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Discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment in the self-designing of a personality

- Зазимко, О.В. (2015) Discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment in the self-designing of a personality Актуальні проблеми психології, 9 (2). pp. 85-105. ISSN 2072-4772

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The article describes the discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment. Time transspective, unlike time perspective, is characterised by a time decentration and recreation of a human chronotope in terms of representation and significance of their own time and space in their worldview. Discursive practices, covering time transspective, contain the interpretation of experience not only from today’s perspective but also the past and future that is more conducive to the generation of their own life meanings in the construction of the original personal design. The study focuses on the discursive practices (comprehension, appropriation, interpretation and understanding) of the disclosure of meanings of events of one’s own experience and of the Other’s "revelation of meanings". It was found that the regeneration of the lost meanings ("distorted" and "prejudiced") and the generation of the new ones is intentionalised by emotionally intense experiences which can be classified as "moments of intensity". These experiences, which are different from the experience of consciousness, awake at the stop of thinking in a certain transspective point of experience. The way of meanings’ formation from the "moments of intensity" to the generation of discourse is accompanied by simultaneous and parallel practices of visualisation presentation. In the absence of their further actualisation (narrativisation), the author’s "hidden" meanings may remain unclaimed to the Other and not appropriated by the subject of their generation. It is noted that the discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment in a personal self-designing are intensively acquired in adolescence when a person becomes able to comprehend the variability of their own "I". Prior to adolescence the expansion of the guides of meanings in self-determination in the future takes its place due to the interpretation of social discourses perceived as different dimensions of space.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: discursive practices, personal design, transsperspective, transsperspective enrichment, "moments of intensity", adolescence, life experience, experience of the Other
Subjects: Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications > 1 Philosophy. Psychology
Divisions: Institute of Psychology after N.Kostiuk > Department of cognitive psychology
Depositing User: науковий співробітник Л.П. Яковенко
Date Deposited: 16 Nov 2015 10:27
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2018 07:28


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