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Индикативное оценивание готовности образовательных систем к введению профильного обучения

- Єльникова, Галина Василівна (2013) Индикативное оценивание готовности образовательных систем к введению профильного обучения Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка (5). pp. 13-19. ISSN 2223-5752

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The article considers the problem concerning readiness of educational systems to introduction of occupational training. Ukraine’s integration to international education scope demands from a human to consciously chose a future profession already when at school hence stipulating the necessity of profilization. It is guaranteed, first of all, by renewal of content and methods of educational system functioning for the purpose of increasing the readiness level to introduction of occupational training. Analytical review of references has testified that problems of pedagogical availability have been studied by home and foreign scientists but educational system readiness to introduction of occupational training has not been surveyed yet. The author proves the state of educational system readiness to introduction of occupational training that consists of availability of resources and conditions for its introduction. Indicative planning is revealed as an antipode of a directive one and as a worldwide spread form of economic development state planning at macro- and micro-levels according to specially determined indicators. To define educational system readiness to introduction of occupational training, a set of indicators used for monitoring implementation is singled out. According to results of the monitoring a complex analysis of a situation is realized and problem zones of educational system readiness to introduction of occupational training become apparent.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: occupational training, world systems readiness, indicative planning, readiness indicators, monitoring.
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 373 Kinds of school providing general education
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics
Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 3 Social Sciences > 37 Education > 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Divisions: Institute of Vocational Education > Laboratory of vocational education and training management
Depositing User: завідувач Марина Львівна Ростока
Date Deposited: 25 Dec 2015 20:50
Last Modified: 25 Dec 2015 20:50


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