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The system of research competencies of high school students at chemistry profile learning

- Нечипуренко, Павло Павлович (2016) The system of research competencies of high school students at chemistry profile learning Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія: Педагогічні науки, 7. pp. 83-90. ISSN 2076-586X

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Introduction. Based on the interpretation of learning research activities of students as a process of succession of its stages, which characterized by complication of methods of performing these activities, as the result are formed the new psychic structures – a research competencies, their formation and development is in the process of students learning research activities. Based on the characteristics of the examined research competence as the integral formation, the research competence of students which are forming and developing at chemistry profile learning can be divided into three groups. Purpose. Design the system of research competencies of high school students at chemistry profile learning. Methods. The main methods of problem investigation are: the theoretical analyze of problem field; the synthesis of initial set of research competencies, which included the 17 general research competencies, 17 research competencies in natural science and 24 research competence in chemistry; the expert evaluation of initial set for the purpose of selection and assessment of system components. Results. The link contains the text of a questionnaire aimed at identifying the most significant research competencies of students in chemistry profile learning. In a survey of 75 respondents participated, most of them (76,7 %) – the chemistry teachers (Expert Group 1). Another group of respondents (23,3 %) were scientists and university educators (Expert Group 2). The experience of the respondents were distributed as follows: less than 5 years – 12,3 % of respondents, from 5 to 10 years – 20,5 %, from 11 to 20 years – 23,3 %, from 21 to 30 years – 16,4%, from 31 to 40 years – 23,3 %, more than 40 years – 4,1 %. Originality. Theoretically grounded, designed and evaluated the system of research competencies of high school students at chemistry profile learning. Conclusion. Based on the expert evaluation the system of research competencies of high school students at chemistry profile learning was designed. The system contains a 3 groups of competencies: 6 general scientific competencies, 8 competencies in natural sciences and 15 chemical competencies which contribution to the formation of the system is 20,43 %, 26,53 % and 53,04 % respectively. Among the directions for further research deserves special attention rationale, design and experimental verification of methodics of using ICT as a tool of research competencies formation of students in chemistry profile learning.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Students’ research competencies, chemistry profile learning, expert evaluation.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education > 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 5 Мathematics. natural sciences > 54 Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Divisions: Institute of Pedagogics > The Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Education
Depositing User: Павло Павлович Нечипуренко
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2016 13:19
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2016 13:19


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