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Specificity of professional and language activity in the field of services sector (lingual-didactic aspekt)

- Бабій, І.В. (2014) Specificity of professional and language activity in the field of services sector (lingual-didactic aspekt) Вісник Прикарпатського університету ім. В. Стефаника. Педагогика (LI). pp. 128-133.

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The peculiarities of professional activity in the present-day services sector are examined in the article; the substance of the service activity key concepts, those of need and service, is also defined. The interdependence of the language and speech content of the future services sector workers and professional activity in the given field is grounded and analyzed, hairdressers taken as an example. Principal content aspects that provide professionally oriented study of the native language in vocational schools are brought out as follows: mastering professional vocabulary; acquiring a professional speech etiquette; selecting linguodidactic materials, methods and approaches aimed at developing the following professionally significant qualities of future service workers: sociability, empathy, reflection, creativity, aesthetic sensibility.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Services sector, professional speech, professional ethics.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 8 Language. Linguistics. Literature > 81 Linguistics and languages
Divisions: Institute of Vocational Education > Lviv's Scientifical and Practical Center of Institute of Vocational Education of National Pedagogic Sciences Academy of Ukraine > Нumanities Еducation Department
Depositing User: Молодший науковий співробітник Ірина Володимирівна Бабій
Date Deposited: 29 Sep 2014 10:01
Last Modified: 25 May 2018 07:28


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