В. ( (2018) Theoretical foundations of social and pedagogical support of positive communication of children from families of internally displaced persons In: Особистість у просторі виховних інновацій: матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. Ін-ту проблем виховання НАПН України за 2018 рік . НАІР, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна, pp. 335-339. ISBN 978-966-2716-99-3

[thumbnail of 04_18_Сергєєва_Теоретичні основи соціально-педагогічного супроводу позитивного спілкування дітей із сімей вимушених переселенців.pdf]
04_18_Сергєєва_Теоретичні основи соціально-педагогічного супроводу позитивного спілкування дітей із сімей вимушених переселенців.pdf

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The article is devoted to the disclosure of the theoretical foundations of the accompaniment of positive communication of adolescents. The concept of "socio-pedagogical accompaniment" is described. Features of positive communication in adolescence are analyzed.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: social and pedagogical support, positive communication, adolescents
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.06 Social problems. Human contacts, relationships
Divisions: Institute of Problems on Education > Laboratory of Social Pedagogy
Depositing User: ст.наук.сп Т.Ю. Куниця
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2018 15:04
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2019 01:41


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