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Professional development of specialists in the adult education system: history, theory, technology: the program of the IInd All-Ukrainian Internet Conference on April 28, 2017

- Сидоренко, В.В. and Скрипник, М.І. (2017) Professional development of specialists in the adult education system: history, theory, technology: the program of the IInd All-Ukrainian Internet Conference on April 28, 2017 ЦІППО, м. Київ, Україна.

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The program of the All-Ukrainian Internet conferences on the problems of the professional development of the faculties in the system of high technologies. The subject of discusions at the outset is the phenomenon itself of the professional development of the Osvitanian, but it is sensitized by the day-to-day reform processes in the Ukrainian Suspilion and the spacious space. Інше коло коло feed стосуються самої nature formal, informal, informal information, yakі professionalі здійснють таку освіту. Досліджуються співвідношення інформаційних технологій та профессиональійного розвитку фахівця, accentuate at naukovyh розвідках respect on the problems of the psychologic backbone of proficient rozvitku фахівців. For teoretikіv i praktikіv osvіti grown, pratsіvnikіv vischih The Teaching zakladіv, organіzatorіv pіslyadiplomnoї pedagogіchnoї osvіti, sluhachіv kursіv pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії pedagogіchnih pratsіvnikіv, kerіvnikіv zagalnoosvіtnіh The Teaching zakladіv that SET sistemi zagalnoї serednoї osvіti methodically services usіh rіvnіv and takozh usіh hto tsіkavitsya power modernіzatsії vіtchiznyanoї formalnoї that informality has grown.

Item Type: Other
Keywords: The program, All-Ukrainian Internet conference, professional rozvitok, fahіvtsі, the system of osvіti dorrosl, osvіtyanin, osvіtnіy prostіr, formal osvіta, informal osvіta, Informal osvіta, informatsіynі tehnologii
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
Divisions: State institution of higher education «University of educational management» > Центральний інститут післядипломної освіти > Department of Philosophy and Adult Education
Depositing User: В.В. Левченко
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2017 15:58
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2017 15:58


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