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Compass in the world of precious child value orientations

Піроженко, Тамара Олександрівна, Ладивір, Світлана Олексіївна, Соловйова, Людмила Іванівна (, Карабаєва, Ірина Іванівна ( and Хартман, Олена Юріївна (2016) Compass in the world of precious child value orientations . Видавничий Дім "Слово", м. Київ, Україна. ISBN 978-966-194-255-3

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The book «Compass» for a senior preschooler child age (sixth and seventh year of life) devoted to the complex implementation of the tasks preschooler child age personal development, aimed at integrating the content of preschool education, realization of program tasks from various educational lines of the Basic component of preschool education, enrichment of purposeful work adults in relation to the formation of preschooler child age value orientations. The introduction of the book «Compass» for a senior preschool child age will help parents, teachers, psychologists in the development of child thinking, memory, emotions, communication and its ability to regulate its own behavior based on the establishment of a regulatory function of value orientation. For preschool children, parents, specialists in the field of pre-school education, scientists in the field of age and pedagogical psychology, practical psychologists, teachers of higher educational establishments, doctoral students, post-graduate students.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: value orientations, preschool child age the current social situation of the development, socio-cultural environment, educational space, value attitude, formation of personality, life competence
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of preschool age psychology
Depositing User: канд. психол.наук, ст. наук. співробітник Людмила Іванівна Соловйова
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2018 09:35
Last Modified: 18 May 2020 04:17


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