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Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of humane parent-child relationships

- Гончар, Л.В. (2018) Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of humane parent-child relationships Other thesis, Інститут проблем виховання.

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Dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Educational Sciences in specialty 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education. – Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2018. In the dissertation, a theoretical justification and experimental study of problems of forming humane relationships between parents and children of primary school and teenagers were carried out. The main approaches to the solution of this problem in the modern pedagogical science were identified. Analysis of philosophical, ethical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and scientific sources allowed to find out that a term "humanism" is a system multivariate concept, based on the unconditional perception of a person as the highest value, a leading link in a chain of the universe, their originality. It was actualized that the main condition for the humanization of interpersonal relations in the educational process is to create an optimal emotionally valuable atmosphere with leading the subjects of interaction to mutual understanding, cooperation and mutual assistance with absolute refusal from a pressure and violence. The essence of the concept of “humane parent-child relationships” as such bilateral dynamic subject-to-subject interpersonal relations, based on a synthesis of moral knowledge, motives, feelings, resulting in a conscious mutual emotionally valuable attitude of parents and children and steadily manifested in actual behavior was clarified. Components (cognitive, emotionally valuable, behaviorally active), criteria (knowledge and understanding about humane relationships; emotionally valuable attitude and desire to detect humane qualities in the interaction; a manifestation of humane relations in real life) and indicators were defined; levels (high, medium, low) of forming humane parent-child relationships were characterized. It was found that educational potential of a family has a crucial role in shaping the humane parent-child relationships in it. Its essence as a set of real and potential possibilities of socio-pedagogical self-organization of the family was clarified, which gives the opportunity to purposefully meet the needs of family members in the humanization of interpersonal relationships. Subjective factors in a composition of educational potential of the family that have the greatest impact on the humanization of relations between parents and children were characterized, including valuable and humane (psychological climate, valuable unity of the family members, child's perception, the presence of love and trust in relationships); communicative and emotional (character of intra-family communication, style of family education); competent (parental competence as an integrative characteristic of knowledge, feelings, parents actions towards child's upbringing); organizational and active (organization of family leisure, self-organization and joint activities of family members). Typical mistakes of parent-child relations were singled out: hyper care, redundancy in ensuring child's needs, inability to use methods of education (excessive strictness, demonstration of liberalism and permissiveness); lack of unity and consistency in views, educational actions and demands of parents. Classification of families, based on taking into account subjective factors of educational potential, was carried out as: consistently favorable families; mostly favorable families; occasionally favorable; unfavorable families. Structural and functional model of the formation of humane parent-child relations in the after-school activity of the secondary school was developed and substantiated. This model covers: targeting and motivational block (purpose and objectives); conceptual block (approaches, principles, patterns, structural components of humane parent-child relations); diagnostic block (criteria, indicators, levels of formation of humane parent-child relations); procedural block (meaningful and methodical support, forms and methods of work of a classroom leader with children of primary school, teenagers and parents), productive block. Pedagogical conditions of effective realization of this model were identified and justified: enrichment of cognitive, emotionally valuable and behaviorally active components of forming humane relations to parents from primary school children and teenagers in the extracurricular activities of the secondary school; increase of a parental competence in order to humanize parent-child relationships in the family; orienting classroom leaders of primary and secondary schools on the formation of humane parent-child relationships; coordination of educational positions of teachers and parents in forming the humane parent-child relationships on the principles of partnership; organization of joint cultural and leisure activities of parents and children of the primary school and teenagers aimed to strengthen humane relationships between them. Content and methodical implementation of the process of forming humane parent-child relations in the extracurricular activities in the school was developed and tested. It presupposed implementation of a program of seminars for teachers “Optimization of forming humane parent-child relationships”, a program of the extracurricular educational work “Steps to humanity in relationships” for primary school children and teenagers, a reflective training for teenagers “Parents and children”, a program “Raising humanity in relationships” for parents, a program of training for junior students and parents “Happy family”, a reflexive training for parents of teenagers “Understand yourself and your child”. Methodology of using in educational work with children specially selected role-playing games and exercises, staging situations, discussion of fairy tales, moral and ethical stories, debates and discussions, situations of moral choice; in work with parents - discussions, creative exercises, game exercises, discussion of problematic situations, listening to audio recordings of children's answers to questions of a psychologist (anonymous), group and individual consultations; in work with teachers – discussions-debates, lectures consultations, business games, discussions around a table, briefings, individual intramural and extramural consultations was revealed. Analyzing results of the research-experimental verification confirmed the pedagogical expediency and efficiency of the developed and tested structural and functional model of forming humane parent-child relationships in the extracurricular activities of the secondary school and relevant pedagogical conditions for its implementation.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Keywords: humanity, parent-child relationships, family, school, parents, children, primary school children, teenagers, structural-functional model, pedagogical conditions, extracurricular activities
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.06 Social problems. Human contacts, relationships
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Divisions: Institute of Problems on Education > Laboratory of Family Education
Depositing User: Альона Леонідівна Демянчук
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2018 10:07
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2019 20:54


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