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Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of humane parent-child relationships

- Гончар, Л.В. ( (2018) Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of humane parent-child relationships Masters thesis, Інститут проблем виховання.

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Dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Educational Sciences in specialty 13.00.07 – Theory and Methods of Education. – Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2018. In the dissertation, a theoretical justification and experimental study of problems of forming humane relationships between parents and children of primary school and teenagers were carried out. Based on the consideration of humanistic ideas in the historical and discursive context it was updated that a term “humanism” is a system multivariate concept, based on the unconditional perception of a person as the highest value, a leading link in a chain of the universe, their originality. Through the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical approaches to the humanization of the educational process, humanistic systems of education it was actualized that the main condition for the humanization of interpersonal relations in the educational process is to create an optimal emotionally valuable atmosphere with leading the subjects of interaction to mutual understanding, cooperation and mutual assistance with absolute refusal from a pressure and violence. It was revealed that each age period has its own characteristics that affect the humanization of the individual. A primary school age and adolescence is effective in this sense, each of them is characterized by a set of innovations that activate or inhibit the proper progress of the processes of formation of humane mutual relations to parents from a younger student or teenager. At the level of primary school age these innovations include: active development of cognitive mechanisms, dynamic mental representations, active development of self-awareness and self-esteem, instability of moral norms, the emergence of personal moral positions, the development of emotional decentration and systems of voluntary regulation, behavior, self-control, mediation activities and imagination emotions, the selectivity control emotional processes, etc. At the level of adolescence the primary innovations are: development of critical thinking, independence, expansion and deepening of interpersonal relationships, the ability to identify altruism, active development of the foundations of deliberate behavior, the formation of moral principles and social attitudes, the intensive formation of identity and self-esteem, growth of conflicts in the relationship, etc. Role of the family in the formation of humane parent-child relationships in contemporary social conditions was clarified, that essentially the family is the first school of child's humanization, the main center, in which the child learns culture, moral rules, and norms of interpersonal behavior, habits of individual and collective action, masters moral values and develops their own value orientations. Number of objective and subjective tendencies that are directly connected with structural changes in the modern Ukrainian family and determine the nature of its educational influences, the specific content, methods, and forms of education were defined, in particular, they influence the formation of humane parent-child relationships, namely: increase in the number of nuclear families, increase in single-parent families as a result of divorce, the mass distribution of the “marriage of faith”, the increasing number of external and internal migrants, the development of anomie (lack of understanding of parents about the current socio-adaptive strategies for education of children), civil society is actually at war. The main conceptual approaches to the study of parent-child relationships in the family were analyzed, which found that the most progressive views on the content of humanization and place of the individual in this process promotes the humanistic concept of education, which defines humanistic development of parent-child relationships, upholds the equality of teacher and student, an optimistic view of the child resistance to work with her on kind-hearted, trusting relationships. It is found that the educational potential of the family has a crucial role in the formation of humane parent-child relationships. It was clarified that it is the set of real and potential possibilities of socio-pedagogical self-organization of the family, which gives the opportunity to purposefully meet the needs of family members in the humanization of interpersonal relationships. Subjective factors in the composition of the educational potential of families that have the greatest impact on the humanization of relations between parents and children (values-humane, communicative and emotional competence, organizational activity) were characterized. Classification of families based on subjective factors of educational potential was carried out as: consistently favorable family; mostly favorable family; occasionally favorable; unfavorable family. The essence of the concept of “humane parent-child relationship” was defined as such bilateral dynamic subject-to-subject interpersonal relations, which are based on a synthesis of moral knowledge, motives, feelings, resulting in a conscious mutual emotional-value attitude of parents and children, which manifests itself steadily in real behavior. Three-component structure of the humane relationship between parents and children of younger school and teenage age, which includes cognitive, emotional value and behavioral activity components was determined. In accordance with the meaningful