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The psychological phenomenon of «the death vallay of past experience»

- Лотоцька, Ю.М. (2014) The psychological phenomenon of «the death vallay of past experience» Science and education a new dimencion. pp. 184-189. ISSN 2308-5258

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This article is a brief of the issue of success anthology, the author developed the concept of success, argued a direct link of success with the activities of intelligence structures. Briefly described the main stages of the experiment "Psychology of life success and failure." The basis of the article is a description of the psychological phenomenon of "The valley of death of past experience" in personal transformations. We considered the algorithm described by Prochazka and Norcross, E. Kübler-Ross (adapted by Lototska) as a platform for management changes in adults. In the researching process of our experiment, it was noted that the most of our participants strongly passed the first three stages, some of them went out into the 4th stage and then back to the start again. After 14 months of pilot work, we confirmed that a new psychological phenomenon preceding the onset of changes was found. We divided the preparation stages for changes into three parts: the identification, awareness, change. We have identified and described seven stages of passing "The valley of death of past experience" - from the choice of idea- reference, to the consciousness - resolution: 1. «Idea» 2. «Quick win» 3. «Collapse» 4. «Fear. Back traction» 5. «Motivational escape» 6. «Awareness» 7. «Permission» The statistical data of the experiment, in which the results of "The valley of death" passing in the project "The psychology of life success and failure" is described in % in a sample "normal" (live and remote format) and a sample "mental disorders". And also data on the maximum recorded "The valley of death» among our members are presented in the article. The phenomenon also explains one of the reasons for unsuccessful transformations in adults. It is important to permit yourself to see, to reveal a contradiction that will cause another round of development, or to refuse, that is not to enter into the transformation. It is interested for us to research in details the characteristics of those who refused to enter the VD to work out the means of help and self-help.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: psychology of success, success, failure, the phenomenon. «The Death Valley of Past Experience»
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of new information technologies of education
Depositing User: PhD Iunona Lototska
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2014 18:34
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2014 07:27


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