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Usage of web-based technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students.

- Ястребов, М.М. (2017) Usage of web-based technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students. Dissertation candidate thesis, Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання.

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Thesis for the degree of candidate in pedagogical science, specialty 13.00.10 – Information and Communication Technologies in Education. – Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAPS of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2017. The main categories of the thesis have been analyzed; the role of web-based technologies in supporting health-keeping education has been defined; foreign experience in using web-based technologies to support health-keeping education and to prevent the negative impact of web-based technologies on health-keeping education of primary school students is characterized; the general methods of investigating the problem has been described; the state of health-keeping education of primary school students has been studied; the state of using web-oriented technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students has been analyzed. The general methodology of the research combines the interconnected stages of scientific search, which are subordinated to the target purpose. The key idea of the research is using web-oriented technologies for activating cognitive processes, developing creative skills and organizing interaction between all subjects of health-keeping education. The criteria, indicators and levels of the organization of health-keeping education of primary school students through the use of web-based technologies have been determined. In accordance with the theoretical analysis of the research problem and the results obtained during ascertaining experiment, it was found that the efficiency of using web-based technologies in health-keeping education depends on the level of IC-competence of the subjects of educational process to use web-based technologies in health-keeping education and availability of technological and network equipment. To determine the level of formation of IC-competence of the subjects of educational process to use web-based technologies in health-keeping education, three criteria were used: 1) formation of an axiological (value-directed) attitude of teachers and students to the use of web-based technologies in health-keeping education; 2) formation of the health-keeping competence of teachers and primary school students; 3) formation of technological skills to use web-based technologies in health-keeping education by teachers and primary school students. The model of using web-based technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students and the methods of training teachers to use web-oriented technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students are characterized. The development of the model was based on the integrating humanistic-technological and system approaches. The integrating humanistic-technological approach presupposes the combination of human resources (teachers, school administrators, students, parents, specialists) and network ones (Internet technologies, computer equipment, and software). The peculiarity of the system approach is that the organization of health-keeping education based on the use of web-oriented technologies is modeled as an integral structure taking into account the internal links between individual elements and the external links with other systems and objects. The thesis deals with carrying out the forming stage of the experimental research, the results of introduction of the author's model of use of web-based technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students and the methods of teachers’ training for its implementation, and the proposals for introduction of the author’s model and methods of teacher’s training. The forming experiment included two parts – laboratory and mass, during which the general hypothesis of the research was checked: the use of web-based technologies in health-keeping education of primary school students will be effective if all subjects of the educational process have IC-competence for using web-based technologies in health-keeping education and appropriate technological and network equipment will be available. In order to verify the findings and hypothesis of the research obtained during the forming experiment, a statistical analysis was carried out using the definition of the t-Student parametric criterion. The result of the statistical analysis showed that with a probability of 0.99 we can assert that the difference in the results of the forming experiment between the experimental and control groups of students is statistically significant.

Item Type: Thesis (Dissertation candidate)
Keywords: web-based technologies, health-keeping education, criteria, model, teachers, students, parents, primary school.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics > 004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing > 004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. User interface. User environment
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.09 Organization of instruction
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Divisions: Institute for Digitalisation of Education > Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Education
Depositing User: аспірант Микола Миколайович Ястребов
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2017 14:39
Last Modified: 18 Apr 2017 14:39


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