structure of the criteria and indicators of formation of humane parent-child relationships. Levels of development of humane parent-child relationships were identified and characterized as high, medium, low. Results of the ascertaining phase of the experiment showed an insufficient level of development of humane parent-child relationships in children of primary school and adolescents and their parents. It was witnessed that the greatest number of respondents from children (primary school and adolescence) refers to a group of an ambulates type (correlated with the average level of development of humane relations with parents). A large percentage were children, who were characterized by low levels of the studied properties (group an egocentric type). A relatively small number of children in age groups covered by the statement belong to a group of an ultracentrifuge type (corresponds to the high level of development of humane relations between parents from the primary school children and teenagers). Due to the diagnosis of the parents according to the certain criteria and components indicators it was established that the greatest number of parents of children of younger school and teenage age refers to “mostly favorable families” (corresponds to the average level of formation of humane parent-child relationships). Quite significant was the number of parents who in the aggregate results of the pedagogical diagnostics are “occasionally favorable families” (low level of development of humane parent-child relationships); the fewest number of parents belong to “consistently favorable families” (correlated with high level of formation of humane parent-child relationships). It was established that the reason for this is the presence of a number of deficiencies in family education of children and adolescence, namely: the presence of hyper - or hypo care over children, inability to solve conflict situations, the lack of a judicious combination of love and demands on the child, low level of parental competence, lack of educational and pedagogical potential, the existence of an authoritarian style of communication, inability to reasonably provide the functioning of the family, etc. A conceptual structurally functional model of the formation of humane parent-child relationships was developed, structural components of which were: climatically, conceptual, diagnostic, procedural blocks. Pedagogical conditions of formation of humane parent-child relationships were grounded and experimentally tested: enrichment of cognitive, emotional value and behavioral activity components of humane mutual relations of primary school children and teenagers with parents in extracurricular school activities; the increase of parental competence with the goal of humanization parent-child relationships in the family; orientation student leaders in elementary and primary schools on the formation of the humane the relations of children of younger school and teenage age with my parents; coordination of educational items to teachers and parents in shaping a humane parent-child relationships on the principles of partnership; organization of joint cultural and leisure activities parents and children of younger school and teenage age, aimed at optimization of humane relations between them. Enrichment of cognitive, emotional value and behavioral activity components of humane mutual relations of primary school children and teenagers with parents in extracurricular activities of general education schools due to the implementation of programs “Steps to humanity in the relationship” (separately for primary school children and teenagers). They consisted of four stages (steps) of formation of humane mutual relations of parents from the primary school children and teenagers in accordance with the allocated components of the concept of “humane relationship” on the part of children (cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and behavioral activity). To increase parental competence with the goal of humanization parent-child relationships in the family, a program called “Raising humanity in relationships with younger students” (16 topics, 4 for each grade of primary school) and “Raising humanity in relations with teenagers” (20 topics, 4 for each class of the primary school) was implemented in the work with parents. The orientation of class teachers in elementary and primary schools on the formation of humane parent-child relationships was realized through implementation in the pilot institutions of the program of the seminar “Optimization of the formation of the humane parent-child relationships” for teachers of pilot schools (class teachers, school psychologists, etc.). With the aim of optimizing the harmonization of the educational positions of family and school on the formation of humane parent-child relationships on the principles of partnership a technology involving parents and teachers to such interaction was developed. It included: diagnostic, task, organizational, active-corrective, reflexive stages. It was found that the most effective methods of educational work with children were role-playing games and exercises, role-playing situations and discussion of fairy tales, moral stories, reflection, game situations, debates and discussions, the situation of moral choice, preparation mini-program development and others. In work with parents such methods include: discussions, creative tasks, games, exercises, discussion of problematic situations, listening to audio recordings of the children's answers to the questions of the psychologist (anonymous), group and individual counseling, as well as use in family child's education personally-oriented technologies (create an emotionally enriched educational situations; organization of equal adult-child communication in terms of cooperation on the basis of beliefs; use of empathy as a psychological mechanism in the development of personality). The content of work with teachers has proven the effectiveness of such forms and methods as conversation-debate, lecture, consultation, business games, roundtables, briefings, individual intramural and extramural consultation. Scientific novelty of the results lies in the fact that for the first time a holistic theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of humane parent-child relationships based on the ideas of humanistic, personality-oriented, axiological, competence, system, subject-subject approaches; developed and substantiated the structural-functional model of formation of humane parent-child relationships in extracurricular activities of secondary school and pedagogical conditions of its effective implementation (the enrichment of cognitive, emotional value and behavioral activity components of humane mutual relations of primary school children and teenagers with parents in the extracurricular activities of secondary schools; increase in parental competence with the goal of humanization parent-child relationships in the family; orientation student leaders in elementary and primary schools on the formation of humane parent-child relationships; coordination of educational items to teachers and parents in shaping a humane parent-child relationships on the principles of partnership; organization of joint cultural and leisure activities parents and children of younger school and teenage age, aimed at optimization of humane relations between them); the criteria (knowledge about humane relationships; emotional-value attitude and desire to be humane qualities in the interaction; manifestation of humane relationships in real life) with corresponding indicators and levels (high, medium, low) of the formation of the humane parent-child relationships were implemented; – the essence of the concept “humane parent-child relationship” was refined as such bilateral dynamic subject-to-subject interpersonal relations, which are based on a synthesis of moral knowledge, motives, feelings, resulting in a conscious mutual emotional-value attitude of parents and children, which manifests itself steadily in real behavior; the structure of this phenomenon in relation to children of primary school and adolescents and their parents (cognitive, emotionally-valuable, behavioral activity components); the role of the family and the nature of its educational potential in the formation of humane parent-child relationships in contemporary social conditions as a set of real and potential possibilities of socio-pedagogical self-organization of the family, which gives the opportunity to purposefully meet the needs of family members in the humanization of interpersonal relations; it characterises factors of the educational potential of families that have the greatest impact on the humanization of relations between parents and children (values-humane, communicative and emotional competence, organizational-activity); – further development got positions about the potential of extracurricular activities of the school on the development of humane parent-child relationships; the content, forms and methods of formation of humane mutual relations of parents and children of younger school and teenage age. Practical significance of the obtained results consists in the development and introduction in practice of work of schools: a substantive and methodological support of the process of formation of humane parent-child relationships (programme of seminars for teachers “Optimization of the formation of the humane parent-child relationships”, the program “Marching to humanity in relationship” (separately for younger students and adolescents), the program “Educate humanity in relationships with younger students” (for parents of students grades 1-4) and “Raising humanity in relationships with Teens” (for parents of pupils of 5-9 classes), the training programme for primary students and parents “Happy family”); methodological manuals for teachers “Education of adolescents in single-parent family”, “Socially-pedagogical bases of prevention of domestic violence”, “the Formation of family values among students of secondary schools”, guidelines for teachers and parents “Counseling families”, “Parents and children: how to achieve mutual understanding”, “Education of children in families of different types”, “Parenting adolescents: lectures for parents; integrated methodology of pedagogical diagnostics of levels of formation of humane mutual relations of children of primary school and adolescents and their parents. The results of the study can be used to extend the content of the course lectures, practical and seminar lessons on educational subject “Pedagogy for family education”, “Psychology of family”, “Socially-pedagogical work with children from families of different types” and so on in institutions of higher education in the system of postgraduate education of pedagogical workers.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keywords: humanity, parent-child relationships, family, school, parents, children, primary school children, teenagers, structural-functional model, pedagogical conditions, extracurricular activities
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc.
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.06 Social problems. Human contacts, relationships
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Divisions: Institute of Problems on Education > Laboratory of Family Education
Depositing User: Альона Леонідівна Демянчук
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2018 10:04
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2019 09:04


